ian g
Well-known member
First trip of the year for me to one of favourite stretches. I arrived at around 10.45 , no one else on . I headed upstream finding a big bag of rubbish on route , looks like a large kids picnic , what I don't get is why bag it all up and leave it in the field?Collected it all up on my way off and deposited it in the bin. As I approached the bend a heron took off , followed by two cormorants so hopefully some fish about . The river looked bob on but obviously the cold spell made me think otherwise . I set up a tip rod with a maggot feeder and lobworm as bait . I put out a float rod with worm again and waited . Two hours with no sign of fish I swapped to maggots on the tip rod and had a few knocks and crushed maggots before catching a small dace , then a chub 3 3/4lb , As I was sorting the chub out the worm rod was away but I missed the bite . Nothing else on the worm but a few small dace on the tip . Seems a long time since I've been fishing and the weather behaved so I enjoyed the afternoon . Hopefully the conditions are now improving so maybe the fishing will too.