Slider Ups & Downs


Dave Coster


A little used method that can be a smooth-running joy to use when you get it right, turning into a tangle-prone nightmare when it goes wrong, must be the slider. I’m talking about semi-loaded, big-bodied peacock wagglers, which are the floats I use for deep water fishing. I know there are modern versions with fibreglass stems and fancy design features, but it’s best to get the basics right first. My early acquaintance with the slider came about when I used to fish the West of Ireland a lot, where top local anglers like my mate Cathal Hughes had perfected the method for the deep Irish loughs over there. He took it very seriously, having several groundbait catapults marked up with their comfortable firing distances, so he could marry them to the size of the slider he was using. The trick was to put a ball of feed over the float almost every cast. It was an attacking approach, but that was often the best way in deep and generally vast stillwaters.


Some of my earliest peacock sliders were originally green and came from Maver. These had big capacities but were also partly loaded. The latter feature is most important to make sure the float stays with the bulk shot on the cast, otherwise it flies up the line and all sorts of tangles result. Over the years I have modified these cherished floats, so they have small plastic adaptors at the top of their stems. These take different colour hollow plastic tips, allowing for quick changes if the light or surface ripple alters. My favourite tip colour is a translucent orange, which shines like a light-bulb at distance, particularly if there’s a dark backdrop. I made the slimmer-bodied sliders underneath the Maver ones myself and use these more in the UK. They are still part-loaded but take smaller bulks, suiting slightly less deep venues, but still cast a long way. I felt tip all these floats black because it makes them easier to see as they fly out and hit the water.


I tend to approach slider fishing differently over here, compared to Ireland, where you could get through a pile of groundbait. Smaller lakes, compared to vast loughs, can’t take so much. If I’m not casting too far, very often I switch between groundbait and loose feed, relying on two different catapults. I’m not worried if loose feed pulls fish up in the water, because it’s still possible to catch them. Instead of letting the main line whizz through the base eye on the float after it hits the surface, every now and then I try feathering it, which slows the fall of the hook bait down significantly. Bites show up by the float lifting or dithering about. This trick used to work well in the Emerald Isle, finding bonus roach and hybrids well off bottom, while skimmers and bream were more often caught hard on the deck. It was certainly worth looking for on-the-drop bites during slow periods, because this could boost your catch considerably.


Some of my early slider exploits were disastrous, littered with tangles, which resulted in many frustrating stoppages. But gradually picking up tips from my Irish mates and plugging away at the method, it became easier. I think it was Cathal, king of the Irish festival scene, who put me onto using float adaptors with big eyes. These allow the main line to run through them much more freely, compared to some of the daft small openings on some of the first slider floats I had purchased. All you have to do to stop a bigger eye from running over the stop knot, is position a tiny bead above the float, which acts as a buffer. It’s best to avoid using over-thick reel line, because after a bit of wear and tear, it will start to coil slightly and run less smoothly. I find 4lb Maxima best because it sinks particularly well and is quite robust. It’s marked up as 0.17mm but my micrometer says it’s closer to 0.20mm. That’s okay because it’s probably 5lb anyway.


You can see the tiny plastic buffer bead above the float in the accompanying photograph. Also, notice my bulk shot are lined up neatly, so most of the slots are positioned in line with each other. With non-toxic shot, they tend to hang slightly off-centre and if you don’t align them properly they snake about and cause tangles on the cast. The easy way to get big shot all facing the same way after they have been attached to mono, is to slide them along it several inches, which helps the weights to settle straight with each other. Another useful trick is to use a slightly smaller gauge when forming bulks. By using more smaller shot, bulks become better streamlined and stiffer, acting like a boom that’s less likely to cause tangles. In this instance I felt tipped my bright shot black, which makes it easier to see where they are, so I know my rig is working right. I’ve tried using olivettes as bulks with sliders, but found they were extremely tangle-prone.


