How did you get on?


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2013
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Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread last year, I’ve really enjoyed it

I might even join in when I get the chance to wet a line

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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First trip of 2018. The weather man said the gales would subside at 10 AM and they actually did in these parts.
Stayed on my local lake and had just one run from a 7lb essox.
It was just nice to be out on the bank. Very mild. Had to take my jacket off.

Bit of a social occasion as it turned out with many members just venturing out for a walk round the lake....just to make sure its still there it seems. :wh


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
This was to be my first full day out for a couple of months, well that was the plan and everything was going well in the morning, the river was up, the fishing was good and i'd had some nice chub and quite a few dace before stopping for lunch in a swim I call the clearing. One of the few places in a busy park where you are left to your own devices and even nature had provided a platform for my gear so I needn't worry about dogs using my bag as a toilet. It felt good to be out.


Sitting in the shallows picking off dace and small chub after lunch suddenly the wind came out of nowhere and from it being dead still and calm a noise blasted through the trees as if a train had been derailed from the nearby tube line. The wind was bouncing the trees from side to side and i'd never seen anything like it, it was like some invisible giant was running through the woods towards me, like in a 'made for tv' children's adventure the likes of which you see over Christmas. The gale died down as soon as it came although it was a portent of things to come as the winds later picked up again and became consistently blowy, I thought storm Eleanor or whatever her name was was well passed so not sure what this one was, but she seemed quite angry. Trouble was by now I was in the woods but i'd only gone down to clear some of the mess from the trees, four floats and three lures is some going for a short stretch so someone had to clear it up. This had distracted me from the fact the wind was increasing quite a bit.

In between I fished a few spots before the wind got a bit silly, I remember saying to myself "I don't fancy this" and looking up I could see the tree I was under was propping up another. A strong gust came and I've never had fear grip me like this, something was telling me run!! and boy I did, I turned around expecting one of the trees to be toppling but it was surreal as a branch the width of my leg fell directly down exactly where I was previously standing, bouncing off the deck and landing in two pieces on my rucksack and new net that I got for Christmas. I legged it back to get my gear, waded back across the river and packed up there and then, making sure I walked back via the road to the car park, to avoid the woods

I've fished a few risky spots in the past but I must admit the 'what ifs' are kicking right now, stay safe out there folks :thumbs:
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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Arriving at the canal at 9am this morning I was met with a scene of calm serenity.


Having seen the forecast I knew the wind would be getting a bit fierce later so I was glad to have a tall hedge behind me as a windbreak. To avoid any expensive mishaps I left my pole at home, set up a bomb rod and a waggler rod.


Started off on the bomb and maggot across to the moored boats opposite, usually a good spot for skimmers but not today apparently. Waggler halfway across found a few fish but all very small.

By lunchtime it was blowing a mega-hooly, some of the gusts must have been 50mph+. My light waggler set up became like a kite in front of me, however hard I tried it simply wouldn't swing in towards me when I needed to rebait. Although no mishaps occurred I'd had enough and packed up.


At least the dreaded blank was avoided...


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I clicked the like button Rob but understand your concerns! Very very windy here today as I stated earlier on another post! It feels much worse than storm Eleanor and I have only driven and walked in it!:rolleyes:

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Given that the Severn and Wye were up a few metres.....If the water temp was anywhere decent it would have been the river. It wasn't - nudging 6°.hoping for 8°.

Off to a local lake, first couple of hours not a touch on the maggot waggler. Changed up to size 10 hook and large lump of flake, still feeding maggots and walnut sized mashed bread.

Finally a bite and a fiesty common about 4lb putting a bend in the hardy 14fter.

Wind was blasting through by now, having to hold the rod to stop it blowing off the rest all the time. Also swung round a bit and no longer on my back.

Bit like fighting a war, but slowly bites increased so at least some sport with carp every half hour or so to around 9lb best. All pretty fully scaled golden commons.

No idea where the normally prolific roach rudd and perch were on the maggot earlier?

A tough day battling the elements. Awarding myself a gold star for effort and for no longer stir crazy.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
I clicked the like button Rob but understand your concerns! Very very windy here today as I stated earlier on another post! It feels much worse than storm Eleanor and I have only driven and walked in it!:rolleyes:

Must have been her angry sister - Storm ' For crying out loud you only care about Eleanor, what about me? All i hear is Eleanor this Eleanor that, tell you what I'm gonna dump some wood on Rob's head, although no one would notice the difference, typical man, don't talk to me, you don't know what it's like'

Come to think of it could have been my ex throwing stuff at me, her name begins with an 'F' :)


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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I hope to be on the bank later. Levels are dropping and I hope to find river in good fettle for some roach. Session on tuesday brought a dozen decent fish up to 1.5 lbs. All on legered bread. Tried the float for a bit but couldn't make it work then. Maybe today.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Got a text from Rob (artist) this morning, he was on the canal. Coincidentally I was fairly close by so I headed down there.
After witnessing him catch a few gudgeon, roach and a skimmer something a bit better took his wagg and magg set up.




Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
On another planet
Got a text from Rob (artist) this morning, he was on the canal. Coincidentally I was fairly close by so I headed down there.
After witnessing him catch a few gudgeon, roach and a skimmer something a bit better took his wagg and magg set up.



Not much more to add as I moved soon after Simon left, as the wind there became unbearable, not so much due to it's ferocity compared to recent times rather it just being flippin cold. The other side of the bridge was more sheltered and had a few more bits but quit after losing what felt like a pretty good perch. That's usually the kiss of death for the perch action for a while and a warm cup of tea was more enticing than getting them going again, so it was off home to warm the legs up.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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After reading some of the previous posts that mention weather, I am feeling lucky here.
I had an exploratory outing today to some spots on a club card I have never visited.
Although it drizzled most of the day it was mild and the wind was very light.

