A few outings for me to catch up and report back on...
Firstly, a week yesterday, I was in full on perch mode on my newly discovered virgin water.
No platforms here...
Despite the heavy artillery and a very targeted approach I failed to find the specimens that I'd spotted during my recce a week or two earlier but I did manage a couple of juniors so at least it avoided a blank.
Sunday saw me on what I now call my old club water, I say old because of the ruin that has become of it after tipping carp after carp into it but I thought I would give it another go.
I went with a tiny black cap feeder with chopped worm and maggot and shortly after chucking out around went the tip which resulted in a clone common of around 8lb.
I returned the fish, packed up and went home!

Some welcome light relief during the week when I met up with nottskev and mikench during the evening and we shared a very pleasant night eating an al fresco Indian on Kev's very nice back garden whilst discussing all things fishy... Cheers fellas, a very pleasant time and sanity restored.
Which brings me up to this weekend...
I originally planned to get out yesterday but after a flurry of jobs around the house and garden I decided to relax at home and instead give today a try.
We had some heavy rain during the night which seems to have shifted the forecast ahead, from what was originally overcast and around 13° to a very pleasant and sunny 19°.
No need for any early start as I was two minutes from home on my new club water, it very much reminds me of the old farm pond type of lakes…
The feeder stream, which runs alongside and holds some wild brownies, looked quite tempting too but I resisted the urge…
Is it just me or can anyone else see, in their deepest imagination, the golden flanks of a barbel twisting over that sunlit patch of gravel?
My approach was almost a carbon copy of last time with the 13’ light float rod and ‘pin, size 22 barbless spade end whipped to a 1.3lb bottom but this time I went with the baby brother of the float I used last, taking just 2 x no.6 and a couple of no.10 droppers…
The other slight difference was that I went with live krilled reds as opposed to deads and I didn’t bother with any groundbait at all.
Again it was the small, swinger roach to show first but this time around the bream were on it in no time at all with a fairly decent stamp size…
To cut to the chase and by the close of play this afternoon I reckon I’d had around 65lb – 70lb of bream, close to double figures of swinger roach with the odd netter chucked in for good measure and a couple of pounds of bit perch and all for the sake of a pint and a half of maggots.
Exactly as per last time I lost a carp again and to the more unlikely hook pull rather than a break on such light gear but it didn’t wreck the rig this time…
I had a couple of pike with me all day, cunningly waiting for me to return the small roach and it was a bit of a run around to keep them guessing on which side of the swim the next one would be released but, despite the numerous swirls, I reckon the roach came off better on appregate.
I’m really enjoying this water and looking forward to seeing what it has to offer as the season progresses :w