Tired of being abused by know-it-alls

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Aug 31, 2014
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It would also be interesting to know what other anglers would do while fishing a river if they saw another angler taking what they are legally allowed to take. Anyone?

And there's the problem, not impossible, but very tricky to determine whether the angler has a legal catch or not, how many does he already have in his bag? Are they all of legal size?


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Is really the only solution to this for me to spend time somewhere I do not enjoy being?

No I don't think so, do you drive? have you looked at club waters or day ticket waters not all are holes in the ground crammed with both fish or anglers, as you like to fish rivers why not use some of whats left of the closed season to search out a water/waters that you would be happy to fish with the species you would want to catch where there will be no confrontation with anyone particularly the type you described, other than that you risk a repeat of what prompted this thread which wasn't right but I am afraid lots of canals are favourite places for the less friendly.

If I thought there was going to be any trouble at all on a water I wouldn't fish there, why would I? I go fishing to enjoy it not to argue with anyone, I don't know if you have read the "bloody miles of it" thread but there are posts on there about parts of canals that members will no longer fish because of the people that frequent the stretches, their choice is to fish safer places and I don't blame them.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
And there's the problem, not impossible, but very tricky to determine whether the angler has a legal catch or not, how many does he already have in his bag? Are they all of legal size?

Only by asking to look in the bag which obviously could lead to a confrontation but who would be in the right the one legally taking fish or the one wanting to see in the bag?


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Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I have read this thread and have not commented until now! The OP was brave, if a little foolish , in admitting taking a Zander even though he is entitled to do so! However he does not deserve any of the opprobrium cast upon him for doing so , either in taking the fish or in excercising his right to free speech! It appears to me in this and other posts that more concern is expressed for a fish than a fellow human being!

I see no difference in coarse fishing and sea fishing in that the same or similar techniques are employed in catching fish! Apart from the depth and swim bladder aspect no one and I repeat no one would return a mackerel or a cod, squid ,herring ,plaice, dab etc etc! We, and I use the Royal we do not take course fish , even when entitled to do so, for reasons I am largely unaware of save that coarse fish, I am advised, generally make poor eating !

Tomino please feel free and entitled to continue to post and just as we should not tar all " foreigners" with the same brush , neither should you judge all brits the same way!
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
no one and I repeat no one would return a mackerel or a cod, squid ,herring ,plaice, dab etc etc!

Sorry Mike but there is one here that used to return all of his catch including Bass up to 8lbs and Cod of about the same size, If I wanted fish to eat I got it from Morrisons, I never took anything I caught unlike some holiday makers taking undersized Bass.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Sorry Mike but there is one here that used to return all of his catch including Bass up to 8lbs and Cod of about the same size, If I wanted fish to eat I got it from Morrisons, I never took anything I caught unlike some holiday makers taking undersized Bass.

As Mike just said " It appears to me in this and other posts that more concern is expressed for a fish than a fellow human being! "

Come on - agree with another poster for once :)


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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As Mike just said " It appears to me in this and other posts that more concern is expressed for a fish than a fellow human being! "

Come on - agree with another poster for once :)

Sorry Graham! but Mike made a point about people - and you went straight back to the fish! No offence - I just had to say it :)

old school

Oct 5, 2016
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Speaking as a keen pike angler Tomino I don't livebait precisely because I do find it cruel. A lot of people feel the same way.

I think that most of this debate would be resolved if you just accepted that, whatever you think and may be used to, British thinking on killing coarse fish is largely against it. You can be forgiven for not knowing that when you first came to the country, but now you do know all you have to do is agree that you will adopt local customs. Or, as we say, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". It is the fact that you continue to argue another point of view (in such a provocative way) that gets people upset.

If you were just to do this you must be able to see from a good number of the contributions to this thread that you would feel a great deal more welcome. There would be no need to fish somewhere else and no need to feel unwelcome because of where you come from. After all, even the so-called drunken yobs who challenged you noticed you because of your behaviour, not your accent.

If you aren't willing to adapt to your new home, then I suggest that the problem IS you, not others. After all, there is a time for standing up for what you believe in, but there is also a time for holding up one's hands and saying, yes OK I take your point.

Agree 100%:thumbs::thumbs:


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
As Mike just said " It appears to me in this and other posts that more concern is expressed for a fish than a fellow human being! "

Come on - agree with another poster for once :)

This is what I quoted Kev

no one and I repeat no one would return a mackerel or a cod, squid ,herring ,plaice, dab etc etc!

This was my reply,

Sorry Mike but there is one here that used to return all of his catch including Bass up to 8lbs and Cod of about the same size, If I wanted fish to eat I got it from Morrisons, I never took anything I caught unlike some holiday makers taking undersized Bass.

I wont change it as its the truth I never took any fish that I caught while beach fishing, I was in fact looked on as someone that was a little strange by the other regulars on the beach but they were my fish to be retained or returned, I chose to return them, I don't know how that can then be extrapolated into me thinking more of fish than humans I would of course have treated some humans equally with the fish and thrown them back from whence they came if I had caught any :)

I don't know of anyone that thinks more of a fish than humans although I can think of some humans that deserve the same treatment as some fish get, I am afraid that my opinion of the human race as a whole is not very high that opinion being formed over the last 70 years of watching it destroy the Earth and giving nothing back, we are without doubt the most greedy, arrogant species on Earth.


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Sep 8, 2009
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Personally, I can understand tomino's gripe with UK coarse anglers. By and large, they are a bunch of misguided fools ("tools" if you like). Few have any idea of nature and conservation or what should be in our waters and at what stocking level. Even less have any wish for what it should be.

To think of UK coarse anglers as guardians of our waterways is a joke; they have shown themselves to be little more than environmental thugs, with no respect for nature or the laws that try to protect it. Just happy to try and make it suit their own selfish pleasure. It's sad but that's where I see coarse angling has gone.

ps. tomino, Have you considered upgrading from a priest to a baseball bat?
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Dear God ! We should rename this thread the "angling stereotypes " thread....and I resent being labelled an "environmental thug" by a pitch invader. Kindly take your alternative agenda elsewhere.

Just looks like bait to me Skip, ironic that part of this thread title is "know it all's" :)


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Sep 8, 2009
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I'm not in charge and have no desire to be but I wont sit idly by and be called an environmental thug by somebody with an axe to grind. Nor will I enter into any further debate about it. Take your attitude elsewhere.

Did I touch a nerve?
As you say, your not in charge. Thank God, but don't let that stop you giving out orders and rallying the other big mouths on here. I would expect no less. I can only think you know I'm right and it hurts.

Peter Jacobs

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Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
Moderation note . . . . . (to no one person in particular, more like a general comment)

Come on guys, let's tone this down a little to avoid the thread being locked.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Did I touch a nerve?
As you say, your not in charge. Thank God, but don't let that stop you giving out orders and rallying the other big mouths on here. I would expect no less. I can only think you know I'm right and it hurts.

Exactly what orders did I give out ? It was you that called anglers environmental thugs,not me.
That's a fairly bold generalisation and one which I completely reject.
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