How did you get on?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Who knew we could have so many problems posting photos all of a sudden, although to be fair we are used to Skippy's photos and he holds the British record for the sideways Crucian species :D


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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had a great day today - tried the silvers only lake - it was full of carp !
Moved to the predominantly silvers lake

First out in - a carp around 6 pounds ! Sheesh !

Then fished the pole with light , enough , elastic and fed 2 swims one to sections 5 one to section 6 but at 2@o clock to the other swim - really tried to fish accurately
Fed one swim while I fished the other
Fed and rested the swims while I had lunch

result caught all day long
skimmer skimmer skimmer - but then roach !
plus these guys


Rudd is it ? Hooked in the bottom lip

a few of these guys


I really felt good cos I worked hard to keep the swims going rather than just lobbing in a method

used Des Shipp Expander pellets - worked really well
Used Maggots
and rather than bread fished punched Asda Wraps - since my treatment I struggle with bread but I can eat these all day , if you keep them wrapped in foil they punch out to a perfect disc

Had the pool ro myself apart from the odd dodgy character

Last fish was from the margins where I had been cadding in maggots rather than my usual hoofing them in
caught a ton of lovely lively roach

then right at the end

this guy

on a light elastic took me 10 mins plus to land


My name is Benny Gesserit and I am a fishoholic

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Had a spare few hours after tea, so I popped down for my first visit to the river of the new season. The reality is that I was largely putting off getting my gear ready for the working week to come.

I expected to get a few dace and chublets, perhaps the odd grayling and trout and the inevitable horde of minnows. If I was really lucky, perhaps a decent chub or a semi-mythical barbel. To combat the minnows, I went for a bigger than normal hook and bunches of maggots.

I had a good start in that I wasn't pestered by minnows from the off. Usually a sign that there's something in the swim keeping them away. It didn't take too long to find out that the lurkers were brown trout. Ended up with six of them, every one between 1 and 2lb. Once I started to catch rather ambitious minnows every run through, I knocked it on the head.


Aug 31, 2014
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I mentioned yesterday the busy schedule that lay in front of me. All started well, watched NZ bat with a very beatable total, watched LH win at Silverstone and then paid a trip to the estate for a few hours with the phone tuned into radio listening to England’s reply.

After two hours I’d had just one bite, a carp which broke me up, with just 15 overs left and anybody’s to win rushed back home to watch the most amazing hour of sport I can ever recall.

Got kit ready for a full days rudd fishing on Stonar the following day.......

Arrived at 6am, leaden grey skies, a bit of precipitation and a cool northerly breeze pegging the temperatures back to 18 degrees, under normal circumstances I’d welcome such conditions but on this vast water it’s different.

I did say last time that starting on the whip was a waste of time as the Rudd don’t start showing til the sun is high
, today they were feeding early and it was only a few minutes til I had a nice arch on the whip.


Over the next hour or two I had a dozen or so going to just over a pound.


The shoal dispersed so time to find fish down deep using a slider float set at approx 22ft, a lot of bream followed, I lost count:rolleyes: I did think when hooking the umpteenth one that I might be on for a pb given the resistance it was giving but gladly gave up any thoughts of a pb bream when a nice tench rolled on the surface.


and that was it, bites dried up completely, the carpers had all gone home, guess the carp enjoy the sunshine as well.

Listened to Talksport travelling home, Darren Gough still wetting himself after the events of last evening.
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john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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S63 Nice tench. I wonder if the missing fin and score marks are down to cormarants?

After the talk of pole floats on here I dug out my pole and had a trip to the deep reservoir for silvers. I had about a hundred rudd and roach but nothing like the size of your rudd.

Pleasant change though. A Peter Crabtree type photo ..................

View attachment 7149

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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Well it was chilly Saturday morning and yesterday was even chillier. Fishing the Wendover arm in Tring I drew the noisy peg behind the flour mill...


The roach which are normally numerous in this area were not having it like normal, everyone struggled for bites.
The weights were pitiful with just 4lb+ winning.
I couldn’t even muster a pound!

This morning I decided to go down to Croxley green where there’s usually a good bit of roach fishing. I started off around 9am and all was quiet and tranquil until the owner of the boat moored opposite me decided to sand down his paintwork.
Not the gentle sound of hand and sandpaper but a bloody electric sander! Grrrrr. Power tools are the bain of my life when I’m fishing so I moved down the bank 100yds.


