New World Record Common again.

ED (The ORIGINAL and REAL one)

Well-known member
Feb 23, 2000
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Liverpool UK (and proud of it !!)
Ed, Do you really take me for half an idiot? :eek: :eek: :( :confused: ;)

You still don't get it though, it's nothing to do with his personal achievement or the fact it is still a decent fish, well, a monster fish really.

It's just that - it's already been done.

After reading some of the comments you've made on this thread --Yes !:eek::eek::(:confused:;)

Things like

"YES, GOOD CATCH, WELL DONE, but headline newsworthy? - NOT SO!"

Of course it's headline newsworthy -- just because in your opinion it may not be -- have you thought it just might be to others
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Dave Burr

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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We all fish for our own reasons. Some want to catch as many fish as they can in a given time period, some want to target just one species, others seek to catch the largest of a given species etc. Its a free choice and none is any better than the other.

If I were lucky enough to catch a record fish from a large lake or river would I move on to the another water? Maybe, but if I like that water and believe that its got other, as yet uncaught monsters in it..... Yep, I'd stay. And if I subsequently catch the record again at a new weight, well that's the new record isn't it.

I can't see what the fuss is about.
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
If Enguland win the world cup AGAIN this year I suppose it isn't really news worthy because they already did it once. I'm sure the press won't consider it a great achievement at all since they been there done that...

Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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We all go fishing for one reason, the same reason, we enjoy it.

I doesn't matter how or what you fish for, we all enjoy it, or we wouldn't keep going back time and time again.

This angler has shown he can catch fish, Big or small, it doesn't matter to him. The fact is, he can catch big fish time and time again, and from different waters, to me shows the mans talent.

Well done to him, and what a great looking fish.

Ask yourself this, how many times have you caught the same fish from the waters you fish, big or small, Roach, Carp or Perch, then ask yourself, am I any different from him ???

Day Breamer

Well-known member
May 25, 2008
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Ask yourself this, how many times have you caught the same fish

I once caught a Carp of around 3lb, and i swear to you, not 2 minutes after i returned it i caught it again, it was the same fish, he had a very noticable and distinguishable markings.

I was fishing the margins with pellet, after the bigger stuff... i couldnt believe it when i caught it twice in 2 minutes.

Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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Thats my point, I know a guy who caught a Barbel of 13lb 6ozs, he returned the fish, 20 mins later his mate, fishing just down river caught the same fish. There is a thread about the place at the moment Adams mill.

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
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Subtropical Buckinghamshire
Of course it's headline newsworthy -- just because in your opinion it may not be
Pardon me, but isn't this part of the website a forum for expressing your own opinion? Am I not allowed to express mine? Are you insisting on the censoring of comments by an editor just because he is an editor? I don't recall you ever saying that to Graham, whatever his opinion.

If Enguland win the world cup AGAIN this year
Now you are talking silly! :D :D :D

I once caught a Carp of around 3lb, and i swear to you, not 2 minutes after i returned it i caught it again,
I did that with a 4lbs chub once, but three times within 1¼ hours, the same fish and do you know - he hadn't gained one ounce in weight! :( :( Since it was the only bite I was getting, I packed up and went home.

Let me just say something now, which you might want to contest, up to you (Mr Bibby, BC, et al) -

Had the story have been passed to me via email (the author knows of my address and he could also have sent it to GM who would have forwarded it) I would have published it as a news story on the front page.

That's my job after all, to pass on stories of interest (not saying it wasn't that) to you members. However, for whatever reason, it was posted as a thread in the forums and like anyone else, I feel free to pass on a comment - my opinion whether you like it not. So, in the words of my predecessor - "**** 'em!" :p


Content Editor
Jul 5, 2009
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Thorpe Park
Well I would love to catch it once, let alone twice. It's true though that repeat captures diminish the perceived value - but I wouldn't care. I don't think this guy does either. Fantastic photos


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2009
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The Garden of England!
I really can't see what all of this Hoo Ha is about?:confused:

The guy is obviously a good carp angler, and fishing a difficult BIG Carp water. As someone posted earlier, there are other BIG Carp to catch from that water, and who knows, maybe bigger?

Yes we have all had repeat captures, this will happen on low stock venues!

Fair play to the captor I say, and I wish him well with the other Monster Carp!


Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Subtropical Buckinghamshire
Make your mind up. A couple of pages back you stated very clearly that you din't think the story was headline news worthy.

