How did you get on?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
i had a lot of bats colliding with my rod tip and decided to call it a day.

Dave you need a replacement last eye on the rod which issues very high frequency sound which warns the bats of your presence and tells them to clear orf while Dave is lure fishing in the fading light! Feel free to market my idea!!!!:rolleyes::)


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2017
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Nr Uttoxeter
I was invited to go and fish for silvers on a premium Carp lake controlled by the club, so duly arranged to meet up with the bailiff who let me in and gave me a keepnet. The idea being if I caught any they would be transferred to the lake I normally fish, which is a few hundred yards further up the lane. I chose a swim and setup, the heat on Thursday was incredible, I made sure my maggots were in the shade, as a few days earlier I had 2 pints of maggots boiled because I left them out in the sun.

First hour I had a scant few bites, a nice Roach lost due to wriggling off the barbless hook, I was beginning to think this was a bad idea. Loads of big carp just wafting around under my rod tip, and a huge shoal of fry on the surface moving from left to right in front of me. A change of tactics was needed, put a waggler on the other rod, fished around four foot depth, over to the far bank, kept feeding a few maggots at a time, then bam my first fish a Perch, the re cast float settled and another bite this time, and a nice Roach came in. Spent the next few hours catching some fine fish, with one ir two close to the pound mark.

Bailiff duly arrived around 5:30 anxious to see the catch, he asked me how many I had caught, not sure I said, but they're all fine fish. I don't think he believed me, expecting to see a boatload of smaller fish. Anyway duly lifted the net out and was suprised at the weight, I reckon getting on
20 pounds. I caught 31 in all, and had lost several more that dropped off the hook.
IMG_2806 copy.jpg


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2018
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Friday, Lymm Dam: Fished the same spot as Tuesday - wanted to see if I could get my drag knob back as much as anything. The water wasn't clear enough so I didn't get it back but the new one arrived from Daiwa while I was out fishing, some brownie points for Daiwa being quick.

Much the same tactics as Tuesday and much the same results although not quite as busy. I wanted to have a go on the long line with bread flake so put a 14s hook on but it wasn't getting any results so switched back to the 18s catching off the bottom early and shallow after an hour or so. All good sized Roach though nothing spectacular. Just one skimmer would have been nice for a change but it wasn't to be, wrong place for the conditions I suspect.

I'll just add on Tuesday they wouldn't even look at corn. Friday I picked quite a few up on corn.
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Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
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Another hour session, first 2 swims yielded a chub on meat.



Saw a pair of decent perch on a patrol route, i need some worms.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
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s63, I have just had another look at your rudd photos. They are fantastic fish but I'm not jealous - yes I am! I would love to catch a 2lb rudd!


Aug 31, 2014
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s63, I have just had another look at your rudd photos. They are fantastic fish but I'm not jealous - yes I am! I would love to catch a 2lb rudd!

Thanks Peter, I’m very lucky to have a local water that holds such wonderful Rudd.
The bar has now been raised.... 3lb.:eek:mg:


I seem to have dropped on just nice this afternoon, after stopping off for a farmhouse loaf and a tin of meat I was fishing by 4.30 pm and I enjoyed five or six hours up until dusk.

The meat was never intended to be used, more of an insurance policy in case I couldn’t keep the crust from drying out in the heat as, unlike the usual pellet and meat, I’ve always done well with it during the low water/hot weather combination and the river was as low as I’ve seen it and so I headed for depth, shade and a bit of flow.

The rig was hardly anything sophisticated with a heavy swivel joining the long hooklink to the mainline, heavy enough so as to pin the line down and then a single swan shot lightly pinched on two inches from the size 6 hook, I did experiment with a couple more swan shot at certain points but I don't really think they made any difference.

A good lump of crust was the bait and I deliberately avoided putting in any feed as I've found it will often spook them in these conditions.

I didn’t really expect much to happen before an hour or two into the evening but I had a steady pull over on the second swing in which resulted in a Chub of around 3lbs and the next put in after that saw a classic three foot twitch which resulted in a decent Barbel…


I had three more over the next few hours in addition to this one which is my first double of the season…


I'd like to meet that one again at the back end of the season.

Another one right on the last cast (for the second week running) made it six Barbel and a Chub, all of which contributed to a very pleasant first day of my holidays.

