How did you get on?

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
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I wasn't sure that I was going to get out this week end as I had been allowed a lads day out yesterday; our HQ is in Carnforth & a few of my colleagues are based in the lakes & support Barrow AFC so their drawing the 'mighty' Tranmere Rovers in the FA trophy seemed a pretty decent excuse for a few pints, a spot of lunch, footy followed by a few more pints :w. Ordinarily I wouldn't dare suggest that I follow such a day of decadence with a fishing excursion, but when my beloved suggested that a trip out was OK as long as I was back by 17:00 to give her a chance to get her bouldering 'fix' who was I to argue?? The only snag was not having had a chance to sort bait; last weeks maggots were now casters, but rather too far along given the milder weather over the last week. On the plus side, perhaps this would be the kick up the a**e required to get me to give worm / bread a proper go.

I opted for Blackbrook Basin optimistically hoping for tench & crucian but realistically thinking I'd be happy with a few nice roach. The great thing about this venue is that despite its suburban locale, it is completely surrounded by woodland & is a total haven for all manner of birds, so even if they aren't biting...

I set up at the far (shallow) end with double caster on the feeder (sleeper) rod in a small bay surrounded by reeds. A wobble on the tip whilst I was still setting up my waggler rod resulted in a roach of around 6'' - this seemed promising, but just like Barrow AFC drawing first blood yesterday (FT TRFC 5 - 1 Barrow AFC) this proved to be a false dawn... that was it on the feeder - not a further sniff on caster, worm or bread :(

The waggler fared little better; nothing on worm, nothing on bread. In 'desperation' I scaled back using a few straggler maggots from amongst the casters & eventually managed a few small roach but on balance it was not my finest 5 hours :eek:

The birdlife however was excellent; all manner of tits, chaffinch, bullfinch a nuthatch plus what a thought was a waxwing but it flew off before I could get a positive ID plus a majestic Buzzard doing that lazy, circling gliding that just looks so effortless...

I really feel that I should try to get another river session in before it's too late but the next couple of week ends are looking pretty crazy :eek:

Tight lines y'all...

Well done for getting out and giving it a go, at least you had a few roach :thumbs:

I'm now eager to get out and fish meself but am hoping to go next week sometime if all goes to plan :D

I did notice that you stated that you set up at the shallow end of the lake,

Me personally at this time of year I'd look for some deeper swims, if you can find water in the region around 7ft or so this the ideal depth for wintering lake roach.

Be lucky

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Cheers Stu - I agree about the depth thing this time of year, but I just liked the look of the shallow end & in truth, as formerly part of the St Helens canal, the difference is not that much, i.e. fishing in 4' as opposed to 5' at the other end. As with so many waters, it comes into its own once the weather warms up - unfortunately coinciding with its popularity as a venue :(

I hope that they are biting when you next make it out...

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Out in the blustery wind this morning facing a river Wreake up a bit and pushing steadily through.
Wandered downstream from near the railway crossing and started off with legered crust.
On about the fifth cast the quivertip indicated something was interested and hit a drop back bite to land a pristine chub of around 1lb 12oz.
Spent a few minutes watching a pair of kestrels,that was after a kingfisher went zooming upstream and a red kite working the field behind me caught my eye.
Switched to worm and after missing numerous 'cup of coffee' bites landed another chub of about 1lb,again in very good condition - then the horizontal rain came roaring across the fields,so I legged it.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Well the weather wasn't quite so bad rain/sleet wise as expected. But windy.
River came up highish again and felt very cold.

One pal suprised us both by firstly getting a Wye marbled pike of around 14lb after 20 mins. Then followed this by a couple of barbel in the next hour.

The other pal was biteless. I started to wind in later and found a fish on the end. Quelle Suprise. No bite noticed. About 8-9lb. That was it. No pike for me.

New stretch and a stunning piece of water with about a mile to go on. We fished 30 yards of it.

Snow possible tomorrow. Ahhh.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Simon. Another barbel.
In general the fish were fairly torpid and starting to lose colour due to the colder water and big rise in levels.

Frost this morning in the real Gods county.:D


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
We have a winter wonderland at home and it is snowing hard here in the centre of manchester. I am almost glad to be at work!:)


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
As the car sticker says A bad day's fishing is better than a good day in the office...

Definitely getting more Spring like here, so here's hoping, eh?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Got out for a morning session and whilst it's not my favourite time of day especially after a cold night it was the best option given the wet forecast for the afternoon.

The Gade was the venue and she wasn't carry much water but did have a tinge of colour, bites however were hard to come by although the first swim yielded about half a dozen minnow sized chub which I never mind catching as that's the future right there. The dozen minnow sized minnows that followed meant a move was on the cards, and with nothing countable for my records a visit to my secret swim was needed. By secret its more a case of being tucked away from all the dog walkers and joggers rather than being full of fish and is one of those swims with over hanging trees here, there and everywhere. A Little Egret looked on upstream as the public went about their routine unaware either of us were present. Just as well as I got caught up in the overhang more than once. The skill was more about not losing any tackle rather than catching much but two chub did grace the net, which were easier to get in than a bare hook such was the confines of the swim. No tackle was lost either - result!

With the river to myself I tried a few more spots trying to avoid minnow and whilst it's not everyone's cup of tea I do love fishing shallow rivers, especially this time of year when they are moving a bit. I finished up with around a dozen tonking dace and ten chub which weren't much bigger than the dace aside from a couple of better ones which were all of two pounds!