You might wonder why go to the bother of all this detail with a slider, when surely a simple groundbait feeder rig could do the same job? After a few initial problematical sessions with this deep-water float set-up I was beginning to wonder, but after seeing my Irish pals catching loads of fish when the feeder was struggling, I had to ask questions. They explained a theory that made sense to me. There were some very deep loughs we fished that never seemed to produce much to feeder tackle, unless you used cage models that released their contents quickly, combined with extra-long hook lengths. They reckoned this was because slow release groundbait feeders and short links got buried in soft bottom silt, to the extent fish couldn’t find what was going in. With a slider and softer balls of feed, that wasn’t going to happen. You just had to keep adjusting and shallowing your depth setting after plumbing up, until the bites started coming.


I use sweet groundbaits on deep natural venues and fishmeal-based ones on places that see lots of pellets. These are mostly on the dark side and I like green when the bottom is silty, because it gives a bit of colour for the fish to home in on. Normal practise is to start with chopped worm and casters, along with a few micro pellets in the groundbait. On big venues I put a small ball of feed over the float every cast until something happens and then take it from there. Normally a ball every two or three casts works okay after that. On smaller venues I use groundbait much less frequently, finding three or four small balls about right to begin with, topping up at 10-to-20-minute intervals, depending on how the fish are responding. As mentioned previously, if I can get loose feed out far enough, feeding casters or pellets by catapult is another option. There will be days when groundbait can be fed far more regularly, but it’s best to feel your way in.


Once I have plumbed up the depth, I make a visual note of where my stop knot is by counting from the butt ring up, bearing in mind I use a 14ft rod most of the time for slider fishing. After that it pays to keep making adjustments. I don’t use heavy plummets with this method because they don’t cast very well in combination with a big bulk positioned several feet away. Far better to use a small piece of tungsten putty squeezed on the hook. Normal practice is to start three or four inches over-depth and to shallow up an inch at a time until bites materialise. Sometimes slightly suspended hook baits work better, which I suspect is due to them being found easier if the bottom is very silty. Another consideration, especially if plenty of bites are occurring as the tackle settles, is to try fishing well off bottom, even around mid-depth. I’ve caught big bream, hybrids and quality roach like this, switching to feeding much softer balls of groundbait every cast.


A great deal of my slider fishing has taken place on large stillwaters, where I often had to felt tip my float tips black to show up against a white backdrop. But it became a pain having to re-paint many of them for other venues that had much darker surface water. I eventually cut off the tip sections on all my bodied peacock floats and glued adaptors in place, which now accept new hollow plastic tips. This allows me to change tip colour in seconds if light conditions alter. I also have thinner tips I can switch to, should more finesse be required. The only problem with interchangeable float tips is occasionally odd ones do come adrift and get lost, but I have plenty of spares. Some specialist tackle shops sell lots of different diameter hollow plastic tips you can use as spares, although adaptors to fit them to are much harder to find. I was lucky as I knew a float manufacturer and managed to get enough to modify all the wagglers I needed to alter.


Where the slider works best in my opinion is when it’s a struggle to get to grips with deep venues on normal pole, fixed waggler or feeder tackle. Maybe the pole isn’t reaching out far enough to find the fish, or the depth of water is making it a struggle to cast a fixed waggler, while with the feeder it’s too static to encourage bites. With a slider you can go way beyond pole range, plus these floats cast so much easier than when using conventional wagglers, particularly when you can’t find a rod long enough to deal with very deep swims. With this method a 13ft or 14ft float rod can easily cope with depths down to 30ft. Then of course, after the rig lands, you can feather the line or twitch the rig in to encourage bites. As previously mentioned, you can adjust your stop knot to explore many different depths, in the quest to discover where the fish are. In this instance skimmers were feeding well off bottom and might have been missed with feeder gear.


One of the most important components in a slider rig is a swivel to attach the hook length to the main line. I use at least 50cms of trace line. The swivel is on the small side, but I can always add a bit of extra weight above it, in this case only a number 9 Stotz weight because there’s little wind. This is just enough to kick the hook length out in front of the bulk shot and float, as the rig is being feathered down towards the end of the cast. I have another number 9 on the hook length by the way. In windier conditions I would switch to number 8s and add a few more above the swivel, to help prevent the end rig tangling back around the float or the bulk. The vital thing is to make sure the distance from the tell-tale shot on the hook length to the swivel, is greater than the amount of line below it to the hook. Then the distance from the swivel up to the bulk weight needs to be greater again. The swivel also prevents hook length spin.


