How did you get on?


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2018
Reaction score
After a few lack lustre sessions of late I was in need of getting a bend in the rod. Chose a club water yesterday that doesn't usually disappoint @mikench knows the one. Arrived around 7am when it was just getting light. Quite chilly first thing but the forecast was good. 19/20 degrees and little wind around 6mph quite manageable on the float. Was planning to video the float going under but to do that I have to set camera up without bait, put bait on and cast to exactly same place - fat chance! Three small balls of GB in. I have doubts about my GB, sometimes think it has fish repellant in it. Not today, the fish were feeding on it if the bubbles coming up were anything to go by. 8am the float goes under and first Mirror of around 3lb puts a healthy bend in the rod. Not the most handsome specimen. Dorsal looks like it had had a close encounter with an outboard motor.


Fishing with the 13' Altima light. The water was very low the 10/6" Toreon is my preferred tool for shallow waters but the water was so low it would have been quite hard to sink the line with the Toreon. Only 18" of water in front of me which resulted in quite a lot of what I suspect was fish cruising into the sunken main line resulting in one foul hooking which resulted in a prolonged battle. No pic, both the fish and I had had enough. It deserved to go straight back in. Carried on catching through the day Carp interspersed with Roach to about 5oz. Sort of lost track of how many and what but a small common around 2lb and I think 5 more Mirrors 18 on the clicker the rest being Roach all going to sweetcorn.


Lost two lumps that slipped the hook and got snapped of by one that tried to get round the end of the spit I was fishing from. I had no choice but to hit and hold. I hit, it didn't hold. Once it gets round the corner you're pretty much screwed, all manner of snags and you can't follow it round, there's a tree in the way even if there's no one else fishing, there wasn't. Had the place to myself all day. Surprising given the forecast. Finished around 3.20pm



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terry m

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
Spent a few hours sat behind the rods this evening, expectations were low as the going has been tough of late. As I resigned myself to another blank at dusk, the RH rod rattled off and a real tussle resulted in a chunky 26lb 7oz common. If nothing else it restored my faith in my approach. Pix are poor as light had gone.


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Kevin aka Aethelbald

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2014
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The Cotswolds
This afternoon was a bonus, as it was forecast to chuck it down, which it did at home, but 12 miles away on the Avon it was sunny and warm.

Caught my biggest chub so far - 6lb 2oz, near Bidford, at dusk (hence cr4ppy picture), on one of those 'last casts'. I was convinced it was a barbel or a carp, because after half a minute or so it just went deep and didn't move (I know the swim by now and knew it wasn't snagged)... I didn't know chub did that.

Also got several 1-2lb-ish chub and a couple of perch to about 1lb, and lots of rudd... beautiful little things in the sunlight.

And my new friend the peregrine falcon was circling again. A great end to the week.
