How did you get on?

The Sogster

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
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South Yorkshire
Went this afternoon for a few hours on a local club pond. It's only a small pool with no depth over 4ft with most of it being about 3ft deep.
It's a lovely silvers venue with the odd small tench and crucians. Perfect for a light action float rod.
Arrived to find that it had been used for a match yesterday, not the thing I wanted to hear.
Set up an 11ft light float rod with 2lb mainline to an 1lb 6oz hooklength and a size 18, baits were corn and meat over a hemp based groundbait.
I have some really small corn, perfect for this size hook.
Even so it is too big for many of these tiny fish to swallow, the float dips and sails across the pond and from a rod length away I can see a tiny roach pushing a beach ball sized piece of corn in a vain attempt at swallowing it.
Changing to a size 20 hook and tiny slivers of meat meant I did manage to connect and land a dozen or so roach from 1oz to about 8oz.
But I must have missed another 3 dozen. Besides I didn't want a pair of eyes on the hook.
I did manage one crucian of about 12oz but no more unfortunately.



Well-known member
Jun 22, 2014
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Dorchester, Dorset
Pretty nasty weather, but I found an hour so popped down to my local lake and float fished a 10mm halibut pellet tight to the margins. One fish came along and I caught it. Job done! Nothing else to report...It was then very wet!


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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
Had a day on the Charente with two debutants, the rod a 1950's Allcocks Wizard that was professionally restored in 2006, sold to a gentleman from Huntingdon and doesn't appear to have been used. The reel was found on a French freeads site. It had been bought new in 2016 and never used. Today they were used! :)

I went to the middle section about an hour from home. The first swim is a huge mill pool, 14 foot deep a rod length out shelving up to a massive shallow plateau of silt then dropping to a 12 foot deep boat channel on the other side 80 yds away. I ledgered over a spod mix using sweetcorn and pigeon pea baits. It was very slow and the bites were tentative. In the end I sat on my hands and waited for a wrap round. Just two, both bream.


After lunch I drove about 2 miles downstream and fished sliding float 12 foot deep about a rod length out over the same spod mix. Again, slow and the bites were very cagey. I got two more bream but no sign of the carp, barbel or chub that usually can be caught there.



Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
Of course, I had to try again at the swim where I lost that big carp. The more I thought (dreamt!) about that encounter the bigger it became in my imagination!

But it had felt like I was playing a frisky bullock rather than a fish! I have never had a river fish that covered quite so much of the river, and I have had some epic fights from the Lot carp this last few years.

So it was two carp rods out today with big baits. My hope was to avoid the bream and give me a better chance of Leviathan. o_O

The forecast was for a cloudy morning with rain before lunch, that was spot-on how it turned out.

As I was setting up the first carp rolled 50 yds downstream. I cast my first bait out then another massive churning swirl in front of me got my adrenaline boosted. The second rod was cast upstream and another carp breached the surface not far from that bait.

Bream were occasionally swirling and one jumped clean out, a fish of just a few pounds. It was all happening! ðŸ˜ē

After a fretful hour I finally had a good take, but it was "just" a bream! .....


2x18mm+1x14mm boilies on a size 5 hook, but at 6.5 lbs I should have been happy.

The occasional carp still showed, then the same rod had another good take .....

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How could I not be happy with a 7.2 lb bream? It coped with a 24mm boilie easily enough.

The rain came on and the fish went off. Time to head home for lunch, the carp will still be there another day!
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Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
They don’t look slimey Steve so I presume they are not. Nice looking fish though - for bream.😉
They are still more slimy that the other fishes, but nothing like as bad as the bream I used to catch from Oulton Broad!

I have put my net out in the rain to rinse, hopefully there will be sun soon to finish the purification process :unsure:

Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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30mm boilies if you want avoid brasen,still pester them though,you have to use a 6oz breakaway lead...
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Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
30mm boilies if you want avoid brasenose,still pester them though,you have to use a 6oz breakaway lead...
I have some 30mm silure boilies in my bait fridge. Next time one rod will use these, if Clive is right some of those lost "big carp" might turn out to be silure.

Maybe put 2x30mm on and use my uptider!

This little one was caught on a big rubber shad and a light spinning rod.....

Silure lure 2021.jpeg

If my last lost fish was a silure it would have needed to be several times the weight of that one to give me that kind of run-a-round!


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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First time out since February. Every time I have a lay-off for health reasons I start again somewhere nothing fancy is required, and today it was the irrigation res in the depths of Lord Byron's ancestral estate. As you come down the hill to the car park, you can't see til the last minute if anybody else is there ...... and nobody was. Ideal. The level was up to the bank so all the features of my favourite swim were in the water


The fish feed on the margin slope. I'm banned from fishing a little float - the rules chivvy you down the bivvy/buzzer/boilie route and I'd had an email from the supremo reiterating the float ban - so I freelined bits of flavoured meat over hemp and chopped meat, thinking I'd touch leger, but found that since my cataract op I can see the line perfectly so I watched for that to twitch. Fishing in the little gap between the second stump and the bush between noon and 4pm, this fabulous place gave me a welcome back to fishing that included 9 barbel, 5 carp and a reasonable size bream for around 100lbs. The skies opened and all my gear is soaked, but I feel like I'm back fishing again. Here's some of the prettier ones







It's not the easiest swim to get fish out of, but that's all part of the fun. As the Brummie I met on the Severn once told me "y'erv got to git the loin on mate". I do. 10lb Pro-Gold.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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Usual fishery today after tench mainly, but first thing the carp kept swimming into my line, pulling the float under but getting foul hooked in the process, lost three like that before I got a couple of four pounders on the pole, both hooked correctly, then started catching a few tench and skimmers, on worm section over chopped worm and groundbait, I had my quiver rod out on a method feeder, with a chocolate orange wafter, on an alarm to my left while I pole fished, I had a few tench on this before it screamed of as carp was hooked.