Another lifetime ago, when I fished in the Hooked TV series over in Denmark, Ian Heaps was kind enough to give me a push in the right direction regarding slider fishing. I was dismayed to draw a birdcage of a peg, with a big tree above my head, a small channel through rush beds on either side and not enough depth for the pole. It was a nightmare attempting to cast a fixed waggler out, and after a disastrous match Ian wisely told me I should have fished a slider, which was of course his favourite method. I told him my swim was not that deep, but he said it didn’t matter because it’s possible to underarm or sideways cast a slider rig, a lot further than a fixed waggler. He was so right and since then this method has helped me cope with lots of tricky situations, also to enjoy some great catches. Stand-out ones were surprisingly catching a big net of bream fishing at mid-depth in 30 feet of water, also landing a double-figure slab taken on the drop.

The post Slider Ups & Downs first appeared on FishingMagic Magazine.

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Richard Bartlett

Active member
Jul 2, 2009
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Really interesting article Dave. Until this year I'd last used sliders back in the dim & distant 70's when I often fished a deep lake in sunny Yorkshire (Roundhay park actually - I was a penniless student in Leeds but could get there on the bus!) Had good results with roach, often on the drop, learnt a lot & hugely enjoyed it. However, since then I'd not really fished a water that needed such tactics.
Until recently, that is. A few years ago I took over management of a deep gravel pit in Yorkshire & have been developing it as a traditional mixed coarse fishery - something for everyone really. Average depths are around 18' but extend to 20-30+' in places. Whilst there are plenty of roach in there, getting them on the feeder proved to be a somewhat frustrating challenge that many of us just couldn't overcome. Use of fishfinders demonstrated that large shoals of silvers could often be seen at mid-water, often at distance, thus making waggler work a real challenge, if not impossibility.
Recalling my 70's adventures, in 2020 I bought a decent selection of very good sliders (from Benwick Sports), intent on putting them to use that year. Of course, lockdown got in the way & by the time it had lifted, my tench obsession intervened so the floats never came out. However, come 2021 & the lifting of the second lockdown, once I'd sated my tench itch, out came the sliders - to be used with very great effect! My first cast with a slider in over 40 years gave me a decent roach in around 25 seconds. Ditto the next cast, & the next, & the next etc etc etc - roaring success, & to be repeated over many sessions!
The rigs I'm using are near-identical to yours, although I use olivettes stopped above the swivel with a couple of rubber float stops & have experienced no problems that I can recall. Maybe I've been lucky!
My experiments will continue - next season definitely, but if I can get the right conditions, also this winter - I'd love to get a big winter roach on the float!


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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It's one of my favourites, too. The water doesn't have to be that deep; anything over 8 or 9' and I'm likely to use slider. I first saw light versions of this method used on the Weaver in the 80's by Manchester anglers who perfected it for chasing roach from top to bottom in deep water, and later adopted it for catching roach in a clear lake where a pole would send them out of reach.

I've never gone in for the loaded float/big bulk/casting with the float on the bulk, though. My floats are unloaded and take from 2.5AAA to 2 Swan. I've found 2.5AA is the minimum to ensure the line will pull through every time. Either shot or an olivette will do, as long as you put them on so they can easily be moved. I put a couple of no 8's a distance above the bulk to stop the float sliding down - at, say 7' if I'm fishing 11', 8' if 12', 13 or 14', typical depths for where I fish. Two stop knots pushed together are preferable to one that you have to tighten down more and kink the line, and I've never found beads necessary. This gives a much lighter set up compared to what may be needed to fish very deep water at longer distance. The light set-up fishes fine up to 4/rods out and it sets quickly as you're only sliding the float a few feet, not most of the depth. It also feels less clunky if you're catching fish that aren't particularly big. It's slightly tricky to cast, at first - you have to cast the bulk rather then the float with a lob, not a punch. My dog-walking fishing friend often joins me for a bit on my favourite slider place near his house, and whenever he has a go with my gear his first few chucks go anywhere except the spot as he tries to cast it like a fixed waggler. Apart from letting you manage deep water, the better strike you get is a real bonus; you get a sweet strike without impedance from the float.

