Record Fine

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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I believe I'm right in saying Thames Water didn't actually report the pollution initially. Possibly one of many leakages.

Maybe the other water companies are more honest? Yes, that would be it.

I have to say I'm very surprised that the "NEW" system Jeff refers to wasn't already in place. Shows poor practices and leadership. Hopefully things will look up.
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Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Subtropical Buckinghamshire
Fortunately () I live well outside of the Thames Water region.
You haven't said where, though.

I have every right to ask someone who says they're in the know, and who professes to have friends within the senior leadership,
Only inasmuch as they help me to do the job of looking after the environment by instigating projects and gaining funding as well as making sure that improvements are being made to prevent further pollutions. So get this once and for all - I AM NOT PRIVVY TO WHAT HAPPENS AT BOARD LEVEL OR WHO'S BEEN SACKED OR WHO'S HAD BONUSES! Right?

I'm simply saying that Judges can get it wrong.
That's just an opinion, same as I have when someone commits a murder and gets off with a light sentence. It counts for nothing because it's just MY opinion.

I do notice that no one has as yet answered my question - Do I tell TW to take back the £1.5million? It's a simple yes/no.



Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
What it shows is a lack of an organised maintenance schedule along with strict SOPs and training that has been carried out including refresher training and discipline for those not willing to be part of a safe for the environment organisation, the mind set for that starts at the top and should be cascaded right down throughout the organisation.

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Subtropical Buckinghamshire
Why should I, what's the relevance?
Just to see if you're in an area with a water company that performs worse than TW and do you write and complain to them. Just out of interest, that's all.
What it shows is a lack of an organised maintenance schedule along with strict SOPs and training that has been carried out including refresher training and discipline for those not willing to be part of a safe for the environment organisation, the mind set for that starts at the top and should be cascaded right down throughout the organisation.
I believe you can't see this response, but I agree. However, that's now the past and my interest is only in the future. (Will someone else please copy this for the Crow so he can see that I do agree with him.)

---------- Post added at 22:51 ---------- Previous post was at 22:46 ----------

Hopefully things will look up.
Sorry, Graham, I missed this. I think they are looking up, performance has got much better as there's has been a 50% reduction in incidents since 2013. However, there will always be some incidents however small and however few, it's the nature of the business. It's like some transport minister suddenly stating that they will stop all road accidents, it just won't happen. If anyone doubts that tell me what make of car, TV, cooker, and washer you buy because I bet they never break down.

Oh, and TW do report any incidents now. Soon as their new centre gets a call or alarms go off, they send out their 24/7 action team first and foremost. Next thing they do is notify the EA in case bubblers and other assistance is required.
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Nobby C (ACA)

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2001
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leafy green nowhere
Jeff,your quote:

" but don't expect any answers. I won't be giving them, it's not my job."

So you make statements defending the perpetrators but with the caveat that "We move on"
Why should we move on,does it make you and your chums uncomfortable to face the facts you're so keen to hear?
I'm out of the loop here,do you work for the AT? Are they getting the 1.5 million or are the EA getting that?

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Subtropical Buckinghamshire
So you make statements defending the perpetrators but with the caveat that "We move on" Why should we move on,does it make you and your chums uncomfortable to face the facts you're so keen to hear? I'm out of the loop here,do you work for the AT? Are they getting the 1.5 million or are the EA getting that?
You should move on because these incidents occurred 3 years and more ago, what can you do now? Time has passed, the company have made all sorts of modifications to prevent further occurrences (bearing in mind what I said above that you can't stop them all). Due process of law has been done whether you like the outcome or not. You have to move on, what else is there?
Neither EA nor ATr are involved. The money is held by TW in a Community Trust (this was set up years ago) and will be accounted for - every pound!
Oh, and I feel very comfortable. Why shouldn't I?


Just to see if you're in an area with a water company that performs worse than TW and do you write and complain to them. Just out of interest, that's all.

We're discussing the record fine imposed on Thames Water and the performance of the water company in the area I'm in is an aside as far as I'm concerned, whether it is better or worse.

I can see how, in the wider context of things, you might want to draw a comparison but as my local water company hasn't just been hit with a £20.3 million fine it seems pointless.

I believe you can't see this response, but I agree. However, that's now the past and my interest is only in the future. (Will someone else please copy this for the Crow so he can see that I do agree with him.)

There you go.

Nobby C (ACA)

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2001
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leafy green nowhere
Moving on in this case and my opinion means the same as forget about it all,its history. Which will repeat itself even by your own admission.
What role do you play in this saga then,you're seemingly quite informed at management level?

I'll rephrase that, you've used the term 'we' a couple of times.

---------- Post added at 23:41 ---------- Previous post was at 23:10 ----------

Edited for clarity. (I think).
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
bearing in mind what I said above that you can't stop them all).

