Fished the River Idle today as per usual, fished in a spot that hasn't produced much for me this season as a mate had a 10lb barbel out last week. I took the carp rod with me as it's all I've got that's suited to a swim as snaggy as this - there's a weedbed about 5ft wide by 8ft long then a 3ft or 4ft gap (of very fast water) then it slacks off a little bit towards the back where there are about 5 sunken branches, all of this is under a very low hanging tree.
I rigged up at home so I was ready to fish when I got there. 12lb mainline straight through, 2oz lead for the fast flow and a size 8 Kamasan barbel hook. A simple rig that usually produces. For bait I had some out-of-date luncheon meat and some emergency sweetcorn, I baited up with a few handfulls of chunks of meat (around 4mm in size) followed by a dozen or so larger chunks. I left the swim for a little while then got cast in, nothing bit for a good hour, lots of weed coming down so I had to keep re-casting. After removing some weed, I re-cast and literally seconds after I put the rod down it ripped off, I hit into it then all hell was let loose! I knew it was a barbel straight away and definitely a big one, it ran to the far bank and was inches away from the snags. The clutch gave in and it managed to get into the snags, I knew it was bigger than others I've caught and I was
not losing it. So into the river I went, emptying my pockets out onto the bank as I waded further down, I reeled up tight to it and gave it some stick, it wasn't budging! My heart was racing, I thought I had lost it and all of a sudden it raced out of the snag pulling about 3 chunks of the snag with it on the lead and the line and it ran upstream. "Phew!" The fight was back on and I started stepping back up the bank, I got it up on the surface just as I was half way up the bank, it was inches away from the net and it whizzed off downstream. I thought "F*ck it I'm already wet" and walked briskly downstream after it, tightening up as I got closer, it was in open water and away from the snags! I pulled it up on the surface again and managed to net it! Once I'd seen it I knew 7lb 2oz would no longer be my PB!
We got it on the mat and weighed it - 8lbs 10oz! I was over the moon! Followed it up with a couple of small 3 or 4 pounders and ended the day with a massive smile on my face!
What a beauty!
Just had to stay in the water while it recovered...
-- Shall have to start taking my camera with me when I go fishing. The 6 year old phone doesn't take the best photos!