How did you get on?

Ray Roberts

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
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Eltham, SE London
Today I finally managed to get out on the bank for the first time since June or July last year and it was also the first time fishing since my wife passed away. As I mentioned elsewhere here, I was intending to go fishing on Monday, but the torrential rain and high winds put me off!

I called into the local tackle shop to buy some worms and casters, only to find it closed and I therefore called into the tackle shop in Droitwich. While I was in Droitwich I called in at Waitrose and bought some lunch because I make my own bread nowadays and I was running low! On the way from the car park to the store entrance, a woman flinched when she saw me in camo gear!! I tried to smile nicely, but I reckon she thought I was a mercenary or something! Conversely the checkout lady gave me a lovely smile and probably thought that I was in the armed forces!

Anyway, at Top Barn Fishery, I quickly set up a carp rod with a pop-up boilie and despite changing various set-ups and boilies, I didn’t get a take all day.

Meanwhile, the waggler rod was getting roach, rudd and perch every other cast. The fish were small though and there were none above three ounces. A more determined bite sent the float plummeting and I struck into a fish that stayed low in the water throughout the fight. I eventually netted a lovely tench. Not the best day’s fishing ever, but it was a significant day for me!

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Did you check your flies in Waitrose Steve?
While women often make passes at men who wear glasses. But you can make them flinch if you show them an inch, lol.

Glad you managed to get out and enjoy yourself Steve.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2021
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went to newhay lakes nr selby yesterday (coarse lake).1st visit and ended up with 15 roach and 2 tench.set 2 rods up waggler and leger and fished mussels prawns and luncheon meat,one of the regulars put me onto some pegs which he's fished many times and next visit i'll try one of them.a very nice lake and will be back for sure when the weather is better as it was blustery winds and showers,

Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
Back to the same swim on the river Lot as a few days ago.


This time very little flow and after just 10 minutes fishing a decent bream.....




Bright day but a cold breeze, there had been a slight frost in the morning. I think I will keep this swim for the winter when the river has more flow, the barbel have probably moved closer to the weir now. The river was very clear and the chub were biting rather shyly, picking at the bait for minutes before committing. It took the addition of a little smoked salmon to the boilie to get the fish to hang themselves.

After finding out how well this tactic works smoked salmon may be a regular addition. I pick up a packet of smoked salmon off-cuts for about 4 euros, that will last several sessions, not at all expensive! ;)

Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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Been today on the club lake, two cold nights made it difficult, but not too bad, I had 3 crucians smallest 1lb 3ozs, biggest 2lbs 2ozs, 3 tench from 1lb 8ozish to 3lbs 8ozs, a bream over 2lb 8ozs, several roach between 4-8ozs, 5 skimmers and a solitary greedy gudgeon which took an 8mm pellet of the cringe that wind was cold...
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2019
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Wigan area
Evening all. Been a long time since ive posted - hope all are well. Had a good one today, worthy of a post at least. I've been steadily beating virtually all my PB fish though have long since realised size isn't everything, or anything at all.

This fish, for instance, isn't my biggest Tench. But it's certainly my best! Caught alongside 20 or so other Tench and Bream to 7lb 7oz (easily 50 odd Bream caught). All caught on the lift float via my Drennan Super Tench Float rod. Classic rod, classic angling


Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
This afternoon I headed upriver, the hunt was for a barbel as I had failed on my last session. The day was sunny but a cold North wind had me choosing a sheltered area as my favourite barbel part of the Lot is too exposed to the cold wind. I was thinking of my comfort rather than the barbels!


But it proved a good choice and I caught four barbel, two of them over 6 pounds.


This was a deep swim and I had many line bites, were they spawning? The last photo may have a clue! :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
I have just got back from the worst day's fishing that I can remember. I knew that I was on a hiding to nothing when I looked over the bridge yesterday and saw that the level of the river was bare bones. Not only that, barbel and carp were spawning so it just left mullet to target. Normally they are numerous, all over the river's width. You can see their flanks flashing as they browse the stones. Now the river is two tiny channels. The place where I hooked and lost two huge barbel in 2022 is inches deep. The lip of the weir where mullet cruise is now above dry land. France has had the fourth wettest winter on record. Spain has had very little.

To get to where the mullet now are involves a 25 yard cast over a thin, shallow channel and then float fishing using light tackle. The northerly wind coming off the mountains was gusting at 60kph. I drove down to the estuary only to find it like the Welland in a westerly gale. OK quiver tipping for bream, but not for the shy mullet. I drove back to the bridge and found an open swim just above the weir. Then discovered that there wasn't enough head room to cast any distance. And the float just dragged in the waves.