Why cant they all be stopped? I have never worked in the water industry but I did spend many years working in a chemical plant that produced acetyl acetone(we were the only plant in the world that cracked acetone) there was never an accident or unplanned event because every bit of both the maintenance and production SOP were adhered to because if they were not there was a chance of there being another Flixborough which doesn't bear thinking about. Everyone had the right attitude from the top down to the toilet cleaner (more important he was there than me as if I wasn't the shift ran itself)

What I am trying to say is that if the will is there all incidents can be stopped, it would have been of no use to say "well we only had 3 explosions this year but we are 50% better because last year we had 6"

As you can see I have removed you from my "ignore list" as this is an interesting thread and I don't want to post having not read it all.

The bad one

Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Geoff explain how, why and who got this 1.5 m, as you say it went into a Community Trust. You first comment was not clear that it was going to a “Community Trust” for environmental improvements. “Right now, the Thames area will have £1.5 millions to spend on improvements, probably more than the EA in this area spent in the last 2 years.” Giving the perception that it was spending on general improvements within the Thames area. Which would be a paltry sum in the least and hence why I compared it against their profit for last year.

It strikes me that this money is ‘Conscience Money’ that they’ve spun into Greenwash for their abysmal failings. And as such, No you shouldn’t be giving it back to them, but you shouldn’t be letting them off the hook either. Not without pointing out to the wider public that’s what it is.

No doubt you will have to bid for project money from this Trust I take it? If that’s the case, who sits on the awarding board?

As to do I make claims on UU? No, but my club does where they are culpable for their failings. Also as you know my area is quite different to Thames area (a single catchement) and is made up of many major river catchments and therefore would work as it does on a single catchment.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
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Sorry Crow buts it’s a naive concept to think all “accidents” can be stopped, whatever the industry. Mine was Petro chemicals, where they have a like minded attitude to “accidents” as you describe. Realistically you can reduce their frequency year on year, but sooner or later an unplanned event will happen. Now whether it reported or not is a different matter.

My appologies to for misspelling your name, it was an honest typo which I've corrected via edit.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Sorry Crow buts it’s a naive concept to think all “accidents” can be stopped, whatever the industry.

Its that sort of thinking that will allow an "accident" to happen, all accidents are caused by human failure, whether that be not doing things as they should be done or expecting plant to continue performing without any safety margin, take out one link in the chain that leads to an accident and the accident will not happen.

These pollution instances happened because of that sort of "well it will happen sometime" thinking its lax and it starts at the top.

By the way I am far from being naïve.

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Subtropical Buckinghamshire
What role do you play in this saga then
Right, I'll spell it out for you. I am secretary of an association with 3000 anglers. We have certain projects on the go and Thames Water, even before this case, are supporting us. We get some finances from the EA, but a larger portion will come from Thames Water's Community Trust. alongside that, we are treated as one of the STAKEholders (please note, NOT SHAREholders) and they keep us informed as much as possible and since I like being nosey I learn from them as much as possible about water treatment since it can affect us at any time. THAT IS ALL. Honestly.

Why cant they all be stopped?
It's my opinion, TW will try to stop them all if they can, but as I say. it's like trying to stop road accidents. The pressure being put on STWs now by the growing populations is enormous but added to that is the stupid things people put down their toilets that cause all manner of problems in the sewerage, fatbergs etc., and these bl00dy nuisance condoms, tampons and other cr@p that we find in the rivers after an incident. One of the cases brought was said to have been caused by a fatberg breaking up and coming down the pipes and beggering up some pump or other. If they could get rid of people, the STWs would work perfectly (he say tongue in cheek). Plus there's the fact that when we get excessive rainfall, most of it from roofs and even shopping precincts now goes down sewers rather than soak-aways adding to the pressure on STWs. The sewage remains pretty constant with the population, but in 2014 there was so much going down the pipes they (all companies affected not just TW) couldn't cope and effluent (untreated sewage, had to be released into the waterways. There literally is NOTHING else you can do once storm tanks are full. Even the people in a nearby village to the Thames were complaining that their downstairs toilets weren't flushing away well enough and they didn't like it when I said, don't use them too often then (if it's yellow let it mellow... etc.). People do expect that when they flush the loo that's it, goodbye, end of, but it's just the beginning.

Here's an example: the lady next door once asked where I'd been all day and I'd been to a stakeholder's meeting at TW in London (nice food BTW). I told her about the 16tone fatberg and what had caused it and she confessed to emptying all her plates, pans, and scrap meats, gravy the whole works from a Sunday roast down the toilet. I told her under no circumstance never to and I think and hope she doesn't do that any longer.

Anyway, it's because of weather and people putting all manner of stuff down their loos that incidents will always occur, IMO!

And I really do mean this, if anyone gets the opportunity, go around a STW wherever it is and ask your questions. It's fascinating (and not at all smelly, well you do get used to it.) Oh and just to reiterate, Thames Water in 2015 we by far NOT the worst polluter in the country. South West Water won that title and there were quite a few other before you got to TW.

But just to please you, Mr Crow, I believe you're in Severn Trent area and they were one of the best performers. It also pleases me because my wife worked for one of their subsidiaries and she has shares in ST, it pays us a nice bonus on our meagre pensions.

