I went yesterday afternoon, well, I had to go really as the wife was entertaining a group of friends for proper afternoon tea and I didn't fancy 'waiter' duties, and although hot and really oppressive, it got me out of the house....
Normally an 'early bird' fisherman I didn't really know what to expect, or indeed what swim I might be able to fish (that afforded some shade) but in my head I had at least worked out which side of the lake I could head for. Fortunately one very nice,sheltered swim was available (not to mention the whole lake!) and I took my time setting up at around 2pm.
Rarely have I known such hot air temperatures, and the weird feeling that something was trying to push down, to drive me into the ground almost, and this with a gentle breeze blowing across the water.......In fact I did wonder if I'd done the right thing in coming as my mind drifted back to a cool house with plates of finger sarnies and dainty cakes...
I cast such weak thought from my head and persevered........
First cast saw my rod arch over as a silly carp headed North which made a mess of the end tackle, but by 3pm I'd taken a couple of 3/4lb roach on flake so things looked promising, and so it turned out, as I caught steadily til around 7.30 and eventually amassed a bag of 20+ fish to a lb or so, along with half a dozen smallish tench.
Most fell to bottom fished flake or crust on a 14 x 2lb bottom coupled with a 14' rod with an ancient Allcocks 'Flick-em' attached.
Unfortunately the desired crucians didn't show, but I was happy with my catch and I headed home somewhat pleased that I'd made the effort.
Driving along my mind turned to what might be leftover from the afternoons entertaining at home and I had visions of covered plates of smoked salmon sarnies with a selection of cakes/scones awaiting me......a perfect end to a very good day, sort of thing..Unfortunately I was sorely disappointed as the 'leftovers' were just that, leftover! Curled up egg and cress sarnies, complete with a now crumbling Vienesse Whirl, didn't do it for me so I settled on a cheese and tomato creation of my own which went down well with decent cup of coffee...
Still a wonderful day though.......
ps Along the bank from me a Grandad and grandson combo (in teacher and pupil mode) managed a few fish and it was good to see quality fishing knowledge being passed from one generation to the next. Grandad had the patience of a saint but Grandson was a willing learner and between them they had an enjoyable couple of hours.
The respect shown by the Grandson was palpable and very nice to witness, although I'm sure 'boring old fart' crossed his mind once or twice as Grandad overdid the 'teaching' aspect !!
pps 'Grandad or 'Granddad'.......both are okay, I guess ??