I have a mix of home-made and old Drennans in that size range


The one on the right is an ancient favourite and has been splinted with bits of drinking straw in two places.



I once made a set of much bigger floats of the sort Dave features - loaded and carrying a fair bulk. They were for fishing in Ireland, coincidentally at some lakes on the west coast above Galway. I wonder if Dave's Irish reference is to Balyquirke Lough and the deep bank called the Joinery? I had a few holidays in the area. I lost all these floats - 9 or 10 - in a shed break-in where random stuff was taken. We all knew who it was - a two-kid crime wave - and the perpetrators are banned from the area. Just as well all round really, as one or two of the other neighbours affected by them were talking about having a whip-round to pay someone to er have a word with them. I doubt that they had a clue what the floats were even for.

Dave Coster

Well-known member
Feature Writer
Dec 18, 2020
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I spotted someone using this strange slider set-up. He said it worked. An olivette with a tube as a stiff boom, plus shot. A bit too complicated for me!


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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
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South Yorkshire.
It's one of my favourites, too. The water doesn't have to be that deep; anything over 8 or 9' and I'm likely to use slider. I first saw light versions of this method used on the Weaver in the 80's by Manchester anglers who perfected it for chasing roach from top to bottom in deep water, and later adopted it for catching roach in a clear lake where a pole would send them out of reach.

I've never gone in for the loaded float/big bulk/casting with the float on the bulk, though. My floats are unloaded and take from 2.5AAA to 2 Swan. I've found 2.5AA is the minimum to ensure the line will pull through every time. Either shot or an olivette will do, as long as you put them on so they can easily be moved. I put a couple of no 8's a distance above the bulk to stop the float sliding down - at, say 7' if I'm fishing 11', 8' if 12', 13 or 14', typical depths for where I fish. Two stop knots pushed together are preferable to one that you have to tighten down more and kink the line, and I've never found beads necessary. This gives a much lighter set up compared to what may be needed to fish very deep water at longer distance. The light set-up fishes fine up to 4/rods out and it sets quickly as you're only sliding the float a few feet, not most of the depth. It also feels less clunky if you're catching fish that aren't particularly big. It's slightly tricky to cast, at first - you have to cast the bulk rather then the float with a lob, not a punch. My dog-walking fishing friend often joins me for a bit on my favourite slider place near his house, and whenever he has a go with my gear his first few chucks go anywhere except the spot as he tries to cast it like a fixed waggler. Apart from letting you manage deep water, the better strike you get is a real bonus; you get a sweet strike without impedance from the float.

I have a mix of home-made and old Drennans in that size range

View attachment 19046

The one on the right is an ancient favourite and has been splinted with bits of drinking straw in two places.
A good tip KEV. I have a couple of wagglers that have been in a drawer for over 20years, they will get the drinking straw treatment. ;)


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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A good tip KEV. I have a couple of wagglers that have been in a drawer for over 20years, they will get the drinking straw treatment. ;)

Can't bin an old float just because it snapped in half! That's a Drennan Swinger (named in more innocent days) and a perfect little slider taking 2AAA, 1BB and 5 no 8 to dot it. I've caught hundreds of pounds of fish on it. With a bit of First Aid, it'll catch a few more. Much the same as most of us on here lol.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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OK. I am outing myself. Ha Ha. I have never seriously tried a slider in all my 65odd years of angling since a kid.
Having read your article Dave I am making a late New Year Resolution. I have a local deep water in mind. Lots of privacy there so no one will see my attempts or hear my cries of anguish. :cry:

Ray Roberts

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Feb 12, 2008
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Eltham, SE London
They are good for birdcage swims and fishing tight to lily pads as well as deeper water. I knocked up a few top and bottom running water sliders. I couldn’t be arsed to make them from scratch for what was basically an experiment. The top eye was fashioned from a hook and the floats were a balsa glider type. They worked great. I will make some from scratch before the summer.

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Dave Coster

Well-known member
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Dec 18, 2020
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Yes, John, best to start with a slider on your own first time! Just remember to feather the rig down as it hits the water, to avoid everything landing in a heap.


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Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I have what may be a stupid question. If you are fishing at say 20' deep with a slider , I assume your stop knot is 20' up the line i.e. near the spool. Don't locslide or Polaris floats achieve the same end in deep water and do you use them ?

