How did you get on?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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....We both agreed that it was likely on account of snow that had fallen the previous morning, snow that had fallen on the peak district and fed by the Derwent into the Trent which had put fish off feeding.....

Hey Steve & Flighty,
The excuses are always so much better when you have 2 brains working on them - doncha reckon? :eek:;):rolleyes:

Good write-up Flighty :thumbs:


While stood there I couldnt help notice that there was something about steves tackle that I couldnt put my finger on , I was puzzled to say the least but whatever it was I couldnt work it out so took a foto that would maybe help solve whatever it was a little later on

A tale of skullduggery if ever there was one folks!

In light of the topic of conversation in another thread I looked around to see this planted under my right hand reel with a note pinned to it saying something along the lines of "give us fifty quid or the world sees everything"...

Naturally I refused to succumb to this dastardly trick, knowing full well that you people would never fall for that one.

Would you???

Otherwise all nicely summed up Mick with little to add from myself really and thanks too for the great company, I especially enjoyed the pint afterwards :guinness:

And here's flights fish which, maul marks aside was in very good winter condition and gave a very good account of itself even if we somehow did manage to make it look a fraction of its actual weight (I did look on the back of his scales to check Morespiders' name wasn't written on there)...

Great craic Mick, look forward to that perch session :w

terry m

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
Snuck out for a few hours this morning for a quick 2 hour pike session on the Avon.

One run (and what a run, more like a carp run!), and a river PB of 25lb 3oz, absolutely mint croc.

Well chuffed.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
I had a stroll down the river today. On the way to the mill stream I picked up a small jack by dragging a weedless lure/ with added attractant along the bottom of a deeper area.

Mill stream produced nothing, but on the way back, just about to give up due to the rain, I managed a better fish on a two inch perch patterned shad.



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
What a gusty day – decided to fish a few miles of backwater that I know contains some quite large chub. How do I know this you may ask – well, in between decorating, etc., following the house move during the warmer months when the water was low and clear I checked out the topography and watched the bi9 bu99ers.

Anyway, fished from 10.30 – 3pm covering at lot of ground for seven, unfortunately not the big, chub and taking in the wide open spaces that I’ve moved to. Fields, more fields river, more river, more fields, it..





Well-known member
Aug 24, 2015
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West Berkshire
Day off today so I planned to visit a day ticket water near me that is supposed to have some good roach, bream and tench but left after an hour as it was plagued by ducks, swans and Seaguls. Couldn't move for the things and I didn't think I would catch with that many around. They were even diving down to check out my method feeder

I went to the canal instead, had a dozen or so small roach but the rain got too heavy so I packed up.

As I was driving home, the rain cleared and clouds lifted so I decided to have a walk/fish at the river which I fished a lot in the summer. I wasn't expecting much as it has been dead since the Autumn but I managed 25 odd roach, dace and small perch. I also managed to bring home about 25 kg's of mud it's a lovely spot and looking forward to getting back there in he summer.

Think that is the first time I have fished 3 venues in a day.

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Few hours spent today on the upper Soar & not as cold as I thought it might be in the strong breeze. Settled down to trot flake - landed a brown trout of about 10oz,switching to the quiver tip produced a massive signal crayfish again on flake.
Moved upstream and had another brown trout of 1lb 2oz on trotted flake & a chub of 2lb on the quiver tip using flake ,it then started to rain - lovely - walking about a mile over uneven fields into a strong wind with horizontal drizzle.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
This month and next are, in short, not my own. Work, family commitments and a host of other things have combined to keep me off the riverbanks for the foreseeable.

Courtesy of Liverpool, my football and fishing seasons seem to have finished concurrently. It's only constant hope that has stretched the football claim thus far though, to be truthful.

With this in mind, I set out today with one major aim and hope in mind. A couple of months back, I purchased a Maver 15ft / 18ft float rod from one of the nicest chaps on this forum and since then have been champing at the bit to christen it.

I had just the swim in mind, on the Stour at Sturminster Newton and hoped and prayed the river level would be manageable at least.

I packed some feeder kit too as insurance but I really wanted to use the Maver. Arriving at the river, the level was high but just manageable and the colour of flowing cocoa but a darn sight colder.

With a bit of thought, I was able to shelter under a tree and cast into open water, using the rod at 15ft. I teamed it with a Daiwa 125 closed face, 3lb main line, a 4BB Middy barbel trotter float to a Drennan silver fish 18 on 2lb trace. Two red maggots for bait.

In a very reflective mood, I opted for my classical i-pod today and opened with Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. That and a roach of some 2oz after about six trots.

I found a misplaced Abu bait apron last week and put it to good use. I also felt quite comfortable and warm from the off, didn't need to top up with coffee and started to really enjoy the odd roach that happened along, along with ta da.........a gudgeon!! A gonk!! Yaaaaaiiiiisssssss!!!!!

The roach came back and brought a couple of dace with them, nothing amazing - the biggest around 6oz but most 2 or 3.

After around three hours, I noted a slight movement out of the corner of my right eye. In the second it took to look, the grey heron, for that, friends, is what it was, screamed its craaaaaaaiiiiiiiccccc calling. I silently cursed it, making absolutely no difference. It stayed put without a care.