Oh - give me strength, there must be something wrong in't y'ed about you northern blokes! I can't seem to explain any better in clear Ingulsh so 'ere t'is agin -

Big difference in what I am supposed to do on FM and my opinion. As FM editor I HAVE A DUTY TO PUBLISH stories whatever I think about them. As an individual - I am entitled to an opinion.

Is that clear enough? Or do you want the Janet and John version?


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2006
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Istead Rise, Kent
Oh - give me strength, there must be something wrong in't y'ed about you northern blokes! I can't seem to explain any better in clear Ingulsh so 'ere t'is agin -

Big difference in what I am supposed to do on FM and my opinion. As FM editor I HAVE A DUTY TO PUBLISH stories whatever I think about them. As an individual - I am entitled to an opinion.

Is that clear enough? Or do you want the Janet and John version?

I you're going to talk the lingo pass the Watford gap you have to do it properly.
Here you go..... :D

Oh - gi' uz strength, theear mun be summa' rong in't y'ed abaht theur northern blokes! ah can't seem ta expleeam enny betta i' clear ingulsh sa 'eear t'is agin - big difference i' wha' ah'm supposed ta doa on fm 'n uz opinion. as fm editor ah av eur duty ta publish stories whateva ah think abaht 'em. as an individual - ah'm entitled ta an opinion. is 'a' clear enuff? or jont t' janet 'n john version?

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Subtropical Buckinghamshire
Thank you Dave. You at least seem to have a reasonable understanding and appreciation of my predicament. :) ;)

Let us hope that the message is understood by them lot up yonder!

Lord Paul of Sheffield

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Furkum Hall, Sheffield
Thank you Dave. You at least seem to have a reasonable understanding and appreciation of my predicament. :) ;)

Let us hope that the message is understood by them lot up yonder!


Not content with upsetting some good anglers on FM and Corker:wh with your comments you now seem to be trying to create a North South divide on FM by implying northern folk are a bit slow (Rotherham we will grant you are) - please recant this slander before my legal team of Grimpwit and Rimrod are needed.

The Bone Collector

Well-known member
Sep 13, 2004
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Middle Earth
Jeff, this thread has got totally out of hand.

The sole reason I posted the thread was one of speed and urgency.

This story I had was breaking news, I knew at the time that the weeklies and monthlies were breaking their necks to put it on their front pages.

Yes it is headline and newsworthy no matter what your personal opinions are.

In the past when I have contacted Graham with similar news stories he has to his great credit published the pictures and details immediately, very often within an hour or two.

Because of my fondness for this site as well as its members I thought it would be nice for FM once again to have first bite of the cherry. At the time of posting I did not have the pictures only the story.

With the speed of today’s communication Google, Twitter etc the story would have been old hat by the time I would have mailed you words and pix. What is it they say? Old news is no news. So I made the decision and FM once again became the first open angling forum to have the scoop even though there were no pictures.

I know you are a busy man Jeff, after all you are always telling us about your driving and acting occupations and there is not enough hours in the day for you, hence further reason for instantly posting.

Knowing how busy you are I would hazard a guess and say that you have a number of articles on your desk that will eventually be published, but with your workload how long will it take.

I was not aware Jeff that you are now the Editor of FM so congratulations however that still would have had no sway to alter my decision to post immediatly.

I would have thought that any Editor worth his salt would have instantly grasped the metal and followed up my post like an eager cub reporter, however you chose not to even though you know my email address and telephone number.

What was disappointing was your first post as editor or whatever hat you decide to wear which was obviously sarcastic I quote
And what's his target for 2011? And 2012? ..... 2013?

It’s not the time Jeff to muddy the waters or throw the toys out of the pram, we all make mistakes and say things we later regret.

I have given sound valid reasons for my post and if similar circumstances arise I would do the same again.


Fondest regards BC.
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Senior Member
Jul 2, 2009
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In my own little world
with a 'hair' of course.:wh

You passing comment on the state of my barnet?


(In my defence, it was a charity football match and we were the Dutch team 80's style. I didn't know we were meant to be dressing up though!)

It's funny, people always go on about carp anglers arguing with each other, and arguing with "pleasure" anglers, we've now got pleasure anglers defending a carp angler lol! Me and Cakey must feel soooooo loved up at the mo......

Keep the reports coming in BC, especially when they are caught on decent end tackle!
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