Costa Del Trent here I come... :w


Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
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Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
After missing a couple of matches with blood clot in leg. I decided to give todays match a try, With the idea being if leg starts to ache I can come home with the venue being around 15 minutes away, The venue was one that I took Mikench on an now he will more than likely end up paying council tax there, He is Never off it, Anyway I digress, I drew peg 5 which incidentally was a couple of pegs away from where Mike and myself fished, I set 3 pole rigs up, A maggot rig with size 20 hook to 8 solid elastic on side puller, deep 4x14 rig with size 14 hook on 13h elastic again on side puller for use with meat, corn or bunch of maggots, and a margin rig, Small Drennan dibber with a couple of stotz to cock it and a 16 Guru QM1 hook with quickstop attached, At the all I potted a few maggots down the track at 5 metres, a few pieces of meat that had been soaking in Sonubaits F1 liquid flavouring at the end of the track at 9 metres, and some 4mm Robin Red pellets with a golf ball size of soaked 2mm pellets,also Robin Red. I should mention I drew the golden peg With a 100 quid riding on it, I also set up an old Silstar Diaflex 7' bomb rod with xsafe method feeder. I started off on the maggot rig and was plagued with suicidal roach that Gillete and Wilkinson Sword would be proud of, The were like razor blades with fins and eyes,
I thought 100 quid or not, I wasn't going to sit there for 5 hours catching roach that weighed something like 200 to the pound, So it was an 8mm Robin Red pellet on the hair rig and 2mm on the method feeder and out it went to my right across to the far bank, I had an end peg, After a few knocks on the tip it went round and and F1 of around a pound was soon in the net, Then nothing, Right I thought a change of plan, 3 x 8mm discs of bread on the margin rig out at 12 metres to far side, A few Ide were caught and a few F1's then it went quiet again, Plan C now came into play, meat on the margin rig at 12 metres, F1's, Ide, a solitary tench, roach that must have hung on to meat when I unshipped pole back, Each time I caught a fish, I potted 3 or 4 pieces of meat in each time I went across, It was a waiting game, Some bites were slight dips of the float others were the pole tip bouncing down to the water,
I had one carp on that didn't know it had been hooked, I "walked it" from the far side to within netting distance, Then it woke up. 17h elastic was heading back to far side at a rate of knots, then the hook pulled, At this point I decided to stretch my legs for a few minutes. Back on the seatbox and back to far side, I lost 3 more in the rushes, . I tried the margin to my left ,nothing, Nothing more on the bomb rod, So back across to far side and picked a few more F1's up before the all out, I knew I had beaten the lads to my left,it was the others on the other side of the island I didn't know about, I was last to be weighed in and no one was saying what the weights were, I weighed in 18lb for third, 20lb was second and 23lb won it. Those lost fish and an aching leg cost me 100 quid, The money now goes into club funds and golden peg starts again on Next match at Lloyds Meadow next Saturday, another water Mike likes and I think Gordon ( wethrough) did even though we didn't fish our intended pool, which is the one I am on on the next match.
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Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Well,I went to Bedford yesterday,arriving at 5am hoping to pick up a few bream,as it happens I had a couple of liners,but caught nothing,my issue of the day was scullers,most are just fine,as fishing the tip they go over your line,but two boats in particular seemed to want to be on the bank with me,the first,which came past five or six times,the near side oar was within a foot of the bank,leaving me risking a broken rod,after asking the two guys politely for a bit more space they just blanked me,reeling in every time would be a waste of time as you would never be in the water,the second was amazing,a lady and guy came so close they scraped the bank,I had to quickly lift the rod high and wind to lift my line out of their path,I muttered under my breath 'for Christ's sake' to this the woman shouted 'we have to be on this side of the river',I quickly replied 'not that close you don't',they muttered something else that I didn't hear but that was me done.I've fished the river since I was a boy,I know that your supposed to 'drive' on the right hand side,but with the river being over 40yds wide where am I supposed to be and where is the consideration.
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Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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I know,but all that does is fire confrontation,I find that if I ask in a well mannered way I get a decent response,be assured that if one of them would have swore at me,the tirade of abuse they would have received would have emptied the town centre,but as I say most of these people try to avoid causing annoyance and apologise profusely if they forget themselves,after all they are going backwards,,some just couldn't give a flying fig and even think it's good sport to p*ss off an angler,just muppets really.


I finally decided to have a few hours again on the river today, it wasn’t exactly the best time of day from ten’sh this morning to four’ish this afternoon but I did enjoy it largely thanks to a huge boulder to lean against and the ability to get the brolly up and provide some much needed shade, I'm enjoying this run of weather but I don't think I could have stuck at it in the full sun and the banks were eerily devoid of those that didn't fancy it.

I ran a light stick rig through with red maggot for the best part of the day and it was mainly a story of wall to wall Dace with a good smattering of Perch and the odd Roach but nothing really worthy of special note other than one fish that was clearly of a decent size and which I played for a couple of minutes but only to have the hook pull free with part of the fish’s regurgitated breakfast still attached to it…


Big Perch?

They do frequent the area but we will never know.

I did run a heavier Avon rig through on frequent occasions just to see what was picking off the few maggots that were making it through the Dace but all this did was leave me with repeated empty hooks without a trace of a bite showing on the float and Boris was obviously sunning himself elsewhere.

On the predator side of things I also shared the company of this fella for the vast majority of the day, he seemed fascinated with the float but he couldn’t hit a swinger Dace to save his life…


That’s two days off and two sessions so far, I might give it a rest tomorrow…

Not! :w


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Now don't overdo it Steve in the heat! Have a few well deserved StMiguels in sympathy with the country!:rolleyes:

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
First foray of the season on the Thames today, a club fixture I'd been looking forward to at Shillingford in Oxon.


My peg was on a high bank, the sort you feel like you're going to fall in if you put a foot wrong..


On the outside of a sweeping bend with flow left to right it was shallow and weedy out beyond pole range, so I set up a sliding peacock waggler taking 2AAA's. A float stop above that then a 2gr Olivette held in place by 8 no6 shot, an 8 then a 10 dropper to a B511 20 to 0:07.


Casting out to nearly halfway it was around 10' deep but the flow took it in to my right and it was snagging on the weed. I soon got the hang of it casting upstream further out which remedied that.

I balled it with half a kilo of VDE dark roach which took some effort to underarm out then fished red maggot and sprayed hemp.
3 good roach on the first 3 chucks then they got smaller, bleak were an absolute pain too, I loosefed loads of maggots to try and keep them occupied but they kept it up. I wouldn't have minded if they were decent size but they were tiny...

Fortunately I had trees behind me and the sun dipped behind them around 12:30 so I had shade for the remaining 2 and a half hours.

All out at 3pm and I was knackered, God knows how many times I cast that rig out and cattied maggots and hemp.
At the scales I had 4lb:5oz which put me 3rd again!


Winner had 7lb+ which included a skimmer, 2nd had a tench of 4lb plus some bits for 4:10...

12 fished...
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That float set up sounds very complicated to me! Why not one shot equivalent to 8 no 6?

I'm sure Simon has his reasons but mine would be the ability to adjust them and alter the rate of the fall of the bait below the olivette Mike, crucial in those situations with species such as Roach :)