I've really got the bug again,as the Rev Spooner would have put it "the tit between my beef". I rose this morning full of the joys of Spring and couldn't wait to get going.
My fave Commercial, a swim I love and a renewed and revised approach. Having fed the garden pond fish on micro pellets (1 and 2mm) and a handful of 6mm Dynamite Strawberry pellets, they went absolutely crazy for the strawbs. Duly noted.
Preston Response Carp pole and some rigs I'd tied myself, 2g Preston Tyson float to 8lb main down to a Middy 14 on 5.9lb trace. Having built up a substantial collection of pellets over the years, I'd poured some different types into a bait box, including the strawbs, 6mm white choccy dumbbells and 4mm and 6mm halibuts. I also had some 8mm coconut flavoured meat to try out.
Upon arrival, I potted in a half pot of mixed micros and kicked off with a banded strawb. The wait was not long but, sadly, neither was the cause - about 5 inches of skimmer. One more than the SKipster this season - big up to me!!
A few Christmases back, I'd been bought a fishing diary which, to be absolutely honest, was an awful piece of work - as though the writer had never held a rod. That said, it did have one interesting wrinkle. There was a catch recording page which listed carp, bream, roach and "others". About perfect for this fishery so I decided to use it. That and a hand held clicker that Pete (on here) suggested I buy. They were so cheap I ended up with three so went the same route. Click! Next! Pete was a top flight matchman and these were well used but I just wanted them to ensure my little report here remained accurate.
The rushes opposite me began to rustle and move quite violently at times and the birdlife was also minded in other directions, the number of birds flying over with beaked building materials was quite noteworthy.
The carp were obviously a bit slower today or still a tad pellet averse as a roach of 4oz was next up.
Switching to white choccy, my next bite brought in what I first thought was a crucian, I'd never caught one from here or even heard them mentioned so I actually phoned the on site shop only to be told that it was almost certainly a brown goldfish as there were a few - an unusual catch but no coconut (apart from the luncheon meat, anyway).
Things, albeit being March, were slow and a mirror around a pound and a half was it on white.
A switch to coco-meat raised my concentration levels and my hopes. With good reason, it seemed. Three quick carp, 3lbs, 5lbs and a real battling munter around 8lbs but, sadly, with much mouth damage. That saddens me so much and if non anglers saw it, it wouldn't win too many votes.
I stuck on the meat and after coffee and another 4oz roach on the top four, went back to the far bank to find a bream in the region of 1lb 12oz.Two more carp around 2lbs apiece and then.....oh, wallow, what was this?
A proper old, elastic stretching battle ensued and it was some time, a good few minutes before I could contemplate breaking down to the top four. Whatever this was, it wasn't coming in willingly. Equally true to say it wasn't coming in at all. I got down to the top four and this only seemed to ratchet things up, the fish dived into a nearside weedbed, I dragged it out, it dived straight back in - this happened three or four times before back out into open water. I thought it must be a decent carp but to my astonishment, and pleasure, a barbel around 4lbs fell into the net. Nice result. Enjoyed that.
Another celebratory coffee and top four brought a fab bite but I missed it and, fortunately, myself with the jettisoned coffee.
Back out on the meat and another couple of carp, one around 1lb and one twice that.
I'd obviously got the coffee bug today as I went top four with a third cup to hand and it was whilst drinking, contemplating life, watching an RAF helicopter go over and just enjoying things, the float dipped dramatically, with a perch of some 6oz being the culprit.
Back out and a couple more carp, 3lbs and a 5lb battler, both mirrors.
The current future ex then texted to remind me I'd promised to go shopping at Morrison's and, to be fair, she did have a point as it needed doing so I packed up after an enjoyable day but, like Binks, I couldn't help wishing the river season comes around again soonest. Still, stillwater or not, a barbel's a barbel I told myself.
I got home to be asked how I'd done and I spouted about the barbel. Trying not to look bored, she mentioned that it was steak and chips for supper - if we bought some chips. Good enough. Not a bad end to a fun day.
Laters, Taters