After a good start on the river, my fishing season had fizzled out. A lot of previous summer favourites were off the menu for various reasons -not fishing well, changed hands or even sold their stock, on club books I didn't renew - and when the hot weather set in I just dabbled at hit-and-miss things like fishing floaters in the evening or catching very little on an overgrown small river conveniently nearby. Dave Coster featured a place over in Lincolnshire in his diary on here, a 40 yr old commercial I'd been to a few times in winter, so I thought I'd try there. The wooded site is attractively overgrown, most pegs are shaded, and they take your money and let you get on with it. I went 4 times in the last couple of weeks.
One time, I tried to alternate fishing pole and light gear close for mixed fish, with fishing bomb and pellet 25 yds out for carp, thinking I'd get the best of both worlds. I did end up with a bunch of carp plus a net of skimmers, bream and roach, but keeping both plates spinning seemed unnecessarily hectic. And the carp misunderstood the rules and kept taking the pole-fished bait. Besides, I should have brought a bigger net.
I wondered how it would go if I just fished for the carp and I went back a few days later with just a bomb rod, 6lb line and a box of 8mm Robin Red pellets. I fed these in dribs and drabs and caught some ridiculous amount of carp - 30 or so - and, for all that I say it's not my thing, I enjoyed it. Catching them intentionally on adequate gear is a long way from cursing things accidentally caught on gear they over-power. And I did get a kick out of seeing the rod fly around on a "bite" - it's so shallow that startled fish take off at speed. I'd brought a bigger net, which helped
As far as I can tell, I had 3 lakes to myself, so I thought it a bit odd that the chap, a bit older than me, who arrived after an hour or so chose to sit quite near me, but I was fishing well out so I didn't pass comment. He came over, politely asked if I'd caught any, told me he'd picked up fishing again after decades off, and had Parkinson's. He got himself set up and in went a float a little way out. I could see it clearly, and it didn't look like moving and his sweetcorn bait wasn't working, and the carp were lined up to pull my rod in every five minutes, so I stopped fishing, went over and asked him, not intruding I hoped, if he'd like to have a look at how I was getting these carp. It was all new to him, it turned out - the pellets, the hair rig, the bomb a bit heavier than casting demanded, the self-hooking etc. He had a look at the set up, asked about how you tie this and that and what to buy to do the same thing. A quick demo let him see it working thanks to a couple of obliging carp. When he packed up, he came back and said thanks again. Sometimes you end up in unspoken competition with anglers nearby; sometimes you feel moved to offer to help, if they want it.
Still stuck for where to go, and with the river shrinking more and more in the heatwave, I went back again yesterday after lunch. This time I just took pole gear, aiming to fish the pool with crucians. They're not those big Home Counties dinner plates, these are rare East Midlands fish and a pound fish is a good one, for me at least. I picked out a lovely swim where |I could fish to left and right with 4 sections of pole
It's a perfect little spot, save for the banks being covered in guano courtesy of more than 50 of these, crash landing en masse in the pool and congregating in front of you, all honking at once.
To keep the carp at bay, I potted in bits of bait frugally. I wasn't catching like that, though, so I had to feed a bit more - 3mm pellets and casters - and that brought the swims to life. My float proved a bit light - 4 x12 - and let bits intercept, so when a hook-pull trashed the rig I replaced it with a "heavy" 4x 16 and caught proper fish from then on on a 4mm expander. I was chuffed to catch 9 crucians like this
with numerous small tench and some decent roach. I converted a couple of top kits in the close season, so today was the first time I fished with an elastic puller set up, using Matrix Slik in green. Well, I can see why they're de rigueur for commercial regulars as there's no way I'd have got half a dozen lumps like this in on my crucian gear, and I only got smashed twice.
So, the place saved the day(s) when my fishing had got a bit aimless. Thanks to Dave Coster for reminding me of it, and, as you'd think, his comments on the different pools summed them up exactly.