Closed Season


John Hepworth

Game anglers more passionate about their sport than coarse anglers,dont make me laugh. For years now game anglers in the North East have tied to get the migratory season extended because the fish are running the river later, even though the fish are almost ready to spawn.
As for adjusting the coarse close season to suite the local conditions, this would be almost impossible to predict. I've seen barbel and chub on the Wear spawn as early as late April and as late as mid July, and all this can take place in a couple or three days, the current close season is as good a compromise as we will get. If you find the fish are in the spawning process, or still recovering, leave them alone, dont try to "BAG UP" as some "ANGLERS"do.

Trevor Manning

Fishing in Germany last week, I noticed on my day ticket that close seasons apply to Species, not generally.
IE Pike are not allowed to be fished for from Jan 1st to June 30th, Barbel for just a 6 week period and Grayling have no close season.
Whilst no lover of the German rules! Is there any sense in giving Tench on rivers a close season until June 15th , when I understand they do not spawn until July?



Dear Ronald, I've been watching your scribblings over the last few months and to date have so far sat on my hands instead of replying to your continued attack and dislike for carp. But your last thread comment has finally drawn me out.

You state you're an angler and your ramblings of past indicate your support for environmental issues. So why, I ask myself, do I continually read your pessimistic ramblings toward such a very important fish. It was relied upon many hundreds of years ago for food supply and is today relied upon for the economy in driving commerce up regarding tackle and of course cultivating new entrants to our sport. Although I do not agree with carp tackle commercialism and tow the line as much as possible, the carp industry is in fact doing wonders for the tackle market which in turns pays towards the safety of our waters and lakes. I've been fishing for some 26 years now across all genres of fishing and never have I come across someone who aggressively confesses to support the sport and then shouts from the rooftops about mass extermination.

Are you a racist too? In my book to continually support this wonderful sport, you can't be half an angler and unfortunately that's exactly where you sit!

I don't think it's the carp you dislike, I thinks it's the carp anglers isn't it? Hey, I know, we could approach all the young carp anglers of today, offer then a job load of 'Crack', supply them with hand guns and knifes and get them to go round and exterminate all the carp! What do you think ?

Sorry in advance to the rest of you guys who read this column. Also apologies to Graham.

I'll let you go back to picking the wings off of flies again Ron!

Kevin Perkins

Well-known member
Oct 31, 2005
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I'm not one for fence sitting, but I will neither agree or disagree with what you or Ron say about carp(or their anglers). It has become apparent over the past few years that this branch of the sport has become the fastest growing on the one hand, and the most elitist on the other. In doing so it may well have alienated other 'traditional' anglers who see the plethora of carp puddles as 'dumbing down' of their sport, whilst the other elite faction almost appear to practise the black art, and admission to this sect is only allowed if you have the most ultra modern (and therefore expensive) equipment. Are carp so different that they need an entire branch of the sport just to themselves, or is it more a case of 'The Emperor's New Clothes?'

Paul Williams

I have been dwelling on Cakey's posting for a while ( well a couple of hours)and i can see his point all too well...Ron does tend to get carried away by his experiences elsewhere eg countries where carp have come to be regarded as vermin and there are examples in this country were carp have been introduced to the detriment of real specimens of other species........there are also waters that have been specifically designed to be carp waters where species such as tench, bream, etc, etc have faired very well thank you!.......would there be near 20lb bream, near 15lb tench and all the rest if not for the popularity of carp?
I'm not just talking of boilies fattening up our native(?) fish either...think about it, would all the pits that were the product of roadbuilding have been turned over to angling without carp?
As far as eliteism is concerned "elite" is usually a figment of imagination.

Alan Roe

The trouble is that you lads are in danger of missing the whole point!

You are getting the way of a deadly serious competition!

Locked in mortal combat we have Ron (Ridgeback) Clay and John (I love Name anglers) Hepworth.

Both only have eyes for the sacred holy grail of prizes.........................

These two gallant champions have trained for years living on a diet of recycled yoghurt and lemon juice. They alone can swalow neat vitriol.

They have taken on all comers from around the angling world and eaten them alive.....None stood a chance!!!

And now we approach the final showdown as these two giants breathe both fire and ice.............

Only one can win ...........The right to become the Undisputed Victor Meldrew of the angling forums!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Baker

If you dont want to fish for carp! Dont! But you have to feel for the fishery / farmer owner of since the f and m outbreak alot of them see fishing as an easy source of revenue. Dig a dirty great hole and fill it with little carp and charge a fiver to fish for the day! They not only catch carp but the anglers feed em up so they can charge more in the future.

Mass carp cull? Why people fish for them so whats the point?

