How did you get on?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
The rarest of things this morning. No, not me talking sense but the first river outing of the year. As some on here will know, until about a year ago, I posted regularly on Simon’s very popular ‘How Did You Get On’ thread. Then, firstly due to aggravating my shoulder injury early last year, and then involving myself in a heck of a lot of house/garden renovation following our move last summer, my fishing has been restricted to around half a dozen fish’ins (including the always enjoyable FM LIF meet up) and very little else apart from some ‘recce. groundwork’.

Anyway, out on one of the ‘new’ rivers, 10am – 3pm (some things never change;)) for 5 chub in tricky conditions. No monsters but good to get out and get a bend in the rod................




Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
No fishing today, I had to wait in for a special delivery then go tomorrow-- well that was the plan anyway but after the guy delivered I decided to pay a short hours visit to see how my near nieghbour was faring on my local commie.
I found him on the smallest pond on the complex taking fish at every put in , good to see.
After five minutes he left his box and thrust his rod in my hand saying to have a go while he had a tea and a wee.
A little under an hour and I had taken some twenty plus roach, perch and gudgeon, one being a super goby that went just a little short of the length of my hand, fat as butter too.
Off tomorrow too-- must remember to take my own gear!.
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A nice day on the river again today for the fourth time in six days, it was a full on perch session with fish approaching 4lb… Except they were chub!

Ah well never mind, I was grateful all the same after a good frost and a car solid with ice but it broke into a lovely sunny morning and things were quite lively whilst the sun shone, I’d gone for a full on perch approach with my own homemade ultra-light foam bobbins fished in a small bay where I’ve had perch to over 3lb before.

A heady mix of krilled dead maggots, chopped prawn and a squirt of Pred Plus went in via the baitdropper with low resistance running rigs fished on long drop bobbins with lobworm to one rod and prawn to the other and it certainly got the adrenalin going every time the bobbins started to twitch before rising confidently and hitting into a head shaking lump on the other end, all in the hope it would be a big stripey.

Towards late morning things slowed down as the cloud cover came in and the wind felt chilly once again, so quiet in fact that I was able to enjoy a good chinwag on the phone to flighty for the best part of an hour without any fishy interruption whatsoever.

A couple more fish throughout the afternoon and come dusk that was me done with the lobworm remaining untouched the entire day.

Here’s a couple of seafood lubbers…

Considering the forecast for the next couple of days I think I’m gonna plot around the weather with a view to Sunday which will either be a stick session or a local lake with the dibber and ‘pin :w

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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On the reservoir again today for some pike fishing. Arrived about 7am,got out of the car,looked down the road below the dam - twenty yards away was a badger running about from verge to verge .not in the slightly bit bothered. Finally set up and saw a magnificent sunrise just after 8am. Two white egrets flew up the reservoir towards the shallows & a flock of lapwings went by. Nearly three hours later a beep from the left hand rod & it was away - a spirited fight from a double figure pike , 11lb 5oz, exactly the same fish I had caught last Saturday from the other side of the reservoir and on the same bait - mackerel.
Sat back to enjoy the sunshine even though the wind was getting up a bit. A kingfisher nearly flew into one the rods as it searched for a perch ( in both senses)in the marginal reeds.
As I trudged back down the muddy path towards the car,a male kestrel flew by and watched from the top of an ash tree.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Pressed my old Shakey Sigma wand into service again for about 20 roach in the flow where a stream enters the lake. Mostly small but 4 were goodly netters.Plus perch and a lonely mirror.

Half and half on red worm or FROZEN DEAD MAGGOTS for the info of the doubters that they work. (previous thread). This was the second outing for them as they have been rinsed and frozen twice:wh::eek: with no flavour.

Driven away at 4pm by snow flurries. Nice to get plenty of bites in the winter.


I was in several minds on what to do today and decided to spend it on a local lake pretty much fishing for a few bites, the forecast didn’t seem too bad but the wind was just bitterly cold.