The owner of the red boat opposite also has a penchant for power tools but he seemed to be ashore somewhere thank god...
I started on waggler and maggot across to his boat feeding hemp and pinkies. I soon started catching roach and felt better for it. Around midday his car appeared, he opened his shed and took out an extending power cable, oh no I groaned.
Luckily it was for something silent so panic over.
He seemed a bit worried seeing me cast across near his pristine boat, even more so when I catapulted maggots his way. He soon disappeared into his cabin but I could see him looking out of a window at my float. Rather than risk upsetting him I moved my float up and started down the middle.
I changed to caster tripping the bottom in the lazy tow, this resulted in some lovely roach.


I had a few on tares as well, all good sized roach..

Matey reappeared later and to my relief started doing some silent maintenance to his topsides.
All went well and I continued catching prime roach until his neighbour came out with a flipping flymow ffs!!!
That was it for me, that and the distant sander was enough to send me packing.

At least I had a fair crack at the roach.....



Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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I had a pint of casters and a bag of hemp left over from a previous trip, so I thought I should use them up. I don't mind extravagance, but I hate waste. I was up at 4am last time, but I'm a bit more compos mentis at 4pm, so that was the time I started today. I went to a different stretch with some overgrown bank and lots of willows trailing in the water. I had a plan to tempt a barbel out with the hemp and caster and catch it on the float. The swim was 6' deep and fairly swift, so judging where to feed was a bit of a guess. I started off with a bunch of casters on a 12 hook, but small fish were a pest, so I swapped to a piece of flavoured punched meat and hooked a proper one

I tried to repeat the feat, but with no success. The barbel weren't keen to come out from under the cover, so I put the float rod away in favour of a rod set up with a light bomb, and dropped the bait as close as I dared to the willow raft. That got a bite from another barbel

If it sounds a bit irresponsible to be fishing for barbel next to snags, I should say I do go tooled up for it. In this case a Harrison Chimera 11'6" barbel rod, which I think has a 2lb test curve, and 12lb line. There's quite a bit of commotion when you get one, but to be honest I welcomed a break from fishing while things calmed down and I was happy to sit there, eat a sandwich, drink tea, and feed some hemp and caster for a while. This bait-and-wait approach got me a further two bites

You'll notice that last fish had lost a piece of its tail somehow. By then it was 7pm, and even though the fishing was likely to improve, I wrapped up as I'm still feeling a bit iffy health-wise, and as the evening goes on I get more conscious that I'm on a remote stretch of river.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2015
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Had a what I thought was a 2lb 14oz PB Crucian tonight until I got home & counted the lateral line scales ..

I counted 28-29 as they sort of got muddled by the tail. Apparently a true Crucian has 31-35 so alas a brown Goldfish was had. It sure looked the right shape though.


no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Also posted on the pellet thread as relevant to both.
I did not make the tackle shop yesterday so no robin reds. I did use the two types I already had red and black colored krill type soft baits. Fished brown bread but baited a bit further out with these and not a touch on them but fair enough only one roach on the bread. Later I moved swims where there were loads of small fry, looked like chub, nothing on the bottom so I fished shallow with the soft baits, the chub fry were very interested, the float bobbed away but no fish. I thought some of them were big enough to swallow a soft pellet but they would not take it fully but neither would them the bread. They were definitely more interested in the black sonubait ones though than the red ones I had, I thought it would have been the other way round as the red ones went softer in the water.
I am now thinking some natural flavoured smelling soft pellets might go better in the river and the only ones mentioned so far are bloodworm flavor.
I did better here last week on the fly!!, two passable chub. A kingfisher flew past, not unusual these days but always nice to see, loads of butterflys around-A very pretty place near a town, free fishing and never anyone fishes, I could soak up all this loveliness forever; strange world.
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Mark Wintle

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
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Azide the Stour
Having had a few sessions after the roach on the Stour I decided it was time for a short evening session after the chub. The river is getting low as we've had little appreciable rain for a month. The weed is holding up the water but that makes fishable swims few and far between. The known hotspots are hammered on a daily basis so I found a jungle swim and managed to drop a bait in a tiny mid-river hole. First cast I caught a chub of a couple of pounds then I lost one. After that it went quiet so I went for an explore and found chub in more open swims but all very easily spooked. I returned to my original swim and found some more action, getting two more 2lbers and a decent one of 4-12 despite missing some good pulls, all fish on a hair-rigged boilie on 8lb line with a 2 SSG link-leger. After that I finished with an hour after roach with tares in another swim and had five up to a solid half a pound though there were some better ones rolling as dusk set in.

