How did you get on?


Well-known member
May 19, 2012
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That looks like a smashing day Mike!

relatively on time this week ... as promised in my last contribution to HDYGO, I attended Blunham AC‘s open match at Willington yesterday ... first time on the Great Ouse this year. 20 or so anglers attending ... all the usual suspects (Drak, baby Drak, Neale Shearn, Micky Burrell, paul(s) Reynolds and Caton etc.).
It looked threatening when we drew ... and was raining by the time I parked by the river ... at times during the day it was very persistent and it looks like my lightweight waterproofs are no longer .... waterproof!
The winning weights on this stretch are usually very close, but that notwithstanding there are a lot of different successful methods and the pegs do vary in their fishy populations. There are some good fish present ... particularly chub and perch ... but in matches it is often a small fish race. I drew peg 32 ... which had most competitors pulling a face and saying “distinctly average”, although that’s not too bad here ... as with the close weights you can make the frame from anywhere.

The river was very coloured , I’d say less than six inches visibility (although the dull weather didn’t help) and , being sluice controlled at the upstream end, was pushing through fast as a result of friday’s rain. But being sluice controlled it also slowed right down for two hour long periods in the match (first and last hour of fishing as it happened).

As a generalisation, despite the narrow river, you have to fish at least two lines at Willington to keep fish coming throughout the contest. I chose to fish three on this day: maggot and then chopped worm at 3m for perch. Hemp and caster at two rods for roach and the same across, targeting chublets.
I made a good start with three or four dumpy perch and some roach on maggot, but then struggled from about 20 minutes in ... just picking up odd tiny roach and gudgeon on stick float. On the waggler it was just minuscule chublets (barely bigger than minnows) and a few bleak.
what with the rain, the wildly Fluctuating flow and failure to build up a net of anything, I was feeling pretty down. the only change that had any effect was to increase the size of stick float and bulk the shot down ... at least that avoided the attentions of the bleak ... although I’m not convinced that the resultant gudgeon were worth any more! I had a few roach on hempseed, but in reality it was no better than caster on this day (pretty sure the extra colour did not help that or the perch prospects (they were noticeably absent in many nets on the day).
Then in the last half hour I suddenly started to catch slightly bigger chublets by casting the heavier stick float down the far side run. For a frantic 20 minutes it was one a bung ... then all to soon the whistle sounded to end the match. Now whether it was the flow abating, the fact that I’d upped the feed or just that they turned up late ... but I fear it was that I was too negative for most of the match and underfed the swim!
9 pounds and six ounces ... 6 ounces behind the default section winner and 2 and a half pounds behind top spot (Well done Mick Burrell).
A decent day, improved further by three cups of tea with my mum & dad, who live locally to Bedford :)

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Disturbed a pair of jays on the canal towpath this morning,there was nothing obvious on the towpath that had attracted them.
Had eleven perch to about 6oz or so on a curly tail grub and a pike which tried three times to take the lure before getting bored and disappearing.
Not much boat traffic,plenty of leaky lock gates though.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Sod's law, Murphys Law, any blooming law!

A few may recall how many posts I've made over time about fishing my local,estate lake in total solitude. So when an old mate asked to fish as a guest with a particular reason in mind, I said yeah, no problem, we'll have the place to ourself most probably.

My guest is in a competition with a gang of rival anglers all highly skilled to catch as many different species during the month of August, extra points are given for the largest specimen of each species caught. The golden tench was his reason for wanting to join me for a day, most of the venues he fishes have few goldens and they only go about a pound in weight.

So this day was set in the diary several weeks ago. I arrived first at 9am and was surprised to already find four anglers present........unheard of! The lake only has a few fishable areas, fortunately a decent one was free which I bagged for him promptly. He arrived at 10am hotfoot from Lydd where had night fished and was ecstatic that he'd caught a stickleback! I'm starting to question the sanity of these guys.?

I put him in my swim and I setup a few metres away but stayed fishing the near bank so not to compete with his far bank swim. Between 10 and 5pm we'd had nothing but a few skimmers, showery rain had set in and I was getting bored and fed up. The other anglers had left for the day also somewhat despondent and I also decided to call it a day leaving him to carry on with his quest alone.

