How did you get on?


Well-known member
May 2, 2005
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Met up with Micky 95 days after I last ventured out on the bank - that’s a long time; probably the longest interval between fishing since I started the sport fifty-six years ago. The weather forecast threatened light rain until mid-morning, the temperature had taken a turn for the worse with a cool north-westerly adding to the wind-chill. The lake is one of five at this venue: each around an acre and a half, each with an island or two; two smaller lakes are shallow at around five feet, the other three claim to be around fifteen feet deep. Stocked as a commercial about thirty or forty years ago, they are surrounded by mature trees, rushes, and tall grasses: the original swims still remain. Once match-fished quite heavily, they are now day ticket waters and during the colder months you can usually have your pick of swims.

Today we had the place to ourselves, we could have gone anywhere but perversely decided to fish the two swims nearest the car park. It was the south-east end and Micky had seen several carp rolling around amongst the debris that had gathered. Micky is intrinsically a specimen hunter: big carp, big pike, big barbel etc. I just like to go fishing.

My plan was to set up a method-feeder rod on a bite alarm then dobble about with a float rod for roach, perch and any other bits. Micky set up his usual carp rod with some fancy boilie or snowman-rig on a bite alarm but, much to my surprise, pulled out a feeder rod, groundbait and maggot and also fished for bits. These get-togethers often involve some sort of species war!

Ten minutes after Micky’s first cast his alarm went off and he was into a carp (The last time Micky had been fishing, he told me, he’d lost four fish on the trot, all slipped the hook. One had been on for two minutes and was a decent fish. Confidence was low). So, Micky had this carp on for a minute or so, I had the net ready, when the bugger came off! Silence!

“That’s five” he said disconsolately. He hadn’t done anything wrong, his hook was still sharp, he’d maintained contact, it had just come off.

I went back to my swim, sat down, and started thinking about putting up my float rod: I was extremely rusty. My bits and pieces were in a bit of a mess, some essential items were back home, so I put off the float fishing for a while. Nothing happened on the bite alarm for about two hours, then when I was chatting with Micky in the next swim it went off. We’re only a few yards apart and when I got there I struck into and landed a nice carp of about four pounds, fin and scale perfect but a bit parrot-mouthed which is a shame I always think.


Carp 4a.jpg

Something caught my eye on the ground. Hundreds of small, shiny blue beetles crawling about, mating. Looked them up when I got home, Alder leaf beetles.

Alder Beetle2.jpg

The pattern for the rest of the day was a carp every half hour for us both, often catching simultaneously. Micky landed one seven pounder with my favourite landing net I’d repaired but it broke again so I had to get my specimen net out which can be a bit cumbersome. Towards the end of the day, I was fishing close in, a rod length out with the float, feeding the last of the maggots when the alarm went off: I dropped the float rod and struck into another carp. Micky was coming over when I saw my float disappear: typical! He picked up the float rod expecting a three-ounce roach, but it was quite a bit bigger. He played it with one had while landing my fish with the other. The carp in the net we had to land what turned out to be a nice bream in the same net. It was a bit Laurel and Hardy


Footnote: Next morning my legs and shoulders were aching from the exertion of getting up and down out of the chair fifty or sixty times and over arm casting. Not match fit!



Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
I went to the Charente this morning. By the time that I had shopped for bait, food and other bits and pieces it was just after 11am when I arrived at my swim after stopping off a mile or so downstream to bait up a second swim. I started using a sliding waggler 12 foot deep and worm as bait. Loose feed of maggots and some groundbait were added every other cast. No bites to worm bait, but double maggot on a smaller hook brought a bleak, a bream of around 2lb and some small roach. After an hour I swapped to a feeder and fished maggot with a cage feeder. More small roach and bleak, but no chub, carassins or bream showed up. I packed up around 1:30pm and drove down to the swim that I had baited earlier.

Fishing the same cage feeder and maggot method I started catching a mixture of roach, dace and bleak. A change of bait to sweetcorn, worm and small cubes of luncheon meat failed to raise a bite. After an hour I moved to the next swim down and swapped to a sliding float and stret-pegged three maggots on a size 12 hook hoping to find some barbel, carassins or bream. All I got were rattling bites from dace. The float didn't submerge, but I could feel the bites through the rod. When the rod was on the rest I could feel them through the chair! I remember reading a 1910 magazine where stret-pegging was recommended for dace. That still rings true today! Again I experimented with different baits and picked up a few roach to around 10oz (ish) to sweetcorn skins. Then a switch back to maggots brought a surprise gonk and some more dace.

I had fish on three rods, three methods and out of three swims, but I never really got going. It was a struggle. That said; two years ago I hadn't caught anything until April. Happy dace! :)


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Yesterday I finally made it and met up with Gordon on our club fishery in Staffordshire. I was an hour late because of nursery drop off duties and traffic but settled into the adjoining peg to Gordon. He always picks the best peg.🙈😜


It was slow going but Gordon had caught a couple before I got there and continued to catch albeit slowly and nothing of any size. I finally had a small carp and ended up with 6 with this being the best at around 6lb.