The best chub at 4-12:
4-12 chub DSC00060.jpg


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
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Frisby again this morning, beautiful sunny peg. Carp where cruising the top but not taking anything, just having a mooch about.
Set up two lines one float one feeder. Homemade paste on the float and Robin Red 8mm pellet on the the feeder.
Feeder was fished about 2-3 foot from the lily pads, float to the left just under the tree about 20 foot out.
Think I’d been there about 45mins and had a good bite on the feeder, quite a good fight thought I was onto a carp. Very insistent on getting amongst the reeds and Lily’s. After a couple of minutes coaxed it away from there and landed a tench ! Lovey I just love tench, didn’t weigh it just wanted to get it back in and out of the sun.
Ten minutes later my float shot under and a short scrap gave me a carp, pretty sure it’s the same one from last time I came. I recognise it’s lipless face and colouring. I do kinda feel sorry for it but it must be ok it fights well and is obviously feeding. At least I know my paste works!
All went quiet after that, few hesitant bites on the float, followed by plenty of missed bites on pellet or paste just couldn’t connect & lost a fish on the feeder which ran me straight into the weeds and snagged me up. Changed tactics on the feeder switched from a cage to a method. Bit more positive a few taps and then straight into the reeds again ! Lost my method and everything this time. Bit later I get another bite on the feeder, immediately this time the fish went straight out of the water and came down with a good slap. A very short fight gave me a bream of about 2lbs. And that was it for the rest of the day, packed up about 2pm. Still plenty of carp about coming for a look at the human on the bank.
All in all another nice day at Frisby complex, glad I joined up.

One thing I have realised is my feeder reel is not upto the fish here it feels worn and poor quality now after 3 years. Not much use till last season tbh. But for £15 I’m not complaining, looks like I’ll be forced to go visit the tackle shop and look for a new Baitrunner.

John Keane

Well-known member
Dec 28, 2017
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North West
Had a leisurely start and got to the club lake at around 10am and set up for a lazy session in the chair. Set up my battered old Fox Pod for single rod with a tiny Wychwood Bite Alarm which is a tad smaller than a matchbox and costs £19.99. Used my one and only feeder rod, the magnificent Daiwa 10/11ft Matchwinner which probably placed me at a disadvantage as I didn’t bring 20 different feeder rods in case the wind changed or the sun went in. :wh

First chuck was a pellet-laden Guru Impact Bomb, laced with Tiger Nut Goo, with a couple of bits of prawn on a hair rig. Ten minutes in saw a firm run and a good F1 of around 4-5lb safely in the net.

Couple of screaming runs that amazingly didn’t stick and then it went quiet for around an hour and a half, during which hiatus I consumed my lunch and a couple of bottles of water.

Switch of tactics to a Preston Dura Quick Change Banjo Feeder and a Dynamite Baits Drilled Garlic red 8mm Pellet saw a massive run and a (to be fair) uneventful battle which saw me land a decent Common of around 15lb.

Few more F1s, bream and a cute little tench of around 1lb followed before I decided to beat the rush hour traffic back over the Mersey Gateway Bridge on my 23 minute journey home.

Pete Shears

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Mar 5, 2004
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Back at the local reservoir this morning after having an uneventful five days in Devon last week chasing carp that had only spawning on the brain.Method feeder rod out and decided to set up a float rod as it was calm and more sensitive than a leger.Had around ten hand sized roach to corn on the float,only the odd bleep on the feeder rod.Three sandpipers, two kingfishers,a buzzard and as I was about to leave an osprey flew round to have a look.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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A month of the season gone, and I've not picked up a pole, or fished stick or waggler, and I haven't caught a roach, a dace or a perch, but I've been enjoying sitting back and fishing for just a few bites. I set off for a couple of hours on the river late afternoon. I thought I'd got two problems solved: handles and wheels on the stool should take the strain out of getting there; I'd bought two bottles of the much-lauded Skin So Soft mosquito repellent on eBay, so I was immune to insects.

The wheels worked ok - although the grass is a bit long for them

but the Skin So Soft might just as well have been a mosquito attractant as I started getting bitten even earlier in the evening than I did when facing them undefended.

The other kind of bites were harder to come by. One on the float

and one on the swanshot link leger

was all I could raise from what had looked like a promising swim. I'd intended to stay a bit later this evening, but the wonderful skin spray was attracting the mosquito equivalent of double-figure barbel, and despite the warm and humid conditions, I had to put on a jacket and a hat and beat it back to the car. If you have any other proven anti-mosquito suggestions, I'd be interested to hear them.


Aug 31, 2014
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Did you spray yourself with the Skin So Soft Kev? I forgot to tell you it’s just the right size and weight for throwing at the buggers.:)