After arriving at dawn it was a quick set up with a straight forward enough approach which included a tiny dibber dotted right down under the long rod tip with single maggot and some very dry groundbait…

Things started well with small perch coming fairly regularly…

As the morning drew on the wind began to pick up and the bites slowed until I was scratching around for blade roach up in the water, this was actualy the biggest roach of the session…

Having had enough of that I decided to lace the remaining groundbait with krill concentrate and then fed a couple of small balls which had the surprising effect of bringing the skimmers up on top of the marginal shelf but I wasn’t complaining…

By four o’clock I was perished and having had a good eight hours or more at it I decided to leave the fish to their last hour undisturbed by me, I was so cold even after arriving home that I jumped straight under a hot shower just to stop shivering.

Still, it was better than a day on the sofa and I’ve still got that to come tomorrow… :w


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
Looking at pic 1 Steve - am I right in assuming you now take your own satilite dish with you - and is broken yet......................;)


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Got in a short stint on waggler thurs having finished work a little earlier than expected. Some fine looking roach on corn from club lake. Regular bites on the drop in 7ft of water kept me entertained. Best was dead on a pound which actually came to quiver rod, again on corn. A minor tragedy after snagging the bottom; I lost my ancient Stillwater Blue!
Next day I returned with the intention of testing the idea a static bait might boost the quality a bit. Total blank followed.
Very short session on the river today for a single chub just under 3lbs to some very stinky fishy/krill paste, a leftover from someone else's boilie making. Hope fully follow up experimentation with this will be more productive.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Didn't fancy my club fixture on the GUC, as much as I like gudgeon bashing I decided to fish my other club's fixture on Wood Lane back lake. Drew an island peg which I fancied, most pegs are on open water.

11m to the island margin was fairly comfortable on a wet soggy morning.

At the off I potted a handful of damp 2m micros into the island line and another short down the track @ 6m . Started short with double maggot and it was bite a chuck from roach and skimmers and later a decent perch.

My neighbour to the left landed a decent carp after 2 hours so I had to step up my game. Out on the island line with 4m expander and the roach kept coming but costing me too much effort. New rig fixed and out on treble maggot, first bite and my 16 elastic made its first appearance and after a sluggish tussle a mirror carp of 7lb:4.

After that I rested my peg ( and my arms ) and ate my sarnies.
For the remaining couple of hours the rain stopped and I concentrated on my short line but no more carp showed just more roach and skimbobs..

Weighed in 12lb:11 for a section (8) win.....

Top 3 weights in the high 20's.

22 fished.....


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Didn't fancy my club fixture on the GUC, as much as I like gudgeon bashing I decided to fish my other club's fixture on Wood Lane back lake. Drew an island peg which I fancied, most pegs are on open water.

11m to the island margin was fairly comfortable on a wet soggy morning.

At the off I potted a handful of damp 2m micros into the island line and another short down the track @ 6m . Started short with double maggot and it was bite a chuck from roach and skimmers and later a decent perch.

My neighbour to the left landed a decent carp after 2 hours so I had to step up my game. Out on the island line with 4m expander and the roach kept coming but costing me too much effort. New rig fixed and out on treble maggot, first bite and my 16 elastic made its first appearance and after a sluggish tussle a mirror carp of 7lb:4.

After that I rested my peg ( and my arms ) and ate my sarnies.
For the remaining couple of hours the rain stopped and I concentrated on my short line but no more carp showed just more roach and skimbobs..

Weighed in 12lb:11 for a section (8) win.....

Top 3 weights in the high 20's.

22 fished.....

Well done Simon,whilst you,ve been out "Shedding up",we,ve all been sat on the computer all day,talking nonsense:D:D


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2013
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Didn't fancy my club fixture on the GUC, as much as I like gudgeon bashing I decided to fish my other club's fixture on Wood Lane back lake. Drew an island peg which I fancied, most pegs are on open water.

11m to the island margin was fairly comfortable on a wet soggy morning.

At the off I potted a handful of damp 2m micros into the island line and another short down the track @ 6m . Started short with double maggot and it was bite a chuck from roach and skimmers and later a decent perch.

My neighbour to the left landed a decent carp after 2 hours so I had to step up my game. Out on the island line with 4m expander and the roach kept coming but costing me too much effort. New rig fixed and out on treble maggot, first bite and my 16 elastic made its first appearance and after a sluggish tussle a mirror carp of 7lb:4.

After that I rested my peg ( and my arms ) and ate my sarnies.
For the remaining couple of hours the rain stopped and I concentrated on my short line but no more carp showed just more roach and skimbobs..

