I had lost my fishing mojo through Jan, thanks to cold temperatures and then rising river levels, but with mild weather forecast for the day I made my way over to the Lot region to a little lake I knew wouldn’t be suffering from high water levels and should be enjoying a rising water temperature.
I set up a pole to fish at around 9 metres, a cage feeder at around 30 metres and a sleeper rod alternating a big lump of smelly cheese and bunch of worms in the margins in the hope of a patrolling carp, tench or bass. Missed a couple of bites on the feeder on the first two casts then nothing for a couple of hours, then just as I started to pack up to try a new swim , the feeder went off with a rudd of 1lb 13, so staying put say a slow but steady stream of bites over the next 3 hours giving me 6 rudd between 1.07 and 2.09, gorgeous fish tho’ a little washed out due to cloudy water conditions, with those following on from the huge fish I had in the autumn, I think I might have found myself a little goldmine.
Fishing mojo restored.
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