Just as I opted for Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2, I hit into something which steamed away with a bit of power but which I managed to turn. Nasty Mr Esox soon made himself known at the surface but not for long, the line went along with the probable small roach which drew his (or, more likely, her) attention. Darn!

Retackled, the roach didn't seem too bothered and soon took up again, to a similar size as before.

With five hours on the clock, I started to think about getting home, kit cleaning, tea and shirt ironing.

The float dipped and, again, something a little more munter than a tiny roach took off and gave a spirited scrap. After a few minutes of hand to hand, I slipped the net under a perch of somewhere near a pound and a quarter. Pleasing.

I tried a few more trots down to see if any other perch had moved in but nothing followed so I called a halt and packed up, giving myself enough time to get it all done.

A pleasing sort of day really. The last for a while, alas. Take care, all. :)


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
What with the settled and overcast weather, holding a session at the roach pool for perch was always on the cards. It was a bit busier today, yet it didn't affect the fishing one whit. I have to say that the gentlemen carp anglers who were bivvying-up for the night were quiet and unobtrusive, unlike a few I've come across...;) I missed a few bites and forgot to feed when an old school mate dropped by for a chat, like you do, but as soon as I picked up the feeding rhythm again the fish were back.

I fished the same peg as last time (out of the vicious wind) with ten feet or so of depth and I'd remembered my Drennan 13 footer, so no need for a slider. They wouldn't look at a prawn today and I finished up with four fish on banded worm fished two feet overdepth to beat the tow and a couple of feet to one side from the area I was regularly feeding with a pinch of maggots. The fish were like peas in a pod, all around one and a quarter to one and a half pounds, but I missed some of those lovely, slow sailaway bites that look harder to miss than hit - how do they do that? :D The ones I hit were those "now you see it..." bites, all resulting in hook holds just inside the scissors: something that seems to be a pattern (at this venue) with perch and banded, rather than direct-hooked baits, which has to be a good thing.

Took some lovely catch shots and just managed to fluff the upload and deleted the bloody pictures. I am not amused. :eek:mg:
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Due to work going absolutely mental I've simply not been able to get out for ages. When the odd possibility has arisen the weather has been ridiculous so this week I was absolutely determined to get out. The forecast looked reasonable for Friday so I awarded my bosses latest ludicrous deadline a giant raspberry and took a day off on Friday.

The forecast looked somewhat lively for the afternoon/evening but with Mrs S threatening to "find me something to do" I loaded the car and charged off to Bury Hill to have another go at the zander, fully expecting to get soaked and/or blown away. I wasn't disappointed.

The lakes were very quiet,the water still very coloured so I chose an area that's been good to me in similar conditions this time of year. The only trouble is that put me facing directly into a strengthening wind which meant I spent most of the session rebuilding an umbrella that had been turned inside out or hanging onto it for grim death to avoid it [and me] disappearing over the nearest hedge ! Wind rock kept working the pole loose so I ended up lashing the whole thing to me chair with the sleeve from me landing net.

The only trouble was that I couldn't quite see my bobbins from where I ended up...other than when they were swinging crazily in the increasing hooligan which kept blowing my hat off !

With the water so coloured I reasoned Captain Z would need something a bit smellier to home in on than my usual banker....a roach tail. So it was mackerel/lamprey on one rod and roach on the other,simply because if anythings going to get you a fish down there its a bit of roach. There was no reason why they should not have been feeding during the day in such conditions and fortunately,for once, my reasoning was sound.

Between 2-30 and 5 pm I had 8 runs. One I missed by going about a day early,one fish fell off but the other 6 were landed...the best 2 going around 6lb or so. Not big fish but good sport none the less. I rarely seem to catch zander in daylight so for once I thought I'd take a trophy shot of a fairly typical, handsome BH zander....and here she is.


Around 5 as the light started to go the weather turned positively Binka-esque and I really was hanging onto the umbrella as the wind increased in strength & the rain returned. When the zander are feeding in daylight its not unusual for activity to cease at dusk....the exact opposite of what I'd normally expect. So I wasnt that surprised when my indicators showed no interest at all as dusk turned into darkness.Normally I'd hang about for the 7-45 mugfish but with the weather worsening I took the opportunity a slight lull offered to pack up.

" If you're having it you'd best have it now because I'm off" I said to the which point away went the RH rod and another fish about 6lb was landed.

So...7 fish in all from 9 runs with 5 of those between 5-6.5lb including two on at once at one point,both of which were landed. Mackerel and lamprey proved most successful with 4 runs and 3 fish apiece with just the one fish on a roach tail.

Home a bit earlier than usual but gear sopping wet and tomorrow I've an umbrella to re-assemble once it dries out. Good to be bankside again....I'd have taken that before I left
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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
A car transporter was totally engulfed in flames on the opposite hard shoulder of the M25 as I made my way to a silvers only do at Slough house lake in Essex this morning. I physically felt the heat as I passed it on the way. I probably don't need to tell you how windy it was today (and still is) I drew a peg with the wind howling diagonally right to left and in the face. Like most I left the pole in the bag. Set up two tip rods, one with cage feeder and the with mini pellet feeder.

