Okay, you asked for it...
The weather continues to play silly bu$$ers with one very cold day followed by one that felt more like Spring ! I don't really know how this (almost daily) considerable change in temperature really affects fish, but on this occasion I caught more on the cold day which reached a max of 6 degrees....Yesterday at noon it was 14 degrees in South Bucks.
Red maggot, (along with the occasional fish on hemp at midday) continues to catch, but the bites seem to be getting very finicky with lots of dips of the float and then nothing. This can be followed by a really positive 'take'..
Continual changes in set-up ended up with 99% of the shot under the float and only two dust down the line which helped, I think, make the bites more positive. Depth is also a problem as taking the odd fish a foot off bottom can be followed by one when fishing well over depth, and then by one up in the water. I've stopped feeding loose hemp and just use a dropper to get a few maggots down quickly, (in an effort to make them feed at one leve)l and yesterday this seems to have worked - I will test this again this morning, but either way it does keep me busy and focused...
Yesterday I had a roach of a lb (not too bad for the water!) and I can honestly say I just knew it was a better fish just from the bite it gave. The float top was sitting 3/4" above the surface (to help with vision) and it just sort of, sank, oh so slowly until it was level with the surface.......almost in slow motion in a way..
Perch, attracted by the red maggs, became a problem toward the end of the session but even 10" jobbies are welcome as the bites slowed to a stop with the roach.
This morning I might just try a bit of Sensas Black in one side of the swim and try flake over the top, although this particular bait seems to have lots it's attractiveness over the last two weeks or so, which is a pity as I love using it !
Anyway, I'm off in 45 mins, so better get the kettle on for the flasks.................Looks like another fine day !!!