It's been a few weeks since I last fished. July and August are usually too hot and dry, the barbel rarely feed well in the low summer flow leaving just the bream to take my baits. But yesterday I took a drive along my local stretch of river and found a good flow and slightly coloured water, Hmmm!
So I actually woke early this morning, my anglers instincts had been stirred and I quickly dressed. Just one rod packed and some bits, I had an idea a carp might lie close to a spot I could park close to the river.
Arriving at the swim it looked perfect, except the river was 3` lower than when I last fished it in February. Fortunately my Gardner XL landing net handle would reach, but landing a good fish would be "interesting"......not helped by a small boat chained to a tree at the only accessible spot. Oh, the joys of river fishing!
First cast and after 10 minutes a "three foot twitch" led to a nice fight and a 4.5lb barbel. Good start!
That fish took a good 10 minutes to revive in the net, summer water temperatures do not suit barbel.
So eventually I cast out my 18mm boilie and PVA bag of bits and settled down for the wait. About 30 minutes past and the sun was rising, it would become a hot day but I would have shade until lunch. I was starting to think I may have missed my dawn fish but then my rod tip started twitching. I fed the taking fish a bit of line but it was persistently tugging. I have seen this before and decided a fish had hooked itself but not really felt the hook and panicked, so I tightened down. That woke the fish up, obviously a decent carp!
Interesting fight, I had to keep it in the "pool" in front of me and stop it going downstream around the end of the island. It was a mixture of bullying only when I had to and leading it the rest of the time. Probably about 20 minutes of this and the fish never absolutely panicked, then I had to lead the tiring carp to swim upstream of the chained boat.
It tried several time to go under the boat but eventually it was in the net. I was relieved it was not bigger as it was a vertical lift of about 6` and I had to reduce the length of the net handle as I brought it up. Tree branches above and behind had me stuck with the handle at full length, more joys of river fishing!
It went 26lbs with the net head, afterwards the net was weighed at 1.3lbs wet.
So an interesting procedure to lower the carp back to the river, it recovered much more quickly than the barbel. I think I took longer than the carp!
I fished on and had another barbel about 5lbs. Then a horn sounded and there was a river cruiser rapidly approaching my line, time to pack up.
Home by lunchtime and beating the sun and heat. perfect morning session!