gave me a good scrap on my Korum allrounder quiver rod, it’s 1.1 lb test curve but I’ve landed carp to 16lb on it, managed to land a nice mirror carp of 11 lb 7 ozs, had a good day with totals of 17 tench,3 carp,8 skimmers and two Ide, I roach and two F1s, nice warm day with no rain thankfullyâ€Ķ

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Playing catch up with 3 sessions to report on, the first being Sunday afternoon which I spent hoping for Tench on one of the trickier of my club's waters - I did manage a couple to 2.5lb along with some pristine Roach, albeit nothing more than 6oz & a couple of small Perch. Caught mostly on maggot although the Tench went for corn and pellet.

Bank holiday Monday was a bit of a wash out, plus I had a load of work to do, but there was a small window at about 5:30 so I pulled the lure rod out from its summer holidays and hit the cut at Maghull - didn't see any Oompa Loompas, but the Leeds-Liverpool looked just like the river of chocolate! However, I did get a jack of about 4lb plus one 'ambitious' little baby...
Eyes bigger.jpg

Plus I got a bonus session this afternoon at about 4 pm - I was going to fish the waggler on a different section of the canal but my local tackle shop had been let down by his maggot supplier so I went to a commercial at Ince Blundell. Fished corn on the waggler for a couple of Skimmer, a cute little common / crucian hybrid, a Bream of 3lb and a very lean common between 4 & 5lb - all good fun on fairly light gear with the added bonus of nobody turning up to take payment!
Bream 3lb.jpg

Common 4lb10.jpg

Ray Roberts

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
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Eltham, SE London
We went to a local fishery in Pattaya for a couple of hours today. We loaned the tackle from the owners of the lake. There was a series of shelters, so at least we had some shade. I went with my middle son Nicky and his soon to be step son Pon.


Pon is quite a tidy fisherman and soon had his first fish. He put it in a small keepnet as he intended to bring the catch home.

The rigs, which were pre tied, were such as would get you a life ban in any self respecting club back home. Three hook death rigs.


A fixed method feeder with three hook links and barbed hooks. After the method feeder there was a free running flying back lead. Bait, such as it was, consisted of polystyrene balls, similar to those found inside a bean bag. Pon had clearly done this before. He threaded three balls on each hook and buried them in the feeder mix moulded around the feeder. Pon emptied the bag of balls into a bucket of water, this prevented them being blown away.

Before I finished setting up Pon was in. The fish looked very similar to a Black Sea bream, with vertical strips and a spiked dorsal. This went in the net. My son had a few while I remained fishless.


Pon had a few more while I was still blanking. Then the Micky taking began.

An ice cream vendor with a sidecar turned up and I noticed that they had what looked like soft bread baps. The baps turned out to be rather soft and the interior bread was green in colour. Apparently the Thai’s eat ice cream with them. I bought an ice cream and three baps. I had immediately had some kind of carp on the bap that tore off through the lily pads and very nearly pulled the rod in. It put up a spirited fight and Pon netted it for me.


It was the largest fish so far, so at least it shut them up. Another vendor turned up selling some kind of mystery meat sausage. Pon bought some and I nicked a sausage as bait. Just on the two hour mark our cab turned up and I had a bite on the sausage. This turned out to be the largest fish which like the first fought well. We ended up with ten fish in total. Pon took five fish to eat. I returned all of mine. I don’t think they take the carp to eat. The carp looked in very good condition considering they have coarse knotted landing nets, barbed hooks and no mats.


It was a good and interesting way to spend a couple of hours and not expensive at all. He who laughs last and all that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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I was about to head off to the tench pit when it occurred to me it's been a cold spring and the place can be a late starter, and I don't know where the blossom is up to and on a calm day like today mats of seeds can drift in and put a stop to fishing. I settled for the canal down the road. I took the "new" seatbox (90's model) as part of a bid to trim all the gear down. But I forgot the bait tray so I ending up with stuff piled up on the new compact bag


I fished maggots a foot deep for the ide and hopefully chub, and corn and pellets on the bottom hoping to catch bream and tench. Nothing worked as planned. No sign of any chub, bream or tench. The corn swim only produced two fish, a pair of the fattest little carp you're likely to see


At least the ide turned up, mostly this stamp


It poured down for the most part so the score reads fishing twice, soaked twice. At one point, I struck at a bite and never saw the precious, ancient little home-made float again: the tiny stonfo had come open and released the rig.
I finished up wishing I'd risked the tench pit, even though it was nice to wave a pole around and get plenty of bites


One way or another, I've managed to get drenched every day since last Friday.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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Back out today same fishery and peg as Tuesday, as Mick had recovered and wanted to fish this pond, so I said ok as he didn’t fish Tuesday, it was strange fishing the same peg again as I couldn’t get a bite out in the swim, only in the margin on the slope before the silt started, fished paste on a top kit and caught tench and roach plus an Ide and just two skimmers.

had the sleeper rod in on the alarm, and had a run within a few minutes, it was a nice 13lb 8oz mirrow carp which fought well, no more carp just tench and F1s on the rod, and a total of 7 tench, 3 F1s, 1 carp, 4 roach, 1 crucian, 1 Ide, and 2 skimmers, spent most of the day under my brolly because of the frequent showers, but it did turn out pleasantly warm later.