It poured down all morning, but I took a chance it might clear up and headed off to the tench lake. It was still raining and windy when I arrived, so the choice was between flat clean pegs with the rain in my face, or the wind behind down a mudslide in a bit of a parrot cage. I hate facing the wind, so I set up on top of the bank then slithered down to the little ledge at the bottom.
I set up the rod and pin, plumbed around to find the bottom of the shelf - 8' deep about 6m out - shotted and trimmed the float and cupped in a bit of groundbait and a few pinkies left, and just corn right. Then I dropped in, got stuck on the bottom and when I pulled my carefully set up rig went up the tree. It all came back - in a ball about 6" in diameter. I didn't have the heart to do all that again, so I fished out a suitable pole rig and decided, since I had it out to feed with, I might as well fish with it. So now I commenced plumbing up again over the spots I'd just fed, which is not really the way to do it.
At least it stopped raining, although the day never got beyond gloomy
And once I stopped pratting about and actually began fishing, it didn't take long for the first little tench to appear; and welcome it was, too.
The place is clearly warming up. A week or so ago, it took a good while to induce bites with the bare minimum of feed. Today the small tench were happy to home in on a small ball of groundbait every now and then and a dozen maggots after every fish. A while ago, I'd put some fancy elastic in a top kit - black hydro - but never used it. I tried it today, and it was just right for this (12 oz to 2 1/2 lb) size of tench - none came off, and none got into the snags and branches either side.
A lovely afternoon's fishing, and I ended up with 34 small tench and a roach. Sorry the pic is poor - not much room on the shelf for me and the fish, and I couldn't get up the bank with the net.
It did occur to me though that, enjoyable as it was, something was missing.
So when I bumped into the owner on the way out I told him: you wanna get some carp in there, mate :wh