How did you get on?


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
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Whitty, try it and see if it works. I would welcome your input and advice.

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
Can I ask that we keep the HDYGO thread to just fishing reports as per Simon’s requests?

The bait flavour topic is really interesting and would make a popular thread in its own right.

Mark Wintle

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Dec 10, 2002
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Azide the Stour
I fished earlier in the week on a local stillwater, had plenty of roach to 14oz, skimmers to a pound, a fat 12oz perch plus rudd and hybrids but the video camera caught the moment I pulled for a break when my pole rig went up a tree and the ash branch (tree appears to be dead) came crashing down!


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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
Well I was going to tell another King anecdote, but I'll stick to fishing.

I fished the middle Charente today, arriving about 11am after stopping off for maggots and something for lunch. No chance of roving or float fishing as the River had been swelled by heavy overnight rain and the wind was strong and gusting from several directions. I parked up beside a small tributary and fished a maggot feeder and caught from the off; gudgeon, some large bleak and roach up to around 4oz.


After lunch I moved to where the tributary joins the main river and fished a slack. Again, I got fish from the off, mainly roach on maggot and sweetcorn cocktail. If I fished a maggot feeder the bites came after a few minutes. But when I put a groundbait feeder on the bites were immediately after casting. I tried the float rod, but the wind was too strong.


Some of the roach were nettable - just.

Then I was joined by a little old French chap who arrived to fish the same swim for catfish. I didn't like to mention that fish baits, dead or alive were not allowed until the end of next month. He had some live roach, three ancient rods and reels and a home made gaff. The best silure he had taken from there measured 160cm. Bigger than he was tall.

I drove to another place nearby and left him to it.


Once again the roach obliged from the first cast and again maggot and sweetcorn used with a groundbait feeder did the trick. No bites to worm strangely. Other than roach I also had the obligitary bream which actually put up a good fight for its size.


I packed up at 4:30 in order to get home and unpacked by 6pm. By then I had run out of groundbait and the river changed persona. I had been casting to a crease about 20 metres out, but suddenly there was more water and the crease advanced to a few metres from the near bank. After about five minutes it retreated to over 40 metres away. I have no idea why.

Oh! And I saw a swallow.
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jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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In a word - 'badly'! In truth, I've struggled to get out much at all this year with one thing or another, literally just grabbing an hour on the cut with the lure rod on a few occasions. Yesterday I finally had the opportunity for a decent session after the morning's work party. I decided to try somewhere new, so went to the SUC at Christleton. The water looked just like the river in Charlie and the chocolate factory which didn't bode well and so it proved - 90 minutes casting and walking with no sign of life, indeed I didn't see any fishy activity at all. Thought I'd try another stretch by Little Stanney some 6 miles further along... again, nothing doing, not helped by a narrow boat executing a 99 point turn, and that was with the aid of a turning bay!

I was heading home with my tail between my legs but talked myself into swinging by Maghull to have half an hour on my 'local', the Leeds-Liverpool where I finally got to christen my new predator net with one of the smallest Jacks I've had to date! Not a capture to set the pulse racing, rather more a feeling of relief in a first fish in nearly two months!

Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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Went today,to a small club lake,gin clear,hoping for either tench or big stripeys,but the weather was bright so Mr Perch looked unlikely,ended with three modest tench around 2lb 8ozs each and three small rudd and a couple of 4oz perch,it was nice however to sit without a coat on all day...

John Aston

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
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Hopes of an early season tench ebbed by the hour but after a week confined to barracks with back problems what a joy to be out doors again . I may have to go again tomorrow.

{PS I have decided to use my actual name instead of by previous ID , Grayson( after Len Grayson the name of my childhood fishing mentor)

Pete Shears

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Mar 5, 2004
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Heard my first chiffchaff this morning at the local reservoir whilst on the last piking trip of this winter. Minutes later a lone oyster catcher flew over whistling loudly.
Fish wise caught 2 pike ,both I have had before, at 12lb 10oz and 7lb 6oz.
Weather wise - dry to horizontal rain.
Time to sort out the tench gear.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2021
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decent session today on the horseshoe at poppleton lakes nr york.finished with 10 carp and 3 bream.biggest carp 10lb 4 oz and biggest bream around the 2lb mark.had 2 carp around the 8lb mark a couple around 6lb and the rest between 5lb and 3lb.all fell to waggler fished mussel except the 2 smallest bream which fell to prawn.not fished here for quite some time but will be returning later on in season for sure.

Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
Had quite a few days without even considering fishing, I guess that is what passes for "depression" with me! A few days ago there was snow again on the Massif and rain lower down, the barrage at Entragues has been letting out some big lumps of cold water a couple of times a day. Not great for the carp and barbel fishermen!