Dave Coster

Well-known member
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Dec 18, 2020
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It doesn't matter where your stop knot is, even if the water is so deep it ends up on the reel, as long as you have long tag ends to prevent snagging on the cast. I'm not convinced Locslide or Polaris floats can be used the same way. I believe the end tackle needs to be hard on the bottom for them to work properly. Normal sliders are more versatile because you can fish higher up, which is often where the fish are, or end up after regular feeding. But thanks for mentioning these other floats. I don't use them but have seen other anglers doing okay with them, even combining them with groundbait feeders.

Ray Roberts

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
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Eltham, SE London
I have what may be a stupid question. If you are fishing at say 20' deep with a slider , I assume your stop knot is 20' up the line i.e. near the spool. Don't locslide or Polaris floats achieve the same end in deep water and do you use them ?

No, the bulk weight sits on the bottom with a lock slide or Polaris float, whereas you can fish a sliding float at any depth. The sliding float is also generally far more sensitive too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

John Aston

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
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I never used a slider - discounting them as far too difficult for a clumsy clod like me- until I was fishing a deep estate lake for early morning tench. I just couldn't fish effectively at 15 yards range with a 13 ft rod and a waggler fixed at 10-12 feet depth . After making muppet like errors - too light a float , no bead , slipping stop knots , bad shotting pattern , you name it - I cracked it and it was a revelation . Casting was easy , and the ability to overcast was a boon , so I could easily sink the line , and , as said above, it is a get out of jail free card in overgrown swims .

Amazingly, I seem already to be doing just about everything Dave Coster is doing (I am not noted for being a float fishing maestro ) but I have one further refinement . I don't claim any credit as I saw some chap on YouTube doing this and it works well for me on tench and silverfish when fishing the lift method . Instead of pinching the shot on the line , I attach a microswivel and fish them on a short link of 1-2inches, stopped by a float stop. What I like about this is that I can re-use the link shot - and they are already exactly the right weight , assuming I am using the same float . I can also easily adjust how much line (if any ) I have on the bottom , according to bites, wind , species , etc , simply by moving the float stop.

And aren't fish so much easier to land with the float a foot or two above the hook and not 10ft or more?


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Polaris type floats are at the extreme clunky end of the slider spectrum. I've seen an angler use a large one of these with a feeder. It just about made sense on a huge, windswept Irish Lough but it's not pretty.


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Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I get that but then most of my fishing isn't pretty..? I'm going to try slider float fishing more extensively on a few deep waters ( 8/9' to 15') . Thanks for all your responses.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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If you're fishing places 9-15' deep, in most cases a stop knot will not need to come past the tip eye of your rod - a big fish putting a big bend in the rod might need you to wind in a bit further. With rod of 14' or 15' you can fish all day with a slider, sliding it from, say 8' to 12', and get the benefits of the method without the stop-knot passing the tip eye.
If you find the stop-knot(s) a bit off-putting, you can do it at home and put them on the line where you guestimate the depth of your swim, if you know the water, and adjust them on the day. I do this myself and leave the knots in place when I pack up and keep that spool - it's got 2.5lb Maxima on - for slider fishing.


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Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
A very good idea Kev and I shall do precisely that. I would use either a 14 or 15' rod but would probably need to do a side cast depending on the chosen swim.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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With you float set low, you'll probably find you can hold your line just above the hook, tension it a bit and swing your rig out underarm. (One of those little things that go from hit and miss to spot on each time after just a bit of practice) If you have deep water close in, it's often unnecessary to fish far out. With a long rod and pin even in water you could fish with a fixed float, I often lock the float with stop knots, or those little rubber things, and bulk the shot down the line. All the textbooks say the main shot should lock the float, but it's not always better, eg getting your bait past small fish higher in the water, picking up undertow etc.


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Well I am an alien as I prefer unloaded peacock for my sliders,4-5AA,the only time I would use any loading is when im fishing at 30m plus(rare these days) or if I wasnt happy with wind directions which could push the float from the bulk,I have no issues fishing depths up to 30ft like this on numerous different types of bait,the biggest issue of casting is slashing the rod about,everything MUST be steady and smooth....
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