Weighed in 12lb:11 for a section (8) win.....

Top 3 weights in the high 20's.

22 fished.....

With all those silvers mate, you should be spot for Slough House this coming Saturday :thumbs:


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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A single small roach this evening to bring my average to less than 1 fish per session this week.
Not in the groove it seems.


It’s not often I fish on a Monday but having seen the forecast for such mild weather coupled with a few extra inches of water it just screamed barbel but boy was that wind strong again!

I think I can keep the stick floats in the bag for this one…

Fortunately I had made the decision to get in just before daybreak which allowed me to get the brolly up, staked down, roped down and tied off to a tree with the storm poles fitted before it got too rough to do anything and still it nearly went flying during the afternoon!

I’ve got more suitable rods but decided to take the Ultralite Avons again through nothing more than sheer indulgence and one was rigged with a free running 100grm method feeder to a two foot 10lb hooklink to fish a single 10mm hair rigged pellet below the pre-soaked pellet based munga mix which I had put together last night…

All nice and ready to go…

I like this method and there really aren’t any rules on the length of the hooklink, the first fish I ever took with it was a 13lb barbel using a six foot link and it’s literally a case of going with the flow but be sure to check the mainline after a fish as the bouncing around of the feeder can chew the surface of the line up a bit… It’s also a nice profile which I reckon holds bottom better than conventional feeders and if squeezed hard enough into the mould (or nose warmer!) it still looks like this after retrieving forty minutes later so you know you’re getting a good constant trail in the water…

Anyway, in it went and shortly after the second rod was in too which was rigged with a simple running leger with a piece of hair rigged meat.

I was just settling down and contemplating pouring my first cuppa when the tip of the method rod bounced, sprang back and then doubled over and certain that I was into a barbel I lifted into fresh air!

Never mind, back out again and this time I did get a cuppa poured but it wasn’t long before the tip rattled over again and this time I lifted into something solid that gave a nice blip on the drag and shortly afterwards a nice, well fed winter fish of around 8lb was safely in the net…

What a great start!

Out went the rig once again and around forty five minutes later an almost identical bite resulted in another tip top fish around the same size as the first, if not slightly stockier…

By now I was having a good day and it got even better shortly afterwards when, after putting the rig out once again, the tip just belted over without warning and as I lifted into it the dogged push into the main flow told me that it was a better fish.

After a bit of the usual heave ho with a bit of give and take I had the fish below me but she was still staying deep, I eventually got her head up and slid the net under a deep and broad bodied belter of 13lb 3ozs…

It was barely even 9.30am and I’d had a bit of a rude one already, if I’d have packed up and gone home there and then it would have been a great session for the time of the year but I had planned to fish until dusk and that is what I did, taking a further three well fed winter fish throughout the day, two of which were similar in size to the first two and the other a baby of around 4lbs.

All six fish fell to the pellet and free running method without even an enquiry on the meat rod.

The rods were blown off the rests several times during the day but I can cope with that if the outcome is anything to go by!

Who said Mondays are dull? :w


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Smashing fish Steve they look in really good nick, I know you said it was windy but flippin eck I didn't think it was that bad I bet your face is glowing :D


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Steve....your a serious angler bud, hats off to you m8 !


I know you said it was windy but flippin eck I didn't think it was that bad I bet your face is glowing :D

You ain't kidding mate, the saving grace was getting that brolly up before it really got rough but just how it stayed up is beyond me... I even had to think of a way of getting it back down again without it getting destroyed.

Without that I doubt I'd have gone three hours let alone all day, amazing really that it came back in one piece knowing my form although one of the storm poles now has a forty five degree bend in it :D

---------- Post added at 20:14 ---------- Previous post was at 20:13 ----------

hats off to you m8 !

My hat was off more than it was on today mate, I reckon I did two miles chasing it :D


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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It’s not often I fish on a Monday but having seen the forecast for such mild weather coupled with a few extra inches of water it just screamed barbel but boy was that wind strong again!

I think I can keep the stick floats in the bag for this one…

Fortunately I had made the decision to get in just before daybreak which allowed me to get the brolly up, staked down, roped down and tied off to a tree with the storm poles fitted before it got too rough to do anything and still it nearly went flying during the afternoon!

