When is Sedge NOT Sedge ?


Phil Hackett

“I have actually been embarassed at all the nice things that (most!) people have said to me, or about me. In fact, it's only usually when you die that people make these sort of comments at your funeral. It's nice to hear these things when you're alive!”

With whit like this (and he should know because he attends more funerals than most; Vicar and all that!), he wonders why we don’t want him to stop posting!!!!

ron lander

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2002
Reaction score
Well done Stuart. People like you make this website what it is. I have learned more about fishing (and become more enthusiastic) thru this site than anything else over the last ?? years!

Neil Wayte

Going back to the original point of this post I had to laugh.Knowing the imposter in the Anglers Mail better than I know Sedge I'm not sure which one to fell sorry for.
Secondly,when you write things for mags and web sites you are unfortunatley putting your name on the line.Every now and then someone is going to have a pop at you.You must expect this to happen(it has to me) but by walking away from it you allow these people to win.Sedge and I have disagreed in the past quite strongly but he didn't stop writing then so why stop now.
If you upset everyone every time then perhaps you should stop but it appears to be the opposite with Sedge so he should carry on.Just don't get to upset when someone disagrees with you Stuart.

Wendy Perry

mmmmmmm did my name get mentioned there heheheh you crazy paul :)

Ashe Hurst

Have we all noticed how quite D B has been.
He cant justify his comments and therefor can not back them up .

How often Sedge fished or how and where dosnt bother me,same goes for any other angler,So long as they are responsible.

Judging from the quality conntent of sedg,s letters, I have no conncerns over his angling abilities and fish welfare.
The same can be said for most of the anglers that contribute to FM.

It would be of interest to see if D B, sends an appollogy for his comments.

Whilst we all have freedom of speach,those that do offend must atleast say sorry.


Ashe, If you read previous posts on this thread, Graham mentioned that he would remove any further posts that were made by DB, therefore we don't know if he retaliated in any way. Yuo could ask Graham if you were that interested, but I would sya that discretion is the better part of valour and all that.


Wendy Perry

Welcome back SEDGE now can i get up off my knees it's not doing ma hip any good at all lol :)

Neil Wayte

Wendy you don,t need to get on your knees to pray.
I have stood next to river and lake a prayed "God don't come off now" and it still works even though your not on your knees.

Ron Clay

Welcome back Sedge. Nice to see you in Angling Star again, even though I don't agree with all you write.

Rodney Wrestt

Difference of opinion makes life interesting don't you think.....it shows maturity and intelligence, leading to debate and shared experience if taken upon in a constructive and fair manor leading to either a revelation or agreeing not see eye to eye.

Good to see you Sedge.