How did you get on?


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
It's been a week of picking and choosing the better ( less cold ) days in an attempt to be a little more comfortable on the bank. That said, it still took a major effort to go at all as the thermometer hovered around zero or a degree or two above.
I continued to persevere on a couple of still waters, fishing the same swims in the hope that fish might congregate around the fairly regular flow of bait, and to some degree this has been moderately successful in that I've caught fish. Not massive catches but still worth making the effort for !

This week and last I've given thought to what I could do to swing the chances of fish more in my favour and to this end I made a plan to introduce my maggots with flavour. I didn't comfortable with flavouring a whole load of red maggots without having some idea if it would work so I merely added some to those for the hook and, in addition, just dipped those on the hook into the flavour between casts. I bit fiddly as dropping a single red on a 22 into the powder is tedious to say the least.
What I can say, without fear of contradiction is this particular flavour has proved to be the difference between moderate success and total failure as introducing the flavour (after sitting biteless for a spell ) has produced instant response - and I mean instant !!
Of course, I kept a steady flow of 2/3 maggots going in every cast, and the bait was changed frequently to give some form of movement, and I varied the fishing depth if bites slowed, but I can still say the flavour made the difference.
Can I back this up ? Well, yes I can as a pal fishing long from me, who was biteless for two hours, tried it and he caught a fish on his first cast - a near 10lb carp falling to double reds on an 18 x 2lb bottom !!

Yesterday, the same thing....Biteless in one swim for two hours; a quick move to one ( in the weak sunshine of all things ! ) ; a change of depth followed by a little more feed ( plus a miniscule amount of groundbait also dipped in the flavour ) and in the next hour I had 7 roach to 3/4lb, which in bitter conditions was pretty good going !

Now here's a thing...........I fished with around 1/2" of float above the surface ( in the shadow of a tree so I something to see ) and EVERY bite was identical in that a small ring appeared first of all around the float before it submerged - NOT all the way BUT by a 1'4" only. Not once did it sink completely yet every time I connected with a fish....
Did this continue ? The hell it did, as in the hour before I withdrew I had a had a half dozen bites where the float did submerge TOTALLY and instantly, producing precisely ziltch ! Grrrrrrr !

Anyway, a good week made all the better because something different worked ( again ) and this due to a bit of lateral thinking....

Oh, the flavoured powder ? Well, all I will say is have a look in the spices rack at home or in the shops and mix a few together...........It's worth a bit of effort and fills ' boring ' time in the evenings - far more enjoyable than watching tele !!

For the record my catches were up to a dozen roach on the best day but less on others, and this when folk around me struggled as most sat with hands in pockets and moaning about the cold !! Nuff said !!!
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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
It was chilly and raining as my mate and I headed up the M25 towards Essex this morning on our way to a new to us venue in Waltham Abbey. A farm with 4 small lakes set in a small valley. With a fixture there next weekend we needed to check it out first. Picked 2 adjacent pegs with the wind on our backs.

Plumbed up at 6m and found 5ft depth then at 11m it was 9ft deep. Started on caster short and had some nice roach, gudgeon and a fat perch.

Later I potted some damp micros out on the 11m line and ate my sarnies whilst watching poor Colin battle with an unwelcome carp on his skimmer rig and 5 elastic...he eventually landed it and weighed it at 10lb:4.
Entertainment over I tried my long line with 6m expanders and had some target skimmers and thankfully no carp....



Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
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Peter, in your first photo there is a wooden cross there - you didn't bury a certain person there by any chance!?


Jul 12, 2009
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A friend and I had a couple of hours legering before the sun went down today and then fished another hour into dark, it was a change for me as I usually always float fish. It was a cold day of about 3 degrees but the blustery downstream wind made it feel seriously cold! The river was about a foot and a half up on normal level but was still quite coloured. Anyhow the fish weren't fast in coming but we did get a few chub and a seriously large roach came off my hook right at the waters edge. The first chub was the biggest at 4lb 10 ounces, the rest varied between 3lb and 4lb so no large chub showed up. If we'd been able to stand the cold and stay a little longer we might have got lucky and hooked a bigger one but it was so cold we had to pack up and make tracks home. It was a relief to get back in the car and switch the heater on!

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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Any Chub of over 4lb is a large Chub to me and well worth catching LOL.


I think because I was using a 1.75lb test curve rod rather than my usual match rod it sort of numbed any fight they put up Keith. I reckon an 8lber would have felt like a gudgeon with such a powerfull rod :).


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2014
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I have been trying to find some new lakes to fish this winter as the rivers have been so high a lot of the time.

