A day out yesterday to try for some roach, a day entirely dependent on a small bed of hemp lightly scattered at intervals along with mussels as hookbait.
I had done ok with it last week and had decided to use it again to see how it would fare.
A very late start around noon saw me finally casting to my tiny circle of hemp and finely chopped mussels some three feet from the marginal reedmace. To be honest I didnt fancy my chances all that much as the high sun wasnt really in my favour but I had the choice of staying till dark on account of gaining a good few brownie points earlier so if my early efforts didnt come to fruition then dusk could just maybe save the day.
Some ten minutes in and it was nice to see the float rise and then slowly slide beneath the surface whhch resulted in a bream of some twelve ounces or thereabouts, a promising start, and one that continued with more bream pretty much the same as the first .
All very nice but much as I like bream the absence of my intended quarry was prooving to be a little dissapointing but I hung in hoping that things would change, maybe a Tench would turn up as they had done last week, after all it was a warm day-if proof was needed how warm one only had to look out over the lake to see dozens of carp that had abandoned their never ending quest of nosing in the mud to enjoy a bit of basking in the sunshine, at one point I counted no less than nineteen in front of me that I could almost touch with my rod but not wanting to waste my efforts I soldiered on hoping for a nice roach.
SPER -- LASH!. looking round a carp angler had just gone in the lake, tho not entirely sure I thought he may have lost his gear to a fish but it all looked ok and he came out quite unconcerned so it remained unclear-- maybe a long session- who knows, it reminded me of the time I was on the banks of the upper witham many years ago when I had arrived very early at Dry Doddington to catch the river at dawn, a guy came walking past with all his gear on his shoulders, passed a few pleasentries then moved on, seconds later he fell in the river for no apparent reason clambered out and went back to his car to drive back to Nottingham .
Two pm arrived and my float slid away ,expecting another bream I was pleased to feel the unmistakable nodding of a nice roach that came to the net after a rather spirited struggle-- a nice one two that made 1-3 on the scales later in the day.
Three more put ins gave me three more roach-- all cracking fish over a pound and fish that verified my choice of bait, tactics and venue. The bream had gone now and with the odd top up of hemp n chopped mussel it was roach that made the running with one that came to my net that for that one split second had me thinking" Ive done a two" but no, o n inspection in the landing net I knew it would be light, sad, but a belter anyway.
I was also beginnig to doubt my fish as a few had look of rudd or quite possibly rudd/roach hybrids, not all but some, maybe decide yourselves if Steve puts the piks up later on.
I had eight roach (and rudd or rudd/roach hybrids)in total tho like a prat I missed the net with the last one, , everyone over a pound in wieght two were 1-3 and 1-4 with the big one going 1-13 , big fish in my neck of the woods.
Time to go I returned about fifteen bream but retained the roach (or whatever) for a couple of piks, the carp angler nearby came down to look and was pretty impressed which was nice, he had had some ten carp on the zig rig , agood session too but what can you expect from another guy from Mansfield!!
Got to say however joking apart that any water I target in the future for roach will not see me without a few mussels-- deadly, and they certainly sort out the better fish.