But this morning I looked at my RiverApp and judged the flow on one stretch should drop off for a couple of hours mid-afternoon. The sun might shine and there was a warm wind from the West - game on!

Before going though I knocked up a lamb Madras curry in the pressure cooker. Sally is still quite worn out after two bouts of something viral this last few weeks, an afternoons rest and a spicy curry will give her endorphins a boost - and ease my conscience about skiving off fishing!

So I was down the Lot about 2pm, and the river was bombing through, I was confident the flow would ease and give me a chance.

About two hours passed and the river dropped 3', the flow dropped to about slow walking speed. Then the first bite, just gentle but persistent tugs, I struck into a good weight. Not the normal fight, no fast run, this fish just chugged away not wanting to come in. For a few minutes I wondered if it was a silure, but eventually I caught sight of a good carp.

Weighed in the net (net deducted) it was just over 21 lbs......


Quickly released but I noted the river was rising. It came up quite quickly and was soon running like a train again, I guess the barrages and HE plant were opened up.

Stuck the baits out a bit closer to avoid the worst of the flow. Just as I was about to pack up I had a barbel, so bait back in and soon had a second. Both around 4.5lb and caught on a 24mm boilie.

Barbel 24mm boilie.jpg

They could barely get their mouths around that bait!

Just home in time to get the curry plated up - so a good day all round!

Sally seems a little better too! (y)
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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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Back on usual fishery today, weather wasn’t as good as the forecast, raining till I got to the fishery then it was off and on all morning till around 3pm, fished maggots over groundbait with some of peterjgs additive mixed in, another good day using this, Mick and the other two fishing only had a few apiece, I had a total of 43 fish today including a carp about 5lb, a few roach and Ide, 1crucian, and the rest were skimmers.

I‘m thinking this additive is helping my catch, I threw some in the margin and the carp were all over it, looking good so far.

Either that or my fishing has improved a lot, all on my pole using a 3lb hooklengh to a 16 hook and double maggot, the carp took quite a while to land.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
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Well done Seth, it really works! Seth, be careful though because it can draw in too many fish and then in turn attract the attention of pike. It works on live and dead maggots, wheat, sweetcorn, bread, etc.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Was it just cornflower mixed with HP sauce or is there another ingredient. I made a paste and spread it liberally between two slices of Warburtons toastie then flattened it and wrapped it in cling film. It’s in the freezer as I haven’t made it out .


Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
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Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
Was it just cornflower mixed with HP sauce or is there another ingredient. I made a paste and spread it liberally between two slices of Warburtons toastie then flattened it and wrapped it in cling film. It’s in the freezer as I haven’t made it out .
Try black swimstim ground bait between 2 slices ,flatten and use 8mm punch to make small barm cake bait.
I have had some good catches with that .
Also marmite , had some decent carp with that.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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I made a paste and spread it liberally between two slices of Warburtons toastie then flattened it and wrapped it in cling film....

..I honestly thought you were going to finish that sentance by saying you stuck it in your pack lunch box with a flask.. 😁


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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this is the thread for this additive, not this one.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
A day on the River Charente for me. I had consulted three weather forecasts and none agreed regards rain, but all predicted a day of strong winds. On my way down the towpath I passed a cluster of four old French anglers fishing long poles in the entry to a lock. Out of the current and wind, but one of them gave me a stare that could have curdled milk because they had to move their rear pole rollers and stacked sections to let a car driver, moi, use the same vehicular access they had used.

Anyway, I arrived at the area I had chosen to fish by 11:30 and found a swim partially sheltered from the gale force westerly. I set up a medium feeder rod, home made 1 oz cage feeder but before casting I put in 2 droppers of hemp and casters and another of maggots. The feeder was loaded with ground maize, biscuit crumb, ground hemp and vanilla flavour and cast 3 rod lengths out under trees using a gentle underarm lob.

The tip rattled round before I had the rod settled and that was the pattern for the day. If I didn't get a bite in the first ten seconds I lifted the rod and bounced the feeder. If a bite didn't come immediately then invariably the hook link had tangled. Getting bites wasn't a problem. Hitting bites was. I went through maggots, casters and sweetcorn plus combinations and different hook sizes trying to maximise my hook up ratio. The swim cried out for a sliding waggler, but my float rod was at home. I kept getting roach up to around 8 to 10 ounces, but I was only hitting around 1 in 4 bites. After lunch I swapped to a 9.5 metre pole, fishing 5 of the 6 sections. Using maggots I kept catching bleak of an enormous average size. Swapping to casters didn't deter them and it was only sweetcorn that got me any roach. The average size however was less than with the feeder so I swapped back after just over an hour.

