How did you get on?


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
I hit the river for an hour or so on Friday afternoon.
Another Gudgeon, this time from the far bank of a weir pool, bumping along the bottom in the current :)



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
It looks just like an otoclincus ( a dwarf tropical catfish) ie cute and tiny!
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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Storm Freya did her utmost to disrupt our match today on a club lake. Rain and 40mph gusts were certain to relieve you of anything not nailed down.



Although some opted for the pole I left mine at home. Fishing wagg and magg hoping for some roach I had just 2 bites, both carp which smashed my light rigs.
With no roach showing (or anything else) I changed to a waggler rig with 4lb line straight through to a 16 hook, hoping to at least stand a chance of landing a carp. As usual, as soon as I try that I don’t get a bite...
Winner had a 3:6 tench on the pole and 2nd had 3:4 of perch ( including one of 2:6 )

Packing up at 3pm the wind was incredibly strong, I had to make sure every item of gear was anchored down before moving to the next item...


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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Few hours spare this morning, and a quick look at the gauge suggested my local Chub river hadn't come up too much, so armed with maggots,bread and both float and tip rod, i headed down.
Initially, it looked fairly coloured, but on closer inspection it wasn't too bad, so I started on float and mag.
The weather was very iffy, with some very squally wind and stinging hail showers.
This produced nothing, so tried a bit of flake on the float for the same result.
Out of interest, set up the tip rod with flake and had a small one that was on it before it had settled. That was it for that swim, so headed to the next which I had prebaited with a bit of mash and started on the float.
About the third run through the float bobbed a bit then buried, and i struck into a solid, nodding weight.
Got it about half way back before it woke up, and started boring for the willows on the far bank, before coming back and just thumping in the flow.
Steady pressure eventually took it's toll and I slipped the net under a real peach for here.
I hardly ever weigh fish, but thought this one had to be close to 4 due to its fatness,
and it was, 4 lb on the nose.
Fished on a bit but nothing else.



Jul 12, 2009
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Just got back in from a trotting session with's 5 degrees on the car temp gauge as I drew into the driveway. With the wind out on the river it felt a damn site colder than that. We were battered with driven rain, hailstones and the cold temps ....nasty day to be out on the river!
Anyhow, the fishing was slow, but Mike did well and broke his chub duck with a very nice chub of around 3lb, maybe a ounce or two more. He caught it on his titan 2000 and the rod tamed the chub with ease, obviously Mikes playing skills helped the rod :).
Even though it was an awful day I still enjoyed it and i'm made up for Mike having got his first chub, hopefully the fist of many to come...well done Mike :target:.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Most of my fishing lately has been out for an hour at tea-time to a little river nearby. It looked ok as I set off, blue skies and sunshine, but there was a left-over bit of the stormy weather just waiting around the corner.

It was only a quick shower, but enough, in a strong wind, to soak everything. Still, the first swim gave me a bite

The next swim was one where you have to cast past a tree then twitch the bait back under it. Two swan shot, and it won't roll under the tree. One, and you can barely cast far enough if it's windy. The wind dropped just as I tried to get the latter in place, and I went straight into the tree. Embarrassing. I tackled up again, and walked the half-mile to the next swim. By then, the recent rains were starting to register, and the river was rising and colouring, and after 20 biteless minutes in a banker swim, I called it off.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Tigger (Ian) beat me to it. Just got home after a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon on the river ! After signing the official secrets act I was allowed to follow Ian to the secret venue.:rolleyes: All i can say is that it was a river in England.:rolleyes:

I caught my first Chub with the Titan using a pin thanks to Ian.

I feel content and happy. The weather was appalling with wind rain and hailstones . At one point there was a large lump of coagulated hailstones in Ian's landing net! We both got soaked but did we care!!!!!

Cheers Ian it was a blast.


Aug 31, 2014
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Congratulations Mike, the first of many I’m sure.


Jul 12, 2009
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I had a couple of hours later this afternon on a local lake outlet and this was all I got, not brilliant, but better than a kick in't **** :painkiller.....



Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
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Spring at last. Fished a club lake today for a change and caught a 2lb 10oz crucian and a common about 8lbs on quivertipped dead maggots. No roach? Water temperature 49F.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Today was an anticlimax after yesterday! It was very windy and cold! I nipped out for a few hours when my parents decided Thursday was more convenient for me to visit( dementia and awkwardness)! I was more than happy to go fishing. For the first time in an age I fished 2 rods. The feeder rod produced nothing despite a regular change of bait. The float rod( Titan) produced 11 roach all around 6-10 oz and all caught on casters.

There were about 8 other anglers feeder fishing and one with a very long pole! None of them had a bite and they had all packed up after a couple of hours. All very strange but it was very windy indeed and cold when the sun disappeared. I enjoyed it though particularly my home made BLT for lunch ! The forecast for the rest of the week and next is poor.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Deja vu for me today. A bit wiid and windy, so I just nipped out at 4pm with a couple of slices of bread. Even fishing at its simplest can get a bit complicated. The road was closed at the first stretch; not a bite at the second (someone ie me fished that swim yesterday), so I had to crawl 4 miles through the tea-time traffic to get to a third stretch.

