A couple more sessions for me to catch up on.
Following my red letter day on the Perch the other weekend I thought I would return to the same water but I’d used all of my worm on the previous session and I wanted to see if they were as obliging with the pint or so of leftover maggots which I still had.
I caught, but not at anything like the rate that the more targeted worm approach brought although the fish were still of a good size…
I actually had one substantially larger than that but he gave me the slip by making good his escape over the rim of the landing net whilst I rested him up with a view to getting a quick pic or two

I then had another session on a different and more familiar water, and I was back to a full on worm approach in a deep water swim with one of the slider bobbers that I had recently completed…
There were weather warnings in place for torrential downpours and whilst the session began nice and dry you could always tell it was going to come at some point but I wasn’t expecting anything like the kind of rain that fell!
I’ve fished in many a torrential downpour but none which went on relentlessly for a good forty five minutes or so and which at times made it difficult to see even a bobber right off the rod tip…
Definitely one of those times when you sit there and wonder if you need your head examining?
I was a couple of hours into the session by this time and Mr Perch was conspicuous by his absence, there had been a few distant rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning but when an almighty rumble crashed right over head, followed by a 'tzzzz-crack' sound nearby, I decided it was time to head for the car until the worst had passed.
Right on cue, and just in case the lightning didn’t strike me… The curse of the carp did!
As I went to lift the rod to take the rig out of the water the float, practically in the same instant, sailed away and it was obvious it wasn’t a Perch so I now found myself in the precarious situation of a lengthy battle whilst waving fifteen feet of carbon around in an electrical storm


I was fishing a 3.3lb flouro bottom so I had a bit of insurance but there was no way I would be rushing things.
All ended well although I’ll admit to clenching my butt cheeks on more than a few occasions as the thunder continued to rumble overhead and the fish turned out to be quite a nice, brassy looking common…
Not the target species but I can’t honestly say that I was in any way disappointed with that, or the others which followed up until I packed away at dusk.
I’m starting to turn my mind now to a week on Saturday and the start of the river season, I’m really looking forward to getting back on some running water and all the diversity which it offers… :w