The lake was placid. The bankside trees were just coming into flower. It was blazing hot. So we chose to fish in the shade of the Jamun tree overhanging the shallows.
The usual ensemble of float rod, peacock quill sliding waggler ending in a short 2" hooklength of braid to a size 2 hook was assembled. A "AAA" shot pinched on where line joined braid cocked the float set so the large shot sat on the bottom. Bait was bread paste mixed with the eggs of red ants (sold here in large quantities for just this purpose). The depth was 2 1/2 feet five feet from the bank.
The action was fast and furious and Catlas (Catla catla), Rohu (Labeo rohita), Mrigal (Cirhinnus Mrigala), Ghonia (Labeo gonius), and Carp made for a hard fighting mixed bag.
Placid lake.
Trees beginning to flower.
Fishing just out from the bank.
Catla, 16lbs, 8oz. held aloft by Mandan, the ghillie.
Ghonia (Labeo gonius) the hooklength and shot can be seen here.
Mrigal (Cirhinnus mrigala)
This little two pounder hooked itself on a bolt rigged, hair rigged kernel or two of sweetcorn which I had sneakily put out to one side. But we caught many more to about 7 lbs. on the float.
When the sun finally dropped behind the trees I moved over to a fishing platform to my right.
Fishing platform.
While lifting the line and hook gently out of the water after plumbing the depth the rod hooped over. I cursed myself for having foul hooked a fish and played it as hard as I could with the idea that the hookhold would give. But no dice. I finally landed a 12 pound Catla and lo and behold; it was fairly hooked in the upper lip! I can only surmise that it had opened its mouth and inhaled just as my hook was passing by and the limp braid allowed the hook to be sucked in resulting in the hook up. It is one way to save on bait!
12 lbs. Catla.
The rod is a Drennan Acolyte Ultra and handled the fish well enough. The reel is a Hardy Ultralight fly reel loaded with mono (12 lbs). If one does not have to cast the drag and exposed rim are a boon in playing the fish and the direct contact adds greatly to the pleasure.
By the end of the day we had picked up a grand thirst which we would not have exchanged for a fifty pound note. It was well taken care of by a cold shower followed by endless chilled beers.
My apologies for the long post and too many photos. My excuse is that I do not post often.
All the best