It was getting quite gloomy by the time I cast in

and the only bite came at lighting up time, 5.37. The light by the bridge above me came on a few seconds before this chub arrived. I'm sure I heard him say Hi, Kev. I think I need to think of somewhere else to fish next time.


The Runner

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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Isle of Skye
Nice day forecast for today so got some bait from the freezer last night and set off for a short session around 10. Just stayed local at the Black Rock about half a mile walk from home, got there just as the tide dropped far enough to walk out to it. Set up two hook flapper rig, squid on one, mackerel on the other and waited.
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and waited. Finally after two and a half hours the tip rattled and wound in a 6 inch whiting on the squid. Forty minutes later beat a retreat before the tide cut me off (last time I fished here bought myself extra time by wading on and off, but not really the best idea over weedy rocks, so not being repeated...)

Had originally intended just a short session but a lovely day and hadn't used up much bait so walked a few hundred yards further on to one of a series of grassy ledges. Shallower water, same rig, punched it out a bit further, but the next three hours brought only a couple of bites both of which were missed.

As I said in my last post, by all accounts a long way from the best time of year up here. Really nice day to be out though. Good day for wildlife as well, a few seals in the area, ravens all day behind me around the crag, a couple of grey wagtails back from wherever a bit further south they had gone, and a sea eagle sailed over directly overhead from behind me. An hour later it, or another one , took off from Ben Tianavaig across the loch and flew off up the loch in the direction of the town, possibly to check the noticeboard to see when the Wildlife Trip boat season starts and it gets its daily free feed from my neighbour...
Had this guillemot spend most of the afternoon working the edge of the kelp beds close in, with about as much success as me

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
After a run of blanks I just needed to catch something today. I fully intended having anothet crack at the Wey barbel after Big Dave banked his 3rd double in a week on Saturday evening.....but the weather forecast was lousy from about 4pm on, the optimum time for a bite.

I decided to give the Wey a miss and go get me wire pulled at a local commie. Dead simple...bread on a bomb and sit on yer hands. This is the method on this place according to a mate who fishes it every week. It was very windy and quite cold wnen the sun went in.

The fishing was unspectacular. I had 3 carp on the bread, all around the 4lb mark, an orrible bream of about 2lb and a roach about 6 oz. The Big feller had my catch in reverse, 3 bream and 1 carp.

Quite enjoyed it as it was simple fishing and there are only so many things you can do with a bit of bread on the bomb. I like tip fishing and havent done any for ages so that I did enjoy. We'll go back and try it again but not before I've had another go at those barbel and I've only a week or so to do that.

Home drinking tea before the rain arrived and the journey only took 20 mins. Excellent.

Place is absolutely rotten with Red Kite. I doubt there were less than a dozen wheeling over the lake all day long and some ( obviously grown ups) were absolutely huge. There was one particularly massive bird which looked more like Batman than a Red Kite.

I dont know what it is about the place but back at the car we could see kite in just about every direction. The sky was literally full of them,wheeling about, displaying and showing off to their mate. I reckon there must have been between 60 and 70 of the flippin things. Magnificent birds and they are spreading like wildfire down here.
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Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Frost on the fields and a strong breeze this morning on the upper Soar still after five blank piking trips it was good to get out for a more active form of fishing.
Second cast a chub of 2lb 4oz was in the net on legered crust,then nothing but better than a blank.
Had a look downstream,the level being very low and clear,moved upstream to a slightly larger bend and had a brown trout of 8oz on worm.Tried numerous other swims but could not get any more bites,perhaps the forecast rain will get the level and colour up and the fish more obliging for the weekend.Plenty of bird life - four buzzards,a kestrel and green woodpecker plus all the smaller songbirds just the wind got stronger and colder as the morning progressed - better than another blank.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I hope they come to these parts. I recall seeing a few on the Wirral but not around here! A magnificent bird recovering well in some parts after years of persecution.

They are positively common round here but its hardly surprising given that they were reintroduced on The Chilterns just a few miles up the M40 from me. They really have done extraordinarily well and on a windy day like today they really are magnificent to watch.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
It’s surprising that such a featureless pound on the GUC should be a chub Mecca.



8 codgers fished yesterday’s fixture at Boxmoor, the water was clear and the sun bright, not exactly ideal but we persevered.

We all opted for waggler tactics and on my 3rd cast I hooked something which pulled back hard.
Expecting roach and dace I’d set up a 1lb4oz hook link and I expected it to fail but luckily it didn’t.
A nice chub on punch was netted and gave me an early lead.
This wasn’t to last though, end peg up by the lock was getting a few and won the day with an all chub net of 5lb. Bigger specimens were hooked but not landed.

I was pipped into 3rd place with 1lb13 beating my 1lb10.


My chublets and the only roach caught all day.