So the other day I went to some nice looking spring fed lakes available on a day ticket which are not fished much, except in the summer. It was overcast but not raining, and not too cold - perfect conditions I started with maggot but this was immediately grabbed by small rudd, so after 20 mins changed to a single large sweetcorn on a 14 hook nailed to the bottom in about 8ft of water.
It was a bite almost every chuck for the duration - some decent size roach, rudd and skimmers, probably about 20lbs altogether. I think the fish were pleased to see me for a change.
The unexpected bonus was 5 chub, 4 between 3-4lbs and one just about 5lbs. Never caught a stillwater chub before.
A barn owl flew round, being mobbed by a sparrowhawk, never seen that before, either.
Altogether a memorable day.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2015
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I managed to sneak in a couple of hours yesterday on a favourite stretch of the Wandle. It was bloody cold and wet and the river was low and gin clear. Mr chub wasn't at home but had two cracking dace, 8oz and 9oz.

At first I though the bigger one was a chublet because of the size and the way it was darting toward near bank cover when hooked. After that the swim went dead, which I think was either due to the fish being spooked or me overfeeding as I was trotting the float through. Anyway PB dace for me so a good day.


9oz beauty, great condition, nice and plump


8oz again superb condition
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
It was chilly and raining as my mate and I headed up the M25 towards Essex this morning on our way to a new to us venue in Waltham Abbey

Well, we've had the Crabtrees Bad Angling Award ( I've won a couple) but anybody who drives to Waltham Abbey on a freezing cold wet day to deliberately catch skimmers ought to get some sort of recognition too.

I am delighted to award you a Skippy Stone Bloody Bonkers Award !


No fishing for poor old binks, I've been floored and confined to bed with green parrot fever for several days and barely been out at all.

I decided to break out and have a walk up the river this afternoon and after the floods had subsided it resembled a landfill site with plastic bottles and cans everywhere and a nice smattering of polythene blowing from every tree where it had snagged up.

It then started to snow!

Happy days.


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2013
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It was chilly and raining as my mate and I headed up the M25 towards Essex this morning on our way to a new to us venue in Waltham Abbey. A farm with 4 small lakes set in a small valley. With a fixture there next weekend we needed to check it out first. Picked 2 adjacent pegs with the wind on our backs.

Plumbed up at 6m and found 5ft depth then at 11m it was 9ft deep. Started on caster short and had some nice roach, gudgeon and a fat perch.

Later I potted some damp micros out on the 11m line and ate my sarnies whilst watching poor Colin battle with an unwelcome carp on his skimmer rig and 5 elastic...he eventually landed it and weighed it at 10lb:4.
Entertainment over I tried my long line with 6m expanders and had some target skimmers and thankfully no carp....

Southend Farm Simon ?

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
I thought it was just us to the west of London who suffered green parrot fever?

Maybe they're spreading?

Hope you recover soon Steve and get back on the bank....


I thought it was just us to the west of London who suffered green parrot fever?

Maybe they're spreading?

Hope you recover soon Steve and get back on the bank....

Thanks Simon.

Looking on the bright side it's the longest I've gone without breaking anything :eek: :D


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2013
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Yep... interesting place innit Tony....

I like the match lake Simon but I'm at Slough House next Saturday on a Silvers match otherwise would of been with you guys.

Your into your Roach fishing and you could put 10lb + in your net fishing short with caster if they are there while your waiting for the Skimmers to arrive on your longer lines.

Its normally all single red maggot over GB or 4mm Expander over Micro depending what they want on the day. So go with 2 lines if there's no tow mate.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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No fishing for poor old binks, I've been floored and confined to bed with green parrot fever for several days and barely been out at all.

I decided to break out and have a walk up the river this afternoon and after the floods had subsided it resembled a landfill site with plastic bottles and cans everywhere and a nice smattering of polythene blowing from every tree where it had snagged up....

Commiserations Binka - hope you're better soon!

I know what you mean about the plastic rubbish on the river as a result of the floods. We had a clean-up on a section of the Irwell today with a bunch of 40+ volunteers from the local community, ecologists, birders, dog-walkers and Salford Friendly AS members. Filled the skip to overflowing and stacked the assortment of drums, barrels, a kayak, paint tins, oilcans and solvents next to it - for t'council to remove tomorrow morning!

Then down to the local community-owned cooperative pub for a thank-you hot meal and chin-wag! Not fishing - but a very enjoyable and rewarding day!


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
No fishing for poor old binks, I've been floored and confined to bed with green parrot fever for several days and barely been out at all.

My commiserations, Steve. I have also gone down with a bad case of fowlpest but being of sound mind I had no intention of fishing this weekend anyway. I'd like to say Mrs S is nursing me back to health but that would be stretching things somewhat. Unimpressed would be a fair assessment of her position.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
I had to google Parrot Fever ( no mention of ' green ' though ) and from what I read it can be quite serious. An occupational hazard for those involved with birds /pet shops and the like...
The symptoms look horrendous......

I wish you well Binka, but with the weather as it is a present I don't think you're missing too much on the bank !

I admit to staying home today - and probably the next two days as well - just too damn cold !


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
Get well soon Steve. I, of course, would be braving any weather thrown at me except my shoulder's playing up again.................:wh