Life is slowly coming good. My tackle shed / man cave mini fridge has been a Godsend, cold beer, milk for tea and bait.
So I woke this morning with a bit of a spring in the step and arrived at the Yeo full of the joys. The weather was such that I could see it was going to break today, that rain would arrive. Could I time it to stay dry or did I really mind getting wet? I decided on the latter, at least until the Bayou broke or similar.
Similar to last week except today I opted for the 14ft Normark Titan 2000 and DAM coffee grinder closed face carrying 2.6lb main. A wire stemmed Drake stick float carrying 5 no. 6 shot to a Drennan maggot 20 to 1.1lb trace.
With the bait apron filled and a succession of most pleasant dog walkers and joggers, the fishing was slow and the sun definitely AWOL today but it simply didn't matter - not to me anyway.
The odd small roach picked up the bait before a mini dace joined in, more roach and then a skimmer around 6oz. Obviously, not large but I can't remember the last one I caught on a river. It'd make SKippy jealous, almost certainly.
Small roach again before a chub around the pound mark made itself known. Again not huge but it stood out amongst the minis I had hooked so far. Again, although the fight was not exactly toe to toe it was fun and it whetted my apetite for bigger and better things and I actually thanked that fish as it went back.
I stepped up to two red maggots to see if it might make a difference. No - was the simple answer. The bites were sporadic and often unexpected, I'd get one as soon as I dropped in, then the next run would give a bite at 15 meters. There was no hard and fast pattern but it was, simply, enjoyable.
The time flew and I decided that my next trip here might well involve a feeder rod and some bigger baits to see if I can't winkle out some bigger specimens. I think I might try a grain of corn, I have a feeling that might up the ante.
So I packed up and was soon back at home with a big mug of tea and an even bigger smile. I know Winter has its place but, to be honest, I've had enough of driving to and from work in the dark and am looking forward to lighter evenings. That said, my warm and comforting cave has seen me tying pole rigs and oiling reels like a looney so it's not all bad, is it?
All the very best to everybody for the last couple of weeks of the river season. Hope it brings all you'd like.