A decent skimmer completed my total. Gordon had a carp at the death and around 18 fish or so all told. It was a lovely day with little wind and warm in the sunshine. The fishing was slow but at least I didn’t blank. Cheers Gordon for a pleasant days fishing and chatting. I hope we can get out next week and do better.

Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
A little gap between showers this afternoon, so I phoned Alistair to see if he wanted to join me fishing the river Lot. There would still be some wind but the swims I had in mind should have some shelter from the very high cliffs.


Alistair fished off a landing stage and I tried the fast water just downstream. For two hours I fished a feeder with heavy groundbait and also used the bait dropper to get some pellets down about two rod lengths out.

Absolutely no signs of fish during that time so I reeled in and took one rod to fish near Alistair on the jetty. I really felt he should have had fish there by now, the fierce back eddy there has not let me down this year so far. We got to talking after I had put a big weight on and cast upstream to the edge of the crease, I told him I was surprised no carp had shown here during our visits. Of course, 20 minutes later he hooks a good fish. It went 50 metres upstream to the main flow, then belted downstream in the main current. Fortunately Alistair led it into the start of the back eddy and after a few more shorter runs it was in Alistairs rather undersized net! I will put up a video of the last of the fight tomorrow, maybe a bit shaky as I had the net in one hand and the phone camera in the other!


A very fit 18 pound river carp.....well done Alistair!

I managed one barbel fishing upstream, then had my hook cut off on the next take. So I went back to my first swim, first cast with the feeder rod and an almost immediate take. A good fight in the strong flow and a 5 pound barbel is in the net, very quickly followed by four more.


The barbel shoal had finally found the pellets I had dropped in, but of course it was getting late and it was time to get home for dinner. A phone call to Sally to make sure the pasta would not go on too early, she would not be amused if we were late and it had turned to gloop!

Bonus when I arrived home was an Angling Direct parcel had arrived early with two nets and a camera tripod, all about 1/3 price.

Fishing days don't get much better! ;)

....and here is a bit of video, the most exciting runs of the carp were done by this time....

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Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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I'm finding it hard to find the get go to go fishing at present, I'm going but the water temperatures aren't up enough to get the species I want to fish for moving well enough, two deep venues I like to visit won't start warming until probably mid-April, the shallow venues are on the cusp of producing, but not as yet so its extremely limiting, other clubs waters would be producing by now, but you can't join em all, I'm dropping a club I rejoined last year because the only water I fished of theirs has deteriorated massively in four years, so a new club that I haven't joined for perhaps thirty years has been applied for, fingers crossed I get a message from them accepting my application...


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2020
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I fished a smallish club lake. One I've not tried before, and didn't have much idea what is in it. On approach it looked really good - bigger than I thought, stream fed, and quite possibly natural, with tree lined swims that I'm sure will be very beautiful and hold lilly beds later in the year.

So i was feeling great as I opted for a waggler with a worm in the margins, the idea that plenty of worms will have been washed in lately and the fish will be actively looking for them.

It took maybe half an hour to get the first proper bite. It wasn't massive but sped to and fro accross the swim. I had hope for a big perch, or perhaps a tench.

No - a carp of perhaps a pound and a half. Followed by another. And another and another. After the forth I started packing up feeling utterly disheartened.

Perhaps it's just me, but i honestly don't get it. Why do people stock small carp like that? Why in such numbers? A beautiful natural looking lake could be a haven for native species but instead it becomes yet another carp pond.

Mark Wintle

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
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Azide the Stour
Been, after dragging myself out, caught around 12 or 14 small roach and perch to 4ozs, packed at around 1.30pm bored tireless, lovely day, awful fishing....
Awful! I have an urban pond a couple of miles away on a club ticket so went there after lunch, one swim left which was OK but nary a nibble, pleasant in the sun for an hour or so but it was hard a couple of years ago though I had roach to 2lb but the cormorants are taking their toll and a real struggle to get any bite from roach, perch or rudd now.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Similar to Mark W, not a bite yesterday, back on this disused part of a canal using up some left over maggots, so that's one roach in two sessions, never mind. It will soon be unfishable again, the bankside vegetation is growing fast. Probably give it a miss from now on. The highlight was a female marsh harrier came along quartering that row of sedges to my right just as I started fishing, dived down about 30 yds from me but came up with nothing 10 seconds after, then flew off across the field. Unfortunately my camera was still in my bag unready so missed what could have been a good photo. A pair of buzzards came out later but couldn't get them in shot either. Fish wise a bit of a dodo and the wind was colder and stronger than forecast but still enjoyed it a bit. April tomorrow, end of winter in my mind but might try a bit of sea fishing now.
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Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Last piking trip of the winter yesterday to the local reservoir landing 3 jacks between 5lb and 7lb, still at least no blank.
By early afternoon it had warmed up to T shirt weather but best by far was the fact my best fish has been a pike at 27lb 6oz which I have caught 3 times since November, first time on a toby lure and twice on deadbaits.
A winter to remember and not just for biblical amounts of rain.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Howl and howl again !