I’ve got more suitable rods but decided to take the Ultralite Avons again through nothing more than sheer indulgence and one was rigged with a free running 100grm method feeder to a two foot 10lb hooklink to fish a single 10mm hair rigged pellet below the pre-soaked pellet based munga mix which I had put together last night…

All nice and ready to go…

I like this method and there really aren’t any rules on the length of the hooklink, the first fish I ever took with it was a 13lb barbel using a six foot link and it’s literally a case of going with the flow but be sure to check the mainline after a fish as the bouncing around of the feeder can chew the surface of the line up a bit… It’s also a nice profile which I reckon holds bottom better than conventional feeders and if squeezed hard enough into the mould (or nose warmer!) it still looks like this after retrieving forty minutes later so you know you’re getting a good constant trail in the water…

Anyway, in it went and shortly after the second rod was in too which was rigged with a simple running leger with a piece of hair rigged meat.

I was just settling down and contemplating pouring my first cuppa when the tip of the method rod bounced, sprang back and then doubled over and certain that I was into a barbel I lifted into fresh air!

Never mind, back out again and this time I did get a cuppa poured but it wasn’t long before the tip rattled over again and this time I lifted into something solid that gave a nice blip on the drag and shortly afterwards a nice, well fed winter fish of around 8lb was safely in the net…

What a great start!

Out went the rig once again and around forty five minutes later an almost identical bite resulted in another tip top fish around the same size as the first, if not slightly stockier…

By now I was having a good day and it got even better shortly afterwards when, after putting the rig out once again, the tip just belted over without warning and as I lifted into it the dogged push into the main flow told me that it was a better fish.

After a bit of the usual heave ho with a bit of give and take I had the fish below me but she was still staying deep, I eventually got her head up and slid the net under a deep and broad bodied belter of 13lb 3ozs…

It was barely even 9.30am and I’d had a bit of a rude one already, if I’d have packed up and gone home there and then it would have been a great session for the time of the year but I had planned to fish until dusk and that is what I did, taking a further three well fed winter fish throughout the day, two of which were similar in size to the first two and the other a baby of around 4lbs.

All six fish fell to the pellet and free running method without even an enquiry on the meat rod.

The rods were blown off the rests several times during the day but I can cope with that if the outcome is anything to go by!

Who said Mondays are dull? :w
Absolutely first class angling Steve!!!! You are with out a doubt "The Master",fantastic fish mate,im gobsmacked!!!!!!!:DGazza


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
A long run M1 south tomorrow had me backing off a similar run out today so decided to have another short distance/session on the river don in Sheffield.
I was dissapointed to find it had risen some eighteen inches or so overnight which was confirmed by a cyclist who stopped for a chat saying he had peddled the stretch yesterday and wished he had his gear with him but glad he was'nt fishing today.
Anyway, I was there so I had a long walk looking for a bit of quite water that would be ok for my float only approach.
It was a hard job, water like peaty tea, running over bankside vegetation is hard to best when any longer a cast would be near impossible so it was imperative that any choice by me was a good one, any less than than that and it was an early bath.
I finally settled on a little cut back, the only one I could find, the water just going around in circles with the main flow looking like an angry scottish salmon river in full spate.
I was just a little way downstream of a massage parlour, no "Trent ghosts" today but maybe a few thrown away replicas on my hook would be a first , and definately the last time I would fish the swim.
I rigged up the rod with a light float rig with single maggot as bait, and it was then a simple job after casting to just watch the float going around in simple but very erratic circles.
The first hour there was nothing to show but the birdlife on the river is as varied as any in open countryside, well worth a walk with binoculars.
The wind was getting worse by the minute , sometimes howling sometimes almost a sigh, It crossed my mind it could have been a punter a little distance away-- nah--- keep your mind on the job flight.
Not long afterwards the float dissapeared and my reward was a nice greyling that may have been twelve ounce or so, a start, and a half hour later I connected with another fish that felt like the first but sadly it shed the hook.
One last fish , a little smaller than the first and it was time to go, no more listening to car doors closing behind me, some slammed, some very quite, eager shy guys respectively or just someone hard at work in a nearby factory---nah-- keep your mind on the job flight! Lol
Almost forgot a pik or two of the water so a kwik snap lower down and I was gone.
Hopefully a trip Trentside before the week is out.