I stress again for the RC's out there you dont have to fish for carp there are plenty of other fish in the water! even in the carp pools! But let live and do what you want and dont force your own limited opinion on other people, we are not all the same.

Stuart Dennis

New member
Oct 10, 2005
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If you’re fishing in Australia and you catch a carp and decide not to kill it and put it back in the water you can be fined on the spot for up to ?1000. I now understand that other such like countries agree with the same kind of policy based on Paul’s comments above.

But my point is as follows: Ron, you are now living in a country that loves Carp and respects their environment, may I suggest you adapt to our thinking over here or should we be questioning your countries morals? (South Africa if I remember correctly).

Funny that because South Africa is becoming extremely popular for carp and carp fisherman, some say it will catch on like France.

I’m spent thanks, now all we need to do is exterminate all the old codgers that have nothing better to do with their last few days than to rattle on and on and on about killing carp!

Save a few pence in taxpayer’s money at the very least!

Steve Baker

Rename this thread have a go at Ron!

I bet we'd get even more posts!

However if he has an axe to grind let him grind it. Makes for interesting conversation!

Stuart Dennis

New member
Oct 10, 2005
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An excellent idea Steve, start a thread in carp forum and we're take him to the cleaners. I'm so sick and tired of the petty minedeness of this man and his continued onslaught towards Carp and Carp Fisherman and I fish for all fish!

Go for it Steve!

Steve Baker

Stuart i have found out that you have to be careful in the fm forum! As the regulars dont like jokes and everyone takes themselves way to seriously! I know a few people outside the forum and they agree.

However Rons comments that the closed season (wash my mouth out) for may june and july is just utter crap!

Stuart Dennis

New member
Oct 10, 2005
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The regulars are the biggest jokers on here, they're a good bunch mate, 99% of us are anyway.

That includes Graham whom runs the show! Him and Cakey stitched me and carp angler up a goodun last week with their pratical jokes!

Dave Crisp

I have been reading some of the comments from certain persons, and I can only say that carp fishing is a younger mans sport and can prove quite a handfull for the older fisherman, if certain persons can't handle it but like to put it down for others, maybe the old fishermen should be culled instead and leave the carp to the serious fishers.

Steve Baker

Dave thats nasty! Funny though! Stuart i am a regular on this forum but occasionally it get a bit to serious so i wonder alse where but it is still my fave fishing site!

And as for clay shooting wed have to use non toxic stuff as those bloody swans keep eating it instead of grass!!!!

andrew jackson

I agree but being only a occasional poster I didnt think it was my place to start sabre rattling. What is all this elitist bit as well? Any angler can fish for carp, it is just a case of wanting to. As for it being compulsary to have loads of expensive gear, that comment is just beyond me. Like all branches of all sports, it is as expensive as you make it. I have fished for 27 years, I bet there are anglers on these forums who have spent more on one pole than I have spent on tackle in my entire life. But why do we have this attitude in the first place? If I fished for Bream I would be a pleasure angler if I fished for tench, roach, perch the same would be true. So why is it, that I am not a pleasure angler who fishes for carp I am a "carp angler"????
I feel that some members instantly take a dislike for others just because they chose to tread a different angling path.
Ron, I am a nice guy, and a conciencous courteous angler. I would never dream of being rude or arrogant towards a fellow angler. I care deeply not only for the fish but also for the environment wich we have the pleasure to enjoy whilst fishing. That is why at 7am on a Sunday morning (i.e. in less than six hours) I will be going out not with my rods in hand, it will be a shovel and a bow saw, as by choice I am on a work party. If you happend to bump into me, say in a pub and engage me in conversation, I dont doubt for on minute that you would come away from the meeting thinking what a pleasant well mannered chap. That is of course if I didnt let slip that I fished for Carp. The law of averages say that some carp anglers will be idiots, that is an unavoidable statistical fact. It is also true of all the other branches of our sport. I have met a fair few match anglers who are quite unpleasant, but I dont tar them all with the same brush. They are quite simply unpleasant induviduals, who have chosen to match fish! I am very tired generaly, of being tarred with the same brush as unpleasant induviduals who choose to fish for carp. This bigoted attitude has blighted my angling for the last 17 years. It is not fair to aim all that flustration at Ron, but it is easy to do so, because he is so publicly open about his loathing for anything carpy.
I would love to bump into you in a pub Ron, as the above example. It would be a pleasure and a privalege, to buy you a few beers, and learn a thing or two from your wealth of knowledge accumulated over the years. It would also be a perfect way of proving to you, that like thousands of other carp anglers, I am actually quite a nice guy. As I am sure you are to. :D