I packed up just as a great big blue and yellow macaw landed opposite, I wasn't surprised as it's often 'walked' in the park by it's owner and it's makes a colourful change from dogs, as was it's companion - a green parrot like bird. Not sure which one of them wolf whistled at me but good to know i've still got it :D

Just as I got to the car the rain started to hit the windscreen, perfect timing. Small river fishing at it's best, nothing big just enough bend in the rod, wetting a line but not getting wet, I love it when a plan comes together! Now back to work.
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Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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A different part of the Wreake this morning below Hoby on a deep pool with a lazy wind (trying to go through you instead of around),level up since my last visit with bits of flotsam circling through the numerous swirls and back eddys but clear and bright sunshine lighting up a white egret flying downstream.
Started with legered crust and third cast had a half pound roach.Persevered with with gusty wind and had a chub of 2lb 5oz.
Switching to worm brought a dace to the bank,all three fish being in good condition.
eventually the bites dried up as the sun climbed higher and after losing all the end leger tackle
on a snag I headed for home.
Just about to drive away and was amazed to see perched on the passenger door having a look into the car,a long tailed it which then hopped on to the door mirror and started pecking its reflection,I was too slow to get my camera and a few moments later it was gone.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
My intention was to fish two rods today baited with lobs hoping for a fish or two n a near local lake but seeing the frost this morning any enthusiasm I had went out of the window ( its been a long winter).
I ruminated for a while over a coffee and decided once more to do an afternoon with my lure gear for a pike or perch, anyone of which would have been welcome as fish have been a bit thin on the ground of late.
A noon start after a chat with two near county nieghbours who had the baits out for a snapper themselves along with a coffee and sandwich was soon looking fragile when a snag decided to exchange ownership from me to it - ugger !.
Four hours later with a length of the lake lashed to a foam I finally had a take from a pike, a really really small one, maybe nine inches that had engulfed the whole of my four inch lure --- amazing really , its hard to see how they can do something like it.
Ten minutes later the little drama was repeated with another pike that dwarfed the first one being at least twice as long.
Only two weeks to go for me to try and turn my predator season around ---- one last water to try that did me well last seasons end--- fingers crossed!.

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
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Got out for a morning session and whilst it's not my favourite time of day especially after a cold night it was the best option given the wet forecast for the afternoon.

The Gade was the venue and she wasn't carry much water but did have a tinge of colour, bites however were hard to come by although the first swim yielded about half a dozen minnow sized chub which I never mind catching as that's the future right there. The dozen minnow sized minnows that followed meant a move was on the cards, and with nothing countable for my records a visit to my secret swim was needed. By secret its more a case of being tucked away from all the dog walkers and joggers rather than being full of fish and is one of those swims with over hanging trees here, there and everywhere. A Little Egret looked on upstream as the public went about their routine unaware either of us were present. Just as well as I got caught up in the overhang more than once. The skill was more about not losing any tackle rather than catching much but two chub did grace the net, which were easier to get in than a bare hook such was the confines of the swim. No tackle was lost either - result!

With the river to myself I tried a few more spots trying to avoid minnow and whilst it's not everyone's cup of tea I do love fishing shallow rivers, especially this time of year when they are moving a bit. I finished up with around a dozen tonking dace and ten chub which weren't much bigger than the dace aside from a couple of better ones which were all of two pounds!

I packed up just as a great big blue and yellow macaw landed opposite, I wasn't surprised as it's often 'walked' in the park by it's owner and it's makes a colourful change from dogs, as was it's companion - a green parrot like bird. Not sure which one of them wolf whistled at me but good to know i've still got it :D

Just as I got to the car the rain started to hit the windscreen, perfect timing. Small river fishing at it's best, nothing big just enough bend in the rod, wetting a line but not getting wet, I love it when a plan comes together! Now back to work.

Brilliant little session there Rob, well done mate :thumbs:

Seems I'm not the only one then who loves fishing these type of very shallow little chalk streams :D

I've been to the Gade meself a few years back and although never fished it I can clearly see the fascination with em and can also see why you took the trouble to come around the M25 to fish me local little river Cray last week aswell,

There's just something magical about trotting these little river systems and even more so if one likes trotting for quality Dace like I do, truly an awsum way to fish and the beauty of it is that they never really get over fished,

The close season is sadly nearly apon as again but in a way is a good thing but now can't wait until June 16th :thumbs:
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Had a couple of hours on the local cut this morning still blowing a hoolie along that part had a few small perch on worm got too cold came home .

Not doing well this year with the weather i can normally handle most of it but not this year get too cold very easily .

PG ...

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
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Had a couple of hours on the local cut this morning still blowing a hoolie along that part had a few small perch on worm got too cold came home .

Not doing well this year with the weather i can normally handle most of it but not this year get too cold very easily .

PG ...

Well done fella, at least you got out and managed a few :thumbs:


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Well done fella, at least you got out and managed a few :thumbs:

I do try most times as the weather improves i wil be out more evening times as well hope the catches improve think my big problem at that location is the EE clan judging by the horde of footprints the ruin a water more cold baths needed i feel ...:wh :rolleyes: who said that me Nahh you got the worn bloke there :wh:wh :D


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
I took another stroll over the fields to one of the local streams that was a ‘chocolate turbulence’ last time I fished it just over a week ago and found it not so chocolaty but still going through at a fair pace. The weather was a mix of sunshine and white cloud, dry with a cold wind appearing about midday and lasting for about an hour.


Armed with half a pint of reds, rod, reel, net and small bag I trotted a couple of miles of water for around 15 roach, 6 perch and a chub. That surprised me as, considering the conditions, I though the chub were going to be the fish that saved the day. Fished from 10.30 – 2pm.