During the first hour I tried various baits trying to find what the skimmers wanted and annoyingly hooked 2 carps, lost 1 and landed one...
First skimmer fell to banded 4mm red fishery pellet. By now the wind got stupid, lucky it didn't rain as my brolly was tucked up safely with my pole in the bag...
Second and 3rd hour the bites kept coming resulting in 5 more.
The lake seemed to switch off for the remaining 2 hours so I tried some alternative baits, single maggot, corn, worm etc to no avail....
Weighed in 9lb.came about 10th out of 15....

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Nice skimmers there Simon,but your peg looks as calm as a millpool,did you take that pic before the wind got up???? Gazza


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Two days ago was my only chance to wet a line either side of long periods of time, my mindset not improved by the end, and often best, part of the season being lost to the other rubbish life conjures up to prevent a man enjoying his lot.

Two days ago, I turned up at the river looking like Jack Hawkins and the river did its bit by dressing as The Cruel Sea.

Now, just 48 hours later, I COULD be fishing comfortably in shirt sleeves or a light sweater at worst.

I've always been given to think that weather patterns are random but this seems to happen far too often.

If there is a God, I've got what the Metropolitan Police would call "a serious line of questioning" ready to go.

I know you retired guys won't have a clue what I'm on about talking about "other pressures" :eek:mg::wh but does this happen to anybody else or am I right to carry on taking this situation extremely personally?? :)


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2013
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Two days ago was my only chance to wet a line either side of long periods of time, my mindset not improved by the end, and often best, part of the season being lost to the other rubbish life conjures up to prevent a man enjoying his lot.

Two days ago, I turned up at the river looking like Jack Hawkins and the river did its bit by dressing as The Cruel Sea.

Now, just 48 hours later, I COULD be fishing comfortably in shirt sleeves or a light sweater at worst.

I've always been given to think that weather patterns are random but this seems to happen far too often.

If there is a God, I've got what the Metropolitan Police would call "a serious line of questioning" ready to go.

I know you retired guys won't have a clue what I'm on about talking about "other pressures" :eek:mg::wh but does this happen to anybody else or am I right to carry on taking this situation extremely personally?? :)

I am with you on this one Phil. Being a child of Odin, I too would have some cutting edge questions for the One God, like: Who are you and why? Pete.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Somerset
Thanks for the moral support, Pete. I wish the lottery were random in the same way though, arguably, it probably is as I never seem to do any good there either....:)


After the relentless wall to wall wind and rain that we had in these parts yesterday I was really pleased to get out for the day today and with a river already high and rising, which added another foot of water overnight, it was an easy decision to head for stillwater again although I fancied a change of venue.

I opted for a local day ticket lake of around six or seven acres set in a heavily wooded country park, with an island that offers a narrow channel at the foot of a steep wooded hill with the prevailing conditions coming from behind so it also offered shelter for me which was really my only consideration even if it did mean the long walk around the lake to get there.

It doesn’t see much angling pressure at all at this time of year and as far as I’m aware I had the place to myself which was great, this was the view shortly after sunrise…

I took the long rod to fish with the ‘pin but it was too shallow for the dibber and so I started off with a 4 x no.4 canal antenna with a 1.7lb bottom and size 12 barbless spade end which seems big but is easily hidden and I was literally just going to fish for what bites I could get in the five foot or so of water which I found a couple of rod lengths out.

No prizes for guessing that I was going with my favourite chopped worm with a smidgen of something to boost it up a little…

All good and well but after a couple of hours I hadn’t even had a hint of a bite, coupled with the fact that once the wind really got up it was like trotting a stick float as the water began to channel through at a fair old pace between me and the island it meant it was time for a cuppa and a rethink.

I took off the light float and went straight to a 3AAA straight peacock waggler with 3BB around the float, 3BB just tripping the bottom enough to hold it in place and an added foot of depth with a couple of no.10 droppers evenly spaced to keep the line on the bottom nice and straight... It all looked a bit odd if I'm honest but the theory seemed to stack up ok.

I didn’t faff with small bits of worm and instead hooked a large dendra through the saddle and the whole move was justified on the first put in when the float bobbed and slowly sailed away with one of those bites that are just unmissable.

Anyway, having missed the bite (!) I then decided to feed a few half dendras each put in instead of small chop and slowly the bites began to materialise with small roach to begin with…

As is often the case a better stamp of fish then began to show quite steadily…

And occasionally a really nice roach…

Great sport after such a slow start and testimony to ringing the changes.

I’m not a carp fan as such but I did also take two fat bonus mirrors of around 6lb apiece which fought like demons on the light hooklink, they also gave me the distinct pleasure of playing ‘em off the thumb and who in all honesty couldn’t love this…

I really didn’t want to pack up come late afternoon but as the gates are looked at varying seasonal times with today being 5pm I had little choice and as I began the long walk back around the lake to the car the rain once again set in right on cue.

A really great day’s fishing and a very rewarding one too, I feel like I've earned me beer... :w