Angling Times

  • Thread starter John H Member of THE C.S.G.. & The A.T.
  • Start date

Mark Wintle

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
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Azide the Stour
I'd say your two months are up, Greg. No sign of it getting better yet, as for being the best...It simply won't happen.

John H Member of THE C.S.G.. & The A.T.

Suggest you don't put your house on it Greg /forum/smilies/wink_smiley.gif

Besides, why would anyone possibly want to ban me? That really hurt /forum/smilies/crying_smiley.gif

John H Member of THE C.S.G.. & The A.T.

I actually thought the original A.T. web site/forum board was quite good. I even got permission from the site editor, Steve Cole I recall it was then, to display their breaking news feature on my Club's web site front page. A good number of my club members used to use it and asked for it to be put back, sadly it was beyond my control.

As I said on my original and first post on this thread "if it ain't broke don't fix it"

It's difficult to defend the indefensible, Greg. Full marks for trying though /forum/smilies/wink_smiley.gif

Sorry to disappoint Greg, but there's a guy who goes by the name of Wearyone who's pinched my name and e-mail address on the AT site.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2005
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All good things come to those who wait... So who will rival us for news out of interest because I already check out every site on the Net? PAC areprobably the best. Is there anyone out there who could better, say, 50 news stories a week? Not a chance.

To be fair to all on AT we have been provided a label and we've got to make the most of it for the time being. We're polishing the looks up (no jokes about turds required thanks) and once we've done that we'll be taking it forward. I've taken the liberty of saving this thread so I can remind the doubters down the line just how wrong they were....


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2005
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"Simply won't happen." What you willing to put on it Mark?

Mark Wintle

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
Azide the Stour

I'm not sure you get it!

The AT site will lead on news but that is not the only thing that people are looking for on the net. It's a bit like when I read newspapers, and I read several, I get the same news from different sources, and I scan the news items but it's the comment and features I look for. In angling, once you've read about x 30lb carp or y 7lb chub you lose interest. At one time such stories were sensational but not any more. Some stories do make you sit up but not all. I think a lot of other people feel the same way.

My article today on FM is no. 5091; that is a vast resource of material that FM has, covering far more than just news. It is, in the main, contributed by the members, and therefore covers far more than just how-to-it articles. There's political, ecological, tackle, technique, humour, fiction, descriptive, and in the main it is the stuff that is so hard to get published in AT or AM. That's why people come looking on here for such a wealth of contributor supplied material. Any site that has to rely on pro journalist supplied stuff must by definition have the same narrow approach that sells newspapers with the same tiny band of writers. That's why the forums remain dull.

I hooked into FM when having read an article I wrote a counterpoint one, and the next day it was published. I thought to myself 'here's the sort of site I feel that I could contribute to' and got stuck in. That was five years and 180 articles ago (not all under my own name). Plenty of others have taken the same interest and the result is a widerspectrum of angling writing than any magazine or media driven websitecould ever hope for. What it then gives its members is a tremendous sense of belonging.

News is important; it's how we all stay in touch with what is happening. Those of us with long angling experienceknow that what is happening today wasn't ten or twenty years ago , and might be very different in ten years time. I know my fishing, on the same waters, has changed drastically over the years. But news isn't the be all and end all - that's all.

I don't make bets on immeasurables but is the AT site the top UK angling site measured on hits or however they measure it?

Graham Marsden (ACA)

It's all about definition, and what is defined as 'best'.

If it's numbers of visitors then Go Fishing may well become the best. I'm just surprised that with the resources it's got it hasn't reached that dizzy height before now. But as I said to AT editor Richard Lee when he rang me to ask what I thought of the original AT site, it isn't just about the most news or the biggest names, it's also about something that money and resources can't buy: loyalty and community spirit.

That's something that has to be earned; it's the visitors that make the site; the quality and spirit of them.

I wouldn't bet against Go Fishing becoming the biggest some time in the future. But as for the best....

That depends on your definition of 'best'.

Lee Fletcher 1

Dear Mark,

Cracking post matey, agree with everything you said, and ten more pages if you care to write more.

I also don't think that the angling press has got it, or more to the point, is going to loose it in the near future. Sure a lot of the big names send their "news" to the press along with catch shots because this is a world of tie ups with advertising and sponsership? But if they keep the same formula for news gathering and articles on their internet sites they will just become equally as boring. And in my opinion, that's been the reason why it's all grown so boring on the news stands and why the internet fishing sites such as this one have forged ahead. A perfect example is what Mark said in that it took 24 hours for his article to be published, the same story for a lot of other FM authors I'd wager?

Eliments within the angling press may well boast of being the biggest or best on the internet sooner or later, but those kind of statements merely reafirm my belief that they don't really know the medium they are sailing towards? Its not a question of big but of actual content, and you only get the very best original content from good anglers that pass on their knowledge for now'twhere the only reward they seek is thejoy they know it brings to others. Thats why FM is more than a fishing website, its a brotherhood of anglers. You can't either buy that or try and create it.



Chris Bishop

This is quite an interesting read as a journalist who's seen the internet completely revolutionise the mainstream press.

AT is still a bit behind the pace, because it doesn't see the web and printed brand as the same thing. The web's a way of giving you a teaser of a few paragraphs about a big story to get you to buy the paper.

This is where the mainstream was at a few years ago, now everything goes on the web, with a lot of stories going online in their entirety as soon as they're filed, rather than making everything wait to appear in the next day's paper before going online.

The most recent news stories on the AT website tonight are at least two weeks old. A lot's happened since November 1.

What FM has - as well as the forums and community - is a tremendous back catalogue of material. AT also seems to have missed a trick here, as they must have a vast library of features, how-tos, reviews etc.

None of this appears on the website

The news and features content give people a good reason to visit a site and the forums and interactivity make people want to stick around and feel some ownership.

The other fairly obvious criticism of the AT site is once you get past the homepage there is little to link it with the paper. The forums homepage doesn't even have the name Angling Times on it anywhere, in fact the only branding is the Preston Innovations ad.

With such a strong brand surely you want to be shouting it from every page and echoing the identity with use of colour and typefaces so it feels like an online AT.

There are so many new foums and site popping up almost every week now you have to have new content all the time to give people a reason to keep coming back and engender some loyalty.

Lee Swords

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
Why do we come back here?

Why do we feel loyalty to this site?

Why do we post?

Why do we submit?

Because we like it......It works.....It feels right.....We feel connected and valued!

Nuff said


Some really interesting points being made here but the most pertinent, one which I have

been aware of for some time is what Mark said ,"What it then gives its members is a

tremendous sense of belonging."

That in itself should focus the minds of the press, single species groups etc, etc, because

if it continues to be the case then the current generation and those who follow will

simply make the Net their only port of call.

Before the Net made an impact that sense of belonging could only be found by joining

like minded clubs etc and keeping up to speed with the news by reading the Angling

papers, those days have gone.

All other mediums have to ensure they offer something which the Net cannot and that is

the question many have to find an answer to.