Oh, and I too worked for Arco Chimie across Europe and I know the dangers of their chemicals. If we'd had an accident at the Rotterdam plant then all of Rotterdam would have gone up also. There was a map on the wall at FOS with circular rings around parts of it going up to Marseilles and when I asked they told me they were evacuation zones depending on wind speed. Thankfully, all is safe, but the public don't meddle with them, that's why.

No doubt you will have to bid for project money from this Trust I take it? If that’s the case, who sits on the awarding board?
Sorry Phil, I can't answer that for now since it hasn't been formally decided. The members of the Community Trust will no doubt have the final say. It's a bit like with the Wandle that was polluted some years ago, 2007, if memory serves. TW put in a further £500,000 I think and that was just the start, the locals set up the Wandle Trust and used it to get further grants form other organisations and now that Trust has, so I believe, 11permanent members of staff.
Here's something you'll relate to - Hyde Fed of Anglers asked us (Tameside Sports Council) for matched funding to restock the Hyde canal, way back in 1976. They put up £500 and we gave them £500 (lot of money back then). The the Assistant Recreation Officer in Tameside said "Wait a minute, don't spend it yet." and together we put in an application to Cheshire County Council for a further grant for Hyde Fed and they eventually ended up with £5000. Money begats more money, never forget that.

Any more? And still - should I tell TW to stuff their money or use it to improve the environment? :)

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:13 ----------

As you can see I have removed you from my "ignore list"
Oh you are a little sweetie... Thanks. :wh

But look, I don't blame people for being annoyed. No one wants to see anywhere suffering a pollution and the guy I know at TW is an angler (and a good one) himself, an ambassador to the World Wildlife Fund and each time there is an incident I think he want to put his head in his hands and wishes it would all go away. He is gutted (to use the modern vernacular). But what's done is done and as I say, TW are improving beyond belief. EVERY water company has incidents, TW are not alone so you have to look at your own and maybe what you're not being told. TW's case was very public because they asked for 6 cases to be brought together and the fine was huge. But like I say, there are many other companies that are now worse so keep your eyes peeled for any pollutions.

I'll tell you a story - I heard (but haven't had it confirmed yet) that the legal fees in this case claimed by the EA were enormous and judging by the documents the judge had I can believe it. Now a tale of the eel, on the red list of endangered species and the main problem facing eels here are weirs and the barriers they cause on migration upstream. A group of club officials were asked by the EA at a meeting to put forward ideas of weirs that would benefit from an eel pass. I got in touch with the chap and he came and inspected our weir (because we have Thames Valley Police Diving Unit sometimes and they'd told me they see thousands of eel under the weir sill) and yes, what a great idea said the EA man. Three years later and I still can't get funding of £3000-£5000 to buy an eel pass and the EA just say they can't afford it. Even though they damned well asked for them. Anyway, the crux of the story is - I believe the 'legal fees' in this case would have bought eel passes for ever weir up the Thames from Teddington to Lechlade. How good would that have been? Sarcasm bit: but at least solicitors and QCs can now enjoy holidays in the Bahamas and Seychelles this year.;)

Nobby C (ACA)

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2001
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leafy green nowhere
So your association or whatever stands to benefit from TW's munificence? *Sarcasm off *
Thanks for spelling it out to me for the second time this thread I'm too thick to understand what you're saying of course. Can we leave the pedantic sniping for now?

The bad one

Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Money begats more money, never forget that.
Well aware that money begats money Jeff something I'm quite good at getting for projects. £400,000 grant funding for my local park in the last 18 months. Even got the cash strapped MCC to cough up matched funding of 25K for new play equipment based on the 25K our park group was prepared to up for it.

Any more? And still - should I tell TW to stuff their money or use it to improve the environment?
Think I answered this one!


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
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Its that sort of thinking that will allow an "accident" to happen, all accidents are caused by human failure, whether that be not doing things as they should be done or expecting plant to continue performing without any safety margin, take out one link in the chain that leads to an accident and the accident will not happen.

These pollution instances happened because of that sort of "well it will happen sometime" thinking its lax and it starts at the top.

By the way I am far from being naïve.

Politics aside from this discussion, my disagreement is with the idea of “zero accidents” is achievable.
I’m well aware of Company safety rhetoric “all accidents are preventable”. Back in the real world “accidents” will continue to happen. Finance to stop all accidents is finite so it will fail. Humans are involved so it will fail. Utopia does not exist. Our aim should be to reduce the frequency to an acceptable level, whatever the industry.

Naive was a reference to the concept, not you.

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Subtropical Buckinghamshire
So your association or whatever stands to benefit from TW's munificence? *Sarcasm off *
I think you'd find if you examined our current project (not that I'm going to go into detail with you here, it's too long and not finally decided yet) that it's also the fish (providing refuges and better spawning habitat), nature, the neighbours, and the whole environment that will benefit. We might be an angling organisation, but hopefully we're not narrow-minded enough to only think of our own requirements. Although I do believe that what is good for angling is usually good for nature anyway.
Think I answered this one!
Yes you did, Phil and well done with MCC.