The roach kept coming as well as a token bream. I was getting low on groundbait and had a few casts with an empty feeder to stretch things out. Eventually I got hit with a triple whammy. I ran out of groundbait, lost my hook link on what was probably a barbel and the heavens opened. Torrential rain gave way to hail stones and it took me ages to put the stuff away by which time I and the tackle were thoroughly wet through. I couldn't take a photo of the catch or the venue because of the deluge.

So, a good days fishing, saw a lot more swallows and I wasn't late home. :)
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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
It took an hour of listening to Er indoors wittering on about going to Geneva for some female cause sponsored by the UN and being held at their building, to break me out of my lethargy and concluding that a blank in the rain was preferable. I duly set off for my favourite venue where rain was falling, mud was all around and I was alone. That solitude was bliss and I managed to set up without getting too wet which I hate .


I have only recently realised that the buildings opposite were no longer used as a poultry business but for small businesses and storage. I thought those chickens were quiet. Doh!
A north east wind gradually picked up which made it feel cold and the rain intensity increased but ceased after an hour. I thought I was in breamland initially as all I caught were skimmers around this size and 10 in total.


No particular bait worked but I caught on garlic sausage, pellet, wafter and bread punch. The polish garlic sausage finally persuaded a few carp to relieve my boredom. This common was the pick.


With a cold wind gusting and a right birds nest resulting through inattention, I called it a day. Thankfully I had no phone signal so I was oblivious to the capitulation of the Reds. It was good to be out after so long and it might be the last trip until mid may unless I get a pass to accompany Gordon on Monday. That may require my agreement to the yodelling trip.😉


Well-known member
May 2, 2005
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Planning to meet up with a fishing buddy last Friday so I started looking for new venues around here where I moved last year. I found three that were within twenty-five miles of where we both live; one was a small pond that boasted ‘several types of Koi’ and you were not allowed to put a bank-stick in because the pond was ‘lined’! Another claimed catfish to 120lbs and was advertised as ‘course fishing’ which was enough put me off. I was hoping that the third lake would be my ‘Goldilocks’ Lake and this was the one we decided upon.

All plans in place until Micky rang me with two days to go to tell me that his girlfriend had broken her leg and was in hospital and he couldn’t go, which left me, once again, fishing on my own.

The weather forecast at the start of the week was for howling gales and rain, five days later this had changed to heavy thundery showers all day, but a gentle breeze which was something I suppose.

Setting off, the lady in the Satnav made a point of saying that some of the road was unsurfaced and she was not wrong. The last half mile to the lake was one of the roughest I’ve encountered, and this is from someone who has spent his entire working life travelling up and down farm tracks: boy, was it rough!

It was raining as I arrived so plans of scouting the lake was quickly changed to looking for somewhere I could set up my brolly pretty sharpish! All the swims I could see looked the same, cut out for match fishing, steepish slope down to metal platforms. Plenty of trees and neatly trimmed shrubs but bit tight for space.

I had intended to fish method feeder, perhaps even two rods which would have been very unusual for me but difficulty with rod rests and so on I decide to float fish all day using my one and only four foot extending bank stick.

Drennan Matchpro13’ float rod and a centre pin reel with 8lb line; 6lb hook link and a size 14 fine wire hook; bait was sweetcorn.

I recently visited a very close fishing friend of over forty years who has become frail and unfortunately can no longer fish. He has successfully sold his rods and reels etc. but I had come to help him clear out his garage of bits and pieces. To cut a long story short, amidst the cobwebs, broken catapults and mouse-eaten landing nets he had ten tins of sweetcorn bought for an Ireland trip about twelve years ago. The out of date on the tin was 2015 and I had brought a couple of these plus a new tin just in case. I can happily report that contents were still in good order which is more than can be said for the tin.

I was happy just fishing for bites, anything would do but I really wanted to catch some tench; I’ve never had much luck with tench. I would occasionally catch one unexpectedly but on the few occasions I’ve targeted them I’ve never caught any. The fishery website for this well stocked match lake counts tench as part of the resident population so I was, as ever, hopeful.

When the bailiff came to issue my ticket I mentioned that I really fancied catching some tench to which he replied “If yer get, one let us know! Someone caught one last year over in the far corner, about 6lb.” and then went on to explain that they were the catfish ‘s favourite snack… wonderful.

Fishing into 3-4 feet of nicely coloured water. No action for an hour and a half then bumped-off a couple of fish. Changed hook to a size 12 to 5lb line and managed to net a nice skimmer. I managed to catch fish in between very heavy downpours all day, skimmers, rudd, a 4lb mirror and a decent sized bream which came in like a wet plastic bag.


Packing up at half past four, during a fleeting dry spell, I was treated to a military performance of ‘God Save the King’ and ‘Star Spangled Banner’ USAAF base four miles away. I don’t think this was strictly necessary, it’s not as though I had arrived on Airforce One or anything!



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