The River of Dreams always beckons and the river runs through my mind constantly. Sally and I made our first short holiday of the year in Hebbie, our camper car, to Livinhac le Haut for just two nights. About 90 minutes drive and on the banks of the river Lot.
We did not book the campsite as it's early season and their website said "open all year" - in french of course! Of course, being France, when we arrived the barrier was wired shut! Fortunately there is another campsite across the river about 2k away and it was open.
After settling in at the campsite we took a walk to the boulangerie to buy bread and have a coffee and croissant. When we returned to the campsite I obviously wanted to get a bait in the river, Sally understands and is happy to sit in the sun with her book.
So it's about 4 pm before I start fishing and the river is belting through. The barrage at Entragues had let water out about 11am and this was it now reaching Livinhac. I had spied a nice eddy where the top of a canal section joins the river, so a double 10mm boilie bait was dropped in. A few small bites and eventually a nice bream is hooked.......
Quite a slender bream but it went 6 lb 11 ozs, about my biggest from the Lot. Now I felt unlikely to beat that and I wanted a barbel or carp, so on with another trace, size 5 hook and a 24mm boilie.
Sally called me back for dinner and I brought my line in. It must have been an hour before I returned to my fishing.
By now the flow was easing so I attached a 3 oz weight and a PVA mesh parcel of pellets and broken boilies. That was cast slightly downstream but about 60 yds out mid-stream. Within minutes plenty of small plucks and rattles, then the rod tip banged down. This fish fought well but when I spotted it's deep body I felt certain it was another bream......
But it was a scale perfect and very deep bodied chub of 4 lb 7 ozs. Pretty chuffed with that! I fished into darkness with only a few more small bites. Went to bed thinking "where are the barbel and carp?" but slept well!
Next day I would not fish until my friend Alistair arrived in the afternoon, so we went for a walk along the river.....
Alistair finally arrives so we set up to fish the same swim. The river has a little flow so I put my 20mm boilie midstream again, Alistair fishes a smaller bait closer in.
I have a few bites that do not develop. Sally calls us back for an early dinner, so we reel in again. We are fishing about 50 yds from the van and I will not leave baits fishing on bite alarms at that distance.
After a chicken dinner followed by Magnum choc-ices I just want to fish. Alistair, of course, wants his cup of tea!
So I chuck my bait out and put it in the rest, baitrunner on. About 10 minutes pass and two gentle knocks on the rod tip - followed by a strong pull as I pick up the rod. FISH ON! ... followed by the fish running 70 yds downriver and in towards a nearside island. I had planned for this as there is a channel buoy there, so I eased the pressure on the fish. Would the carp do the decent thing and head back out into the river?
Yes it did! This time I could ease it back into open water between the channel marker buoys. This carp had plenty of fight left in it but after several more powerful but short runs it was ready to net. Alistair and my wife arrived after finishing their tea, so at least I had help landing an obviously big carp. At the second attempt it was in the net, now I just had to get it on the bank.
The flood meadow is about 8' above the river surface, there are three "steps" about 18" high that I can get down to close the gap for lifting. I am 71 soon, but I was "pumped" and got down, shortened the net handle and lifted, then managed the steps back up with the fish. Poor old net frame will never be the same again!
A great carp of over 35 lbs, I cropped the photo as my face would show I am about ready to suffer cardiac arrest!
I can highly recommend Camping de Roquelongue