For me the criteria I listed earlier are the key in deciding a rod's suitability.
In order of importance:
1, Must be up to casting whatever you want it to
This is self explanitory
2, Must offer good bite indication
I mainly leger/feeder fish and nigh on always use a quiver tip as my bite indicator and if freelining, the rods action is basically an irrelevance, as I'll be watching the line between the rod tip and the entry point into the water
3, Must have offer enough action that it allows you to play the fish
This really is the least important area, as chub aren't the hardest fighting species and can be easily dealt with using anything from a 2lb test barbel rod to a 0.5lb test Avon/specialist rod. I don't see any level of importance in having a wonderful smooth progressive action (like my mates Harrison has) if it impares bite registration and being stuck with only one option, it certainly is limiting.
---------- Post added at 13:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 ----------
So do you need a Rod Tip that only indicates when a Fish has been hooked when Chub Fishing, rather than indicating when a fish might be investigating a bait?
I know this might seem a silly question, but giving that Chub seem to be very wary, once a Chub decides it wants a bait does the sensitivity of a Tip really make much difference?
Would a Rod that comes with Spliced Tips be a much better choice, that way you could have a selection of Top Sections to suit. Yes, it might be more expensive, but, would it justify the cost?
Some very good questions; for me a quiver tip is both an indicator of a fish investigating the bait and a full on bite; I'm sure it's possible to use it to interpret what's going on in the water via movements on your tip. So it's a major advantage using a soft quiver tip as it conveys more of what's happening and because the chub isn't actually hooked at this point, so offering minimal resistance for longer gives you more time and if needed a greater visual indication.
Yes it's true say that a lot of quiver tips aren't that well balanced with the rod but is that really important - I say no!
It's highly doubtful that many anglers targetting chub would buy a rod with say three top sections just to have an improved action.