Just hit 500, keep it going!
I agree totally that the punishments don't always fit the crime, however, what has to be taken in to account by the Law is, who and what was responsible for the offence.
Was it avoidable, why did it happen, what can be done to prevent it happening again.
Although the fine, can seem and usually is rediculous, a lot of the time, it is the preventive measurements that end up costing these companies and offenders a lot more money, the safety checks they have to perform, the safe gaurds they have to put in place, the training that they have to provide etc etc etc.
One of the main contributing factors of offenders is that they govern their own procedures instead of being independently auditted on a regular basis.
A company committing a 1st offence in this magnatude and scale should be hit with a set fine (say £100,000), and then they should be tasked with setting up and providing a set of safety clauses and checks, if that company commits a similar offence after these guidelines have been set up and implememnted then the set fine should be doubled and the directors of the company should have to go to court to explain why this reoccured and what was their objective to prevent this from happening again, any further reoccurances of the same nature should result in the company being closed down while it is independtly investigated and that safety guidelines are implemented.
It would be easy to implement as independent auditors could check their training records against the personnel performing the duites / tasks at any given time.
Time scales would be set for safety implimentations to be completed and independent checks done on completion of standards.
Their are 2,500,000 people unemployed in britain, train some of them to carry out audits and safety checks for companies like this and you will have less unemployed people and less companies willing to take short cuts as they know that they will be auditted regularly.
This is Preventive instead of Reactive and a lot more positive outlook for the environment.
To often we React to enviromental disasters that cost us a fortune to put right if and when they can, instead of preventing it from happening in the beginning.
I've just written to my MP about this case and about the pitiful sentences inflicted.
He's standing down at the next election, but hopefully he will pass it on to other members of the house.
The Bad One and Alan,
Let me first say, that the 100,000 was just an example, it was not by any means me stating what should be set as a presidence.
Secondly, i do not condone what they have done, i was just trying to point out, that what led to the final pollution of the Trent was perhaps not just the incompetence of the Red Company, although they started the chain reaction.
Do i agree that they should be punished, yes i do.
But it is not for me to pass that judgement on to them it is for the courts.
And here is the most important point, there's little or no capacity to hold water up anywhere in the drainage system, other than the diameter of the bore of the drain and the odd sump.You should also remember STW are processing 1000s of gallons of sewage an hour. You can not turn a valve off to stop it coming into the treatment works, because it backs up and explodes out of every orifice in the street, in peoples houses and anywhere else it's connect to that system.