He decided to move to the other end of the lake. I returned home and within minutes my phone pinged, first cast down the new swim and he's got what he came for, a golden tench that is unlikely to be beaten, not a bad start to his campaign. My day suddenly got a lot brighter!

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Oh deep joy ! I picked today for another go at the Aquadrome because the boat doesnt run on Mondays.....unless the gits who operate it decide to do Beginers Days, which are on all this week and next.

So.....having settled into my chosen spot,spombed a bit of bait out I sat back to wait for a tench or two to rock up. 20 minutes later tench started rolling over my bait and I had a couple of liners. Then the boat started.....not out between the buoys where it should be but between the buoys and me,in fact very much nearer me than the buoys.

I put up with it for an hour but it was driving me insane and the tench,not unexpectedly with that thing roaring over their heads,had buqqered off. So I did too,to the far side of the lake where the bar$tard might wash me off with its wake but wouldn't be running over my baits.

3 times my rod went off.....1st came back with a scale on the hook,the other two I didn't feel a thing so I'm putting them down as liners. And that was it....just my bloody luck.

Dear God how I hate that bloody boat and the supercilious, inconsiderate, smug looking ar$ehole that drives it. Get a proper job why dont you....git !

The Sogster

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
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South Yorkshire
Went today to the estate lake again. Seemed like a good day with plenty of cloud cover and more rarely very little wind.
Baits were maggots, corn, pellets and meat.
Decided to fish an area where I usually walk past to deeper water.

Set up the float and plumbed up only to find it was about 20 inches deep all the way across to the lilies.
Still nothing ventured nothing gained.

Started on maggot feeding a pinch every cast and was rewarded with a steady stream of roach, skimmers and perch between 3 and 6oz.
All the while introducing samples of corn, meat and pellet.
I had been fishing about an hour when one of the estate groundsmen turned up and proceeded to clear some bankside lilies in the adjacent peg.
I spent the next twenty minutes cursing into my cup as the swim died from the constant spladoosh and tsunami like waves caused by his rake type thingy.

Meanwhile I had switched to meat and just as the groundsman was leaving the float dipped, and then slowly went under. Lifting into it I was surprised by this lively little beggar.

That was it for the next couple of hours with only the odd tiddler, before these two made an appearance.


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2018
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Another day on the Dam yesterday with just the Mallards and Swans for company. Only three Cygnets today. There were four last time I was there.


Loose fed the margin with hemp and caster and GB at around 10M while setting up started off fishing at around 10/12m on the bottom picking up some half decent Roach.


Switched to the margin picking up maybe another half dozen of a good size to Tare. They'd take caster quite readily but I was finding it difficult to get them hooked, much more success with Tares. but not as good as I've had in the past so switched back to the long line trying caster and Tares but no interest in Tares on the bottom. Corn turned out to bring the quickest bites and from better fish so pretty much stuck with it for the rest of the day. It went quiet around 12 for a couple of hours but eventually picked up and I carried on getting fair sized Roach. There were bubbles coming up around the float so decided to lay a bit more on. I'd had about 3:4" on the bottom. Stepped it up to about 6" and not long before a lift on the float, strike and we're in. A Bream of around 6lb. Not the best specimen I've seen but very welcome, something wrong with its eye. looked in need of a cataract op'. It's the first I've had out of the Dam for a couple of years. It was quite deep hooked so I switched back to about 3" on the bottom.


Packed up the long rod around 3:30 but couldn't resist another bash in the margin picking up a few more and cast out to fish on the drop shallow at the 10M mark picking up a few more although smaller fish.

Ended up with 46 swinging in 10 at most so a good day.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
That bream sure is ugly Gordon and has been in the wars but a good fish from the Dam so well done. We are out of synch this week and as Wednesday and Thursday are out ( dentist visit on Thursday) and Friday looks ominous weather wise , I decided to visit the spooky pool in search of tench.


My peg early doors and after packing up. What was billed as a cloudy day with temperatures around 18c was sunny from around 8.00 am and reached 23c. I erected a brolly for shade.

