No frost here in Herts this morning, probably due to the bitter NE wind and cloudy skies. Club jobby on the GUC near Tring and a walk off. 12 fishing and I drew 12

mg: but was amazed when everyone walked away from the narrow peg by the bridge?
By 10am and the all in the cloud had vanished, it was blue sky and bright sunlight with a strengthening wind blowing through the arch on the bridge...
I started off fishing squatt down the middle in 5' of water, had 3 bites in 3 hours, 3 mini gudgeon in the net..where were the perch which usually dominate this peg?
Decided to change tack so stuck another 2 sections on the pole, a punch rig, and fished hard across. First bite a small roach, then a better one. Cupping in liquy after each boat went through the roach kept coming, the dipping sun and lower light levels got them feeding. So far the bites had been very tentative, even with the fine bristle dotted right down it barely went under, just a very slight bob or tweak and I was lifting and connecting with them. When the float did eventually fly under my 3 elastic made its first proper appearance, a very welcome skimmer in the net lifted my spirits no end. After that it was roach, roach and more roach, all swingers but plenty of them.
Come the whistle at 3pm I was first to be weighed in. 2lb:15oz which I felt was a reasonable weight for the horrendous conditions, it barely reached 3 degrees all day and with the wind chill I doubt it was far off 0...
Back at the car I was packing my gear in and changing my boots when the organiser walked up and dropped my winnings in the back of my car.
I had won comfortably, 2nd had 1lb:2 and 3rd 8oz...
Happy days...