I gave up, but not before a double figure carp lept like a tarpon to taunt me. It was in an inacessible pool just off the main flow.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I met up with Gordon on a reasonably familiar water and set up on the opposite side to previously. It was mild,calm and , when the sun came out, pleasantly warm.
I set up on the feeder and Gordon the float. We both caught from the off. I had one decent carp around 6lb and 8 skimmers. Thankfully Gordon had lost his clicker( it was on the passenger seat of his car) so we will never know the full extent of his trouncing my measly total. I reckon he had around 25 to 30 including 3 or 4 carp similar to this .


Plus a nice variety of Rudd, roach ,skimmers and a chub. We both enjoyed the pleasant surroundings, good weather and a catch up. There were several pole anglers on either side who fared less well . Gordon has the magic touch. Let’s hope we can get out next week and catch a few tench. Cheers Gordon and thanks for your company.

Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
I have just got back from the worst day's fishing that I can remember. I knew that I was on a hiding to nothing when I looked over the bridge yesterday and saw that the level of the river was bare bones. Not only that, barbel and carp were spawning so it just left mullet to target. Normally they are numerous, all over the river's width. You can see their flanks flashing as they browse the stones. Now the river is two tiny channels. The place where I hooked and lost two huge barbel in 2022 is inches deep. The lip of the weir where mullet cruise is now above dry land. France has had the fourth wettest winter on record. Spain has had very little.

To get to where the mullet now are involves a 25 yard cast over a thin, shallow channel and then float fishing using light tackle. The northerly wind coming off the mountains was gusting at 60kph. I drove down to the estuary only to find it like the Welland in a westerly gale. OK quiver tipping for bream, but not for the shy mullet. I drove back to the bridge and found an open swim just above the weir. Then discovered that there wasn't enough head room to cast any distance. And the float just dragged in the waves.

I gave up, but not before a double figure carp lept like a tarpon to taunt me. It was in an inacessible pool just off the main flow.

Tough shift!

We decided to give Spain a miss this last winter. But the thought of some warmth is tempting, it's been a long, wet winter on the Lot. Upside is that the fishing has been good, though I have been using tackle more suited to sea fishing and clothing is often stuff I would wear winter fishing in Scotland.

Damned weather is mucked up everywhere! :confused:


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
Its still blowing a hooley here. The upside though is a couple of beers in a sheltered area on the marina followed by calmari and a superb ribeye steak.

Last year was also tough for fishing. The first three years were the best, but you have to put it into perspective when considering how the drought will affect the greater situation. And my pet worms will have had a fortnight holiday in Spain. How many worms can say that?

Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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Decided to go back to the club lake to pole fish expander pellet today, left home at 8.25am and arrived at 10am, normally 20-25 minutes drive, every way I went was gridlocked, I was setting up in my chosen swim when the 'old' fella fishing in the corner nearest the gate appeared, very glad he did, it was Rob, the artist, ex-member of FM, so had a yarn and found I'd scrapped the pole rig I'd made for this depth of swim, so setting a new one up took longer than I thought so didn't start fishing until 11.15am, but the cold northerly wind still blew, I caught 17 skimmers to a pound, 7 or 8 roach between 4 and 12ozs and 3 crucians between a pound and 2lb 5ozs, it peed down several times, then the journey home took nearly as long after a road closure(accident) and the M1 being a car park, so turned back and re-routed....
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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
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The pike fishing at the end of March ended with a whimper. Although my friend who I got a guest ticket for managed a 18lb 5oz fish. I was delighted for him as due to various commitments he doesn't get out on the bank as much as he would like. Its now time for tench although the conditions have generally been pretty dire. The 11th April was an exception and with a temperature of 20c and partial cloud it was pleasant to get out on the banks. Due to the nearby Gt Ouse being flooded for much of the winter the lake was high and coloured. I managed 3 tench between 4lb and 6lb all caught on 2 red maggots. Last week I went to a club water which is similar to an estate lake it was a bitterly cold day with a strong NW wind I did manage a tench of around 3lb on a legered king prawn. I went back yesterday to my syndicate lake and once again the conditions weren't great it was cold but at least the wind had dropped. It rained albeit fairly light until 3pm. The day got off to a bad start I had left my spomb rod behind. I was fishing two rods at 30yards but decided to fish one at 20yards which I could just about reach using a 1.50tc rod as a spomb rod by carefully lobbing the payload of hemp and dead maggots. I used a pair of Drennan 11ft 1.25tc Duos and block end 45grm feeders. I find these rods have a nice playing action and are ideal for use with 6lb main line. Despite the inclement weather I managed a tench of 7lb 2oz on red maggots which is the seasons best so far.

Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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The top fish is Saturday's 2lb 2oz, the bottom is yesterday's 2lb 5oz fish, yesterday's fish had a scale count along the lateral line of 33, Saturday's one 34, the scale count for crucians is between 32-34, the colours of the fish are more buttery in the smaller fish, up to 1lb 8ozs which I think is directly attributable to the clarity of the water, I am not prepared to have scale testing done as I wouldn't claim a record even if I caught one, if they aren't 100% crucians I'm still happy as they have all the attributes of the species (being finicky biters being one of those) and if it quacks and has a beak, it's a duck....

Steve Arnold

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Cahors, France
It is so good to live close to where you like to fish! Yesterday afternoon, after a night and morning of rain, the weather forecast showed there should be sunshine with some broken cloud for just a few hours. So off for a full 20 minute drive to the most scenic fishing spot around this area. Now it’s all beautiful along the Lot, but Saint-Cirq-Lapopie with its church perched at the top of a sheer drop to the river Lot is in a league of its own!


I was fishing a feeder with a 14 mm boilie on a hair rigged size 8 hook. A rig that will catch anything here, though barbel are my usual target. Almost immediately I was getting small bites and after about 20 minutes something hooked itself. The river was in full flow and at first i thought I had hooked a barbel, but it was "just" a bream....


As I was returning it to the river in my landing net the other rod pulled over and the baitrunner was screaming, soon a second bream joined the first....

image (1).png

So a couple of bream around 4 lbs apiece, not to be sniffed at! :rolleyes:

One had signs it was near spawning, I felt it was a bit early but nature has its own calendar. The barbel and chub were absent, the barbel are spawning in at least one section just now and I guess the chub will be close looking for an easy feed.

I fished on for a couple of hours but the sky darkened, some distant thunder and a few big spots of rain. So time to go home and I was back cooking my dinner before the wind and rain hit.

Today there has been so much wind and heavy showers. At this time of year in the Lot it would be more likely to be enduring a heatwave. My wife Sally is back in Scotland this week, the weather is much better there!:confused:


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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I fished the woodland pond this afternoon. First time out since 20th February, so things were looking a bit different


Very pretty, and nice not to be shivering, but far from ideal for fishing with bright sun, a gusting swirling wind and the surface of the water coated in that wonderful spring tree debris that makes you put your float in half a dozen times before your bait sinks


Still, I wasn't expecting to bag up. I was just trying to get started again after a couple of months enforced abstinence. I fished away, gently feeding two swims at 10 and 2 o'clock at 11m. Two hours in without a bite, the float dipped and something was doing its best to break the .10 line but the Matrix green hybrid elastic is surprisingly good


I'll be hoping to meet a few of these on the river where they belong in 6 weeks or so. Back to the bream fishing, it was another hour and a half before one showed up


Three more followed, until I hooked one of the bigger ones - they go from three to six pounds in this pond; no big deal to some, but, for me, good fun on canal gear - and just when I went to shuffle it into the net, the hook pulled and stuck in the tree over my head and that was the end of my first day back.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
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Went back to the syndicate lake yesterday. Although the day was much milder than of late it was windy gusting at over 30mph. The nearby Gt Ouse was again in flood which impacted on the lake which was very coloured. I elected to use my 1.25tc Drennan Duos fishing with 45grm Drennan feeders at 30yards. I set up my new 1.50tc Torrix with a running feeder and lob worm as bait. I was on the phone to Alan (Whitty) when I had what I thought was a barbel like take on this set-up. I struck but nothing and the bait was entouched it is possible a carp had swam through the line. Unfortunately this was the nearest I came to some action and a blank was recorded. I inherited a pair of DL4000 Baitrunners must say being green they match nicely with the Drennans. (all tackle tart stuff)


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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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Picked the syndicate water today, thinking it might warm up sooner than our club water, I was there just after 6 30 am, mick arrived later as he had a doctors appointment, as it was very windy and gusting from all directions, I picked a swim on the east bank, hoping it would be more sheltered, fished fairly close in at top kit plus two sections, as it was too windy to fish further out, fed my favourite ground bait at the moment, Sonu hemp and hali crush, it’s working well for me so far this year.

Tried maggots first which got me a roach, and then a 4lb common, plus an F1 and a couple more roach, but no tench, so I changed to sweetcorn and that did the trick, started catching tench between half a pound and 2lb, plus more roach and a couple of skimmers.

finished at 4 pm, with a total of 24 tench, plus the others,
so a good day, it was also dry and warm in the afternoon when the sun came out, in spite of the wind, enjoyed it, and mick caught well also.