The BF and I barrelled off to Farmoor for another crack at the trite today. Best laid plans etc. Had we phoned first we’d have been told that the trite were right off after a week of cold NE winds…but we didn’t and had to find out the hard way.

Neither of us had even the slightest pull, nor did we see a fish move. There were 7 blokes on the reservoir and 1 fish was caught. Yesterday 4 blokes fished and nobody had a fish. That makes the rod average over the last 2 days 0.09.
It felt a lot colder than the forecast 14 degree due to a nasty scuddy wind too. We packed and retreated, chastened, cold and fishless, at 1:30.

ian g

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire
Had a few hours on a club water yesterday , a few on but still plenty of space . Met my fishing mate and had a social , sitting under umberellas in the rain in pegs 5 & 6 . Good depth a couple of rod lengths out around 8 foot of water . Fished a home made waggler and some very old maggots . I'd forgotten the Easter Sunday restrictions so had to make do with what I could riddle out of around 3 pints ina tray in my fridge . Fed groundbait quite heavily and caught on and off all afternoon , nothing big just skimmers , roach and perch . Nice and relaxing in good company , what fishing is all about for me most of the time .
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jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Had a meet up with Thomo on Sunday, looking to kick start my intention to rediscover fly fishing. We met for breakfast at a restaurant close to where he lives just outside Carnforth. Being on the health kick, I had Manx kippers with a brace of poached eggs but did like the look of his full English. It was my birthday recently, and as well as the obligatory bottle of wine, there was a copy of 'Trout Bum' and a particularly thoughtful / appreciated gift - one of his 'spare' fly boxes ready filled with a selection that he had tied for me.
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After breakfast, we headed up to Penrith for a little retail therapy at John Norris and once I was suitably 'tooled up' we headed back down to one of his club waters near Kendal. A very remote and scenic setting, and the weather was half decent, albeit rather too blustery for someone as 'rusty' as me! Having set up back at the car, I spent the first five minutes watching Simon before easing my way into it.
Kendal tarn.jpg

In truth, although I was hopeful of catching, it had been a very long time since a fly fished, and even back in the day, it was very sporadic, so I'll put that I managed one in the beginners luck category! Simon had three, but around 4 pm, things had definitely fizzled out & it was time to retreat to the pub.
Kendal Rainbow.jpg

I've a lesson booked for when we are away in the Peaks in June - hopefully, I haven't picked up too many bad habits!!
Kendal tarn.jpg
Kendal Rainbow.jpg


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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On our syndicate water with mick yesterday, just a bit of drizzle till 9 am, then it was dry calm and cool for the rest of the day, had a good day each for the conditions.

fished my pole with either maggot or worm, and used a small lump of over wetted groundbait with chopped worm, which made a cloud as it dropped through the water from the pole pot, got the idea from one of Andy Bennett’s videos, and it seemed to work ok, I added a bit of ground hemp to the ground bait, which was active and showed on top of the water for more attraction.

had a good day with 13 tench, 27 assorted roach, ide, and skimmers, plus a couple of stockie F1s, also lost what felt like a small carp, and lost the biggest tench of the day, which came of just as I was going to net it, looked a good 2 pounds in weight too.

so a good day out we both caught constantly through the day, apart from a quiet spell around lunch, no photos today, as keepnets are not allowed, and nothing quite big enough to warrant it, would have been a good catch shot though.

Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
Yesterday the weather was perfect for an afternoon fishing the Lot, the river had finally come down to a healthy level as well! So we finally got back to the most productive stretch of river, though the banks were still a little muddy......


The river narrows here and most of the flow hits the base of the cliffs opposite. Casting the bait to mid-river hits the barbel highway and holds just at the edge of the current - perfect!

Alistair fished the next swim downstream where there is a huge bank of clam shells, the fish often shoal up just downstream of that. He was the first of us to hook into a fish......


....a nice barbel around 5 pounds.

Black kite.JPG

The next five hours were spent watching the wildlife, kites, cormorants, kingfishers, buzzards and a heron. Every so often our attention was drawn to our rods as another barbel hooked itself......


I think the barbel must be getting close to spawning, some very plump specimens just now. Quite a few looked the length of a five pounder but felt a good bit heavier. None weighed today as it was best to get them back quickly, temperature topped 25c and the sun was quite fierce, thank goodness for a gentle cool breeze!

Final score was me 7 barbel, Alistair just 2. I must remind him to keep checking his hook points, it’s very stony here and I changed my traces at least three times. 🎣

Notts Michael.

Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
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A lunch time visit to the local disused canal, stocked club stretch today turned out to be a great few hours, in the very strong south westerly warm wind.
Method feeder in the margins and far bank with sweetcorn and small pieces of peperami on a hair rig size 14 did well and resulted id 9 carp and a few roach.


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