The third venue was a real gem which I shall return to soon. A delightful small river with rushes lining the bank and easy access.
Looking at the banks I doubt it sees much attention being miles from anywhere.
Only slight flow despite the major rivers nearby running high and brown.

Unfortunately I only had the last hour on this little river and one small pike that came adrift but it looks like good potential.

An interesting and informative day.

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Pre dawn start on the reservoir after pike,spitting with rain so the brolly was the first bit of tackle to see any action.Three deadbaits cast out at varying distances,sit back with a coffee and await daylight.The level had risen from Mondays trip where the only run resulted in the pike shaking its head and falling off,about another foot and it will be completely full.Plenty of grebes and two pairs of goosanders,too windy for buzzards but did spot a kestrel hovering in the blustery wind.Had a stop/start run on the right hand rod which revealed a pike of around 7lb,the bait - a sprat.Its colours were washed out as all fish are when the water is muddy then misty squalls of rain descended so it was pack up quickly and leg it.


I suppose I should offer up the bad with the good and let you know that yesterday was a complete waste of time :eek:mg:

I headed off straight after work and was fishing the river by 8:30am... And it looked horrible!

High and rising which I quite like but with the colour of tea which I don't like, with a bitterly cold n'easterly right in my mush and a hail storm just for good measure.

In short, I quit the mud fest after just a couple of hours as I didn't need another six to tell me that I was on a hiding to nothing and whilst I'm normally content to sit there regardless, it was damned uncomfortable.

Roll on Spring, it's just around the corner now... :w


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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A friend had been curious about the little brook I'd mentioned, so I'd agreed to show him where I'd been fishing as most of of our usual winter places have been wiped out by the weather. We got a merciful respite from the rain, but a heavy frost didn't do much for the prospects and the wind was icey. The derelict canal nearby remained frozen throughout, and the brook was coloured and running off hard.

We started at about 12, and by 1.30 we agreed it had been very enjoyable but....... My friend caught a couple of perch on stick float and worm, and I had one bite on bread with a bit of mashed bread for feed. Only small, but as pretty a little chub as you could hope to see.


I didn't even open the tub of worms. I thought I might use them tomorrow. I notice now tomorrow is set to be colder, with an easterly wind. Oh well.
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ian g

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire
Llangollen Canal

Lazy start for me and dad's taxi duty meant I would be limited choice wise. I headed to the bottom pound but a guy was already fishing the pole and netting a decent roach as I arrived. Back up to the top end. I fancied the 2nd pound but a guy was pike fishing there , I helped him unhook a deep hooked jack pike and had a chat . Finely at around 11.30 I set up in the top pound. Fished light with a small stick float and maggots as bait , slow going but pleasant enough in the sun , I'd forgot what it looked like :D. I was holding back hard but gave the trot through a go and the float dips and I hook a nice dace around 6 oz . I thought that will do , I'd be happy to catch a few of them but it was not to be. Spent an hour or so bite less , the top pound is weird with hardly any silver fish about , I tried putting out a worm on my livie rod but still struggled . My new mate moved from the 2nd pound so I had a dabble there and caught 6 gonks one after another so back to the top pound putting a livie out , it roamed and dipped a few times but you cigar. Last gasp I put a worm on the float rod and soon had a bite , a perch of about 10 oz . Jacked in to pick my lad up . I'll have to get up early next time and bag the bottom pound.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Pool for me today cold as heck but better than sat round watching the box

Got there about 09:30 to find the pool frozen over with between 1/4 and 1/2 an inch of ice all over so set about breaking and removing some of it got me a hole aout 30 or so feet round to fish in back to the car to allow it to settle after all the noise .

Got fishing and nibbles almost instantly but nothing to hit must have been real tiddelers wound up with 2 roach maybe 5 to 8 oz each thoght that it enough packed up back home .

PG ...

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Went to the lake I had a few commons on mid week.

Iced margins. NE breeze. High Pressure.

Can't think of any other excuses or any real reason why I went:rolleyes:


peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
No frost here in Herts this morning, probably due to the bitter NE wind and cloudy skies. Club jobby on the GUC near Tring and a walk off. 12 fishing and I drew 12:eek:mg: but was amazed when everyone walked away from the narrow peg by the bridge?



By 10am and the all in the cloud had vanished, it was blue sky and bright sunlight with a strengthening wind blowing through the arch on the bridge...
I started off fishing squatt down the middle in 5' of water, had 3 bites in 3 hours, 3 mini gudgeon in the net..where were the perch which usually dominate this peg?
Decided to change tack so stuck another 2 sections on the pole, a punch rig, and fished hard across. First bite a small roach, then a better one. Cupping in liquy after each boat went through the roach kept coming, the dipping sun and lower light levels got them feeding. So far the bites had been very tentative, even with the fine bristle dotted right down it barely went under, just a very slight bob or tweak and I was lifting and connecting with them. When the float did eventually fly under my 3 elastic made its first proper appearance, a very welcome skimmer in the net lifted my spirits no end. After that it was roach, roach and more roach, all swingers but plenty of them.

Come the whistle at 3pm I was first to be weighed in. 2lb:15oz which I felt was a reasonable weight for the horrendous conditions, it barely reached 3 degrees all day and with the wind chill I doubt it was far off 0...


Back at the car I was packing my gear in and changing my boots when the organiser walked up and dropped my winnings in the back of my car.


I had won comfortably, 2nd had 1lb:2 and 3rd 8oz...

Happy days...