Well, the rain certainly 'freshened the water' and it did look a lot better, but it also had a marked affect on the air temperature which, I like to think, helped make the fish indecisive, if not downright fussy, as to what bait they fancied this morning.
After Saturdays success with pellet, and reasoning that it would be still fine in the slightly changed conditions, I confidently started with them today. Nothing happen for the first 30mins apart from tentative bobs of the float, (already dotted down to 1/4") which fail to materialise into anything positive, or anything I could hit, although I did try....
I change to flake gave me several small fish, but again the bites were finicky to say the least, and even these stopped for no reason I could fathom, so for the next hour or so I sat fishless...
I tried several alternative baits along with many changes in set-up, all to no avail, and just as I was contemplating a change of swim I caught three tench in quick succession followed by a nice crucian of around 11/2lbs, all on pellet ! This was followed by another, almost to be expected 'quiet' spell............
It was never going to be day of fish coming to the net at regular intervals (obviously!) so I experimented with elderberry and hemp feed and then hemp on the hook at various depths and this gave me three 9" long roach to lovely sail away bites, but this quickly followed by the loss of four more coming to the net.....
I will only add the language at this time was 'choice' and out loud, which, in all probability bought on sudden five minute downpours over the next half hour....You know the type; dry one minute, and everything soaking wet one minute later....delightful !!
Am I deterred ?? Not a bit of it, as I shall go again first light tomorrow.......................