I awoke mired in my current and prolonged state of apathy this morning and it took me until eleven o'clock to finally decide to get out and give it a go on the river.
I had looked at it earlier in the week but faced with gin clear water and very low at that I decided not to bother but I couldn't have a week off work without a visit.
The conditions were no different today and so I planned to fish three or maybe four swims throughout the afternoon until dusk, freelining for Barbel or whatever else came along but I never got further than the first swim.
I'd just moulded a piece of Sainsbury's mild cheddar (perfect for the job, rubbery until kneaded when it goes like a soft putty and very oily to the touch) onto a size 6 Korda wide gape and underhanded it in to a likely looking spot before sitting down, taking out a box of Cherry Bakewells from my bag and sliding the tray out of the box.
As I studied them, trying to spot a likely looking place to start in the form of a slightly bigger cherry or a thicker looking layer of icing, I noticed the Avon tip go doink... doink... Wallop!
The 'pin was screetching out and I shot to my feet which sent Cherry Bakewells everywhere but the first fish was on and a few minutes later a nice Barbel was safely in the net.
I gathered up the Bakewells but only to find there were only five and one was missing!
I suspected a reclusive rodent but I hadn't spotted anything and despite an extensive search the sixth Bakewell had vanished without trace, which in turn prompted me to scoff the other five before they went awol too.
It was pretty constant action throughout the afternoon including a period of about a couple of hours of heavy rain which, I had spotted in the forecast and had packed the waterproofs accordingly in lieu of the brolly, and I took the best fish of the day during this period which I think would have just about made 10lb... Still in its Summer bronze but beginning to display a deep Autumn chest.
No picture of that one I'm afraid as iphones and heavy rain/wet hands aren't a good combination.
I called it a day at dusk and I'd landed eleven Barbel averaging 7lbs - 8lbs and not fed a morsel so I was quite pleased with that considering it was my first go at them in two months.
I'd also had the hook 'pop' out of the bait on the pick up without hooking up on around four occasions but it's a snaggy swim and you just have to accept it as any exposed hook, such as on a hair rig, is unlikely to be seen again.
Here's a couple of fish from a drier part of the afternoon...
I'd almost forgotten how much fun it was trying to brake a soaking wet 'pin rim when you've got a decent fish on and on the last but one put in I lost a proper lump and a half which seared off across the river, getting it all the way back only for the hook to pull when I was having to really lean in to it under the rod tip.
When I reached my car I went to change back into my shoes and as I removed my left wellie I could see something on the underside of the boot in the small gap where the heel starts and the mystery was solved...
There, stuck by the icing in almost superglue like fashion, was the missing Cherry Bakewell!
And yes...
I did briefly consider it.
And no...
I didn't! :w