I set up a margin rod ( Tryptich) with micros in the feeder and an assortment of pellets and boilies on the hair but to no avail. A couple of line bites resulting in a few bleeps had me all excited at one point but it was disappointing and came to nothing at all. I set up the acolyte with float and 18 hook and maggot and had 36 fish. Most where swingers but a few perch were netters around 12oz( a pic didn't materialise) plus a couple of skimmers. One roach was taken by a jack shortly after hooking and whilst it quickly let go , the roach bore the scars.
Almost at the death I had a carp take . I played it as gingerly as I could on an 18 hook to 3lb hook length and thought I had won the battle as I reached for the net but one final surge saw it throw the hook. It looked a fair sized mirror. I'll tell you what though the Acolyte is some rod and an absolute pleasure to use.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Fished the GUC from the back of a supermarket in town today. Nice without walkers etc passing behind.


A simple canal waggler set up with slow sinking 20b520 hook with maggot..


Feeding hemp and cloudy gb bites were soon forthcoming.
Mainly dace to start with followed by some chunky perch and roach.



Well-known member
Nov 4, 2020
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Went back to Danson Park, Bexleyheath again today after a good day last week. Got the same swim, had had a fish a chuck virtually last week from the off. After sitting for over an hour today with no action, thought it was going to be one of those days. However, the swim came to life suddenly. Today there were no rudd as there were last week, roach were still in abundance . In place of the rudd, the swim was alive with carp and tench. 5 tench came to the net, three of them were small which is encouraging for the lake. There were lots of small 3/4/5 inch carp caught as below. A few years back there was a large death of the carp population due to a virus, so if these the results of spawning it is again encouraging. Caught two largeish carp, the biggest below. Lost 3 other larger carp too.My daughter who is 24 wants to come fishing, so perhaps will go back sometime for her first experience of fishing.
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The Sogster

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
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South Yorkshire
Had another visit to the estate lake today mainly to use up some of yesterdays bait.
Fished a similarly shallow swim but with more open water and only a spattering of lilies indicating three obvious lines at 10, 1 and 4 o'clock.
Similar story to yesterday with a steady succession of swinger roach, skimmers and perch.

Although the water seemed more open I suspect there were many root stems unseen and I lost a few snagged hooklengths to these.
In fact after getting through nigh on a new packet of hooks and getting fed up tying new hooklengths I decided to set up the feeder rod with a simple sliding maggot feeder on a snap swivel for ease of change to a straight lead etc. I was also able to up the strength of the hooklength to cope with the problem going from 2.5lb up to 4lb because of the heavier line on the feeder reel.

This didn't seem to affect the catch rate with a steady stream of swingers.
Strangely no proper bream today but I did manage one tench.


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Better start by filling ing on Saturdays trip first,went to the Ouse at Bedford,fishing the pole on 10mm punch,feeding mash in 50p sized balls,caught around 20 roach to 6ozs,5 pretty rudd to 8ozs,a skimmer around 1lb 8ozs and a bonus tench around 2lb 8ozs,bites came and went,but the pretty women walking past all day caused more than a few missed bites.Now for yesterday,my last trip before going to Christchurch on Friday for two weeks,I went to the small river,not sure whether to go or not after my 21 year old had a temper tantrum the night before for forty minutes,which meant my wife,youngest son and myself had to wrestle with him to restrain him,so as he doesn't hurt himself,it lead to me hurting myself,anyway eventually I left at 8.30am,arriving at the car park at around 9am,several cars already in place,I walked down and opted for a not bad barbel swim,but awkward to floatfish,so out with the Harrison 1lb 6oz Avon Perfection,ended up with several moderate sized barbel,biggest 6lbs,two babbies 6ozs and a diddy chub around 10ozs,a pleasant day where the predicted showers held off until I was on my way home in the motor,happy days...


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Went to a club pool in the middle of town today to get some carp off the top, on the subject of youngsters there were a few about, some being coached and one with his dad, the pond has a nice mix of fish and the carp don't go much into double figures.

It was pretty easy as usual using bread on a light pole float to mug around 50lb of carp, but not until after moving swims as the first spot was opposite a couple of lads having a social, well when I say lads I decided to move when the older white bearded chap decided his phone call was not worth lowering the voice for. I asked the guy next to me if they have been chatting like this much he just said "All day"

I don't mind people talking but when it's constant I tend to move just for the quiet, each to their own, bizarrely it turned out the younger one of the two was Ali Hamidi, who was on a seatbox fishing the pole for crucians, dude didn't catch much as he seemed to have to chat to all who approached.

Oh the price of fame, I'm so glad I didn't claim the record for Sherman the Gudgeon :)


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Another difficult session on the estate lake, plenty of fish showing but they just don't want to know, maybe they're spawning again or there is a shortage of oxygen in the lake. Just a couple of skimmers in four hours. Never a dull moment though whenever I visit the estate, a water vole casually walked by just inches away from my feet, haven't seen one of these rare creatures in many years. Now I know what it is I hear munching on the vegetation quite regularly!



Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Another difficult session on the estate lake, plenty of fish showing but they just don't want to know, maybe they're spawning again or there is a shortage of oxygen in the lake. Just a couple of skimmers in four hours. Never a dull moment though whenever I visit the estate, a water vole casually walked by just inches away from my feet, haven't seen one of these rare creatures in many years. Now I know what it is I hear munching on the vegetation quite regularly!

View attachment 16396

Take an apple next time you go, those voles love em!


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I was so pi$$ed off after Monday and that damned boat I felt I owed it to myself to have another go. I checked the club site and no kiddy day today ( hurrah) and the boat ought not to be out until 1pm. So it would be a short session at best but what the hell....I went for it.

Second chuck I hooked a tench on double rubber corn but the damned thing fell off...I think it was foulhooked tbh,scales on the hook. Shortly after I was away again and this one stayed on...just shy of 5lb. I had double rubber corn on one rod and dead maggots on the other and it was the maggot rod that went next...bit bigger at 5-14. The corn rod was away next with what proved to be the best tench of the day at 6-1 and a really pretty fish.

It then got a bit exciting as the corn rod roared off again only this time it was no tench. I had a terrific scrap before eventually slipping the net under a lovely mirror of 21lb 9oz. That will most certainly do ! I was topping up the swim with the odd spombful of dead reds/corn and for once I must have got it right as by the time the bar$tard boat came out ( an hour early at midday) I'd had 7 tench + carpy. Thought I'd stay on to see if the boat does bother the fish and it seemed not as he was out beyond the buoys and I was fishing a bit shorter than usual.....anyway I had another 3 tench ( all on dead red maggot) before Captain Birdseye decided to come inside the buoys. I'm sure its deliberate and why aren't these idiots he's towing not at work ? W@nkers!

But hey....I'd had a terrific morning,it had gone bright and hot plus I'd done all me bait and (the horror!) ....all me tea too.I'd have taken a couple of tench when I left home so to get 10 plus a lump of a carp left me proper made up. Not wanting to spoil a good day I gave it best around 2-30 ...staying only long enough to applaud the numpty that came off the rope right in front of me. " I dont know what happened" he said. " You fell in you tw@t" says me.

Enjoyed that but I still hate that boat and those ignorant,selfish skiers. Get off to work.
Two best tench and the carp


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Ray Roberts

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
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Eltham, SE London
A short trip for me today. I didn’t leave until about four thirty in the afternoon. I went to an estate lake where the river Eden flows in at one end and out of the other. We are allowed to fish the part that forms the river bank. I have fished here previously, but on the outlet side of the lake. We have to be off the lake by dusk or 9 pm whichever comes first.

I parked up and took a walk to a spot I liked the look of.


This was where the the river part exited into the main lake. I fancied some roach fishing so fed hemp and float fished with tares. I caught well with mostly net sized roach. I thought I would give corn a try and the average size increased but on almost the last cast managed to slime the gear up with a decent sized bream. It really seems a privilege to fish here. As the I was packing away an event started up at the castle, it was “Sing a Long with Grease. I should have brought a white suit. As I walked back to the car there was a grebe feeding in a pool on the main river. I fished this swim and a few others last Autumn and had the best day’s lure fishing ever.



This is the main lake where we can’t fish but a beautiful place to be.


I am just enjoying a couple of beers in a local pub before returning home.


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