How did you get on?



perserverance gave me a few more fish totalling seventeen crucians to go with the bream.
A really nice enjoyable session that came good, maybe another trip before the rivers open.

And here are a couple of Flight's crucians...

Great stuff Mick!

I'm not turning into an insomniac by the way, I was awoken around half an hour ago with a throat that felt as if someone had cut away the surface layer of tissue and is constantly basting it with battery acid and I'm picking up a mate in an hour or so for a day on a pit, might as well stay up now :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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24 hours after my last trip I was back in the same corner swim on a club lake and this time it was the crucians that dominated. Did everything mostly the same way except the groundbait was a little bit lighter to cloud up rather than hitting bottom before breaking up. Can't be sure that this was the reason for the change of course but it seemed to make a difference. Change in weather also very significant. First drop in brought a decent crucian to my left and immediately I noticed that the fish was warmer than my hands. The wind required an extra couple of layers but clearly the water in my sheltered spot was just as the crucians like it.
I started off on a short pole line with a very sensitive superfine bristle and light h/l but once I'd got into a steady feeding pattern some chunkier fish moved in and I got broken off twice in two casts. Rod was already set up with a small crystal waggler and flicked a rod length out. This stopped me picking off some of the roach on the way down (not far down as it's less than 3 feet) and didn't slide under so easily.
I had been feeding a little mashed bread to my right and changed to a 14 with a disc of sliced white to try my luck there. My new bread of choice btw is Tesco toastie. 50p a loaf and I think it is probably actually Warburtons in a different bag. Lots of nibbles that I couldn't hit, I expect from roach, until I got the shot sorted with a heavier tell tale on the deck. Bites became more easily readable in that the float would twitch, dip a rise up before sliding off. i carried on well into dark with a change up to an isotope and a splodge of bread each cast. Eventually it got to the stage when I was rubbing my hands together to keep the blood circulating and I'd had enough.
Just before packing up I had my first and only bream. One day earlier and this swim was crawling with them.

Alan Tyler

Well-known member
May 2, 2003
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Barnet, S.Herts/N. London
Ta for the Tesco Toastie Tip-off!

Went out Thursday pm, sunny, fishery crammed, got settled on E. bank, in an easterly wind, but because of trees, and the multiple bays and promontories, the scum was building up under my feet, and a carp popped up for a look at me before I'd even set my box down. So much for Plan "A", which was to ignore carp and go roaching.
I quite quickly snaffled a four pounder on a chick-pea, and not long after, a six-pounder most gloriously browny-bronze; a steam-punk's dream in assorted leathers and metals.
Here endeth the good bit.
The downy scum was building into snotballs on the line which had to be cleared at frequent intervals, and one of these had worked its way behind the tip ring, so the handful of slack I pulled off as I put the rod down didn't go to keeping the float in place, but round the reel handle, where I failed to check with my usual paranoid zeal.
Brute picks up pea and, hooked, steams into middle(thanks!) of lake. Muppet spots tangle and frantically tries to pull enough slack to free it. Handle gets in on the act and conceals true path of line round its spindle. Handle is attached to metal "receiver" (so is held onto the wood by two screws rather than one) which is lens-shaped, with sharp corners exit carp, taking a very nice, ancient Harcork float with it.
I left the landing net in the water... against my superstition, but top match-wallahs do it...
Then a baby tench, a glorious omen for the future; and a smash take, probably from a trout, on bread.
I could see my net more clearly than before, looking oddly pale...

A rudd, swung to hand; always like to catch the odd rudd, but I'd hate to be sat on a shoal of small ones.

My net was now floating! the paleness was bubbles- but why? I took it out, and it looked like a brewer's balm-pot. Oxygen from drifting algae? CO2 from fermenting seeds borne in by the down that was driving me nuts?

A couple of small, netter bream, then a final baby carp that can't have been caught before: it took off like a torpedo and stayed so deep, so long that I thought it might be a double. When I finally netted it, I couldn't stop laughing, I doubt if it went two pounds! A Mirror, too, really playing against stereotype.
Every lifetime or so you get a bream like that, don't you? One of life's little puzzles.

The sun dipped below the trees, I put my pullover on, but then my knees froze and it felt like home-time.

- Must round off the edges of those receivers, and maybe use superglue and pixie-dust to build up anti-tangle rings.
- Cheesepaste: only a tiny bit of wet, pressed bread needs to be added to kneaded cheese to produce a paste firm enough for summer use. (One bite, missed)
- If I'm going to take a box, I must take a table, there just isn't enough ground in easy reach, nor under-chair storage space. Or tidy my act up. Fat chance.



That’s me about done… Fed up… Finished… !

Keep an eye out on Ebay over the next week or so for some great tackle bargains.

Fished a huge stillwater today on less than three hours sleep due to the head and chest cold from Hell and although I wasn’t particularly targeting a big perch I knew there was always a chance.

Once again (the third or fourth time over the last eighteen months?) I hooked what was clearly a fish over the magical 4lb barrier and once again the hook pulled… And once again it was after all the hard work had been done and the fish was beat and on the way to the bloody net!

I wouldn’t mind as much if I hadn’t had a clear view of it, at least I could have passed it off as something else.

Gutted is simply not the word.

Gutted, angry, demoralised and beat just about begin to get close.

I did catch though, including possibly the quirkiest thing I’ve ever experienced whilst fishing in that my mate had just returned a carp caught on pellet at around eighty yards range when my dibber buried and I struck into what was clearly a good lump… It turned out to be the same fish which had taken my worm fished under the rod tip and cleanly in the mouth less than ten seconds after being returned!

Somehow though, it didn’t really overshadow other events.

The comforting words from my regular fishing partner, who was asleep beside me in his chair at the time of losing the big perch, of “Oh well maybe it’s just not meant to be” did wonders for my moral, as you would expect.

So I’m selling up, taking up golf in a hot country and employing a bimbo caddy.

On second thoughts, I have leftover bait and won’t be offering odds that I’m not back on there this time tomorrow.

Still can’t believe it!

Gutted… Gutted… Gutted.

:w :)() :w


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
We both want the same and like you I've had more than a few "oh bother" moments recently. Such is the magic of a large stripey, equally other species too, we won't stop getting out of bed at silly o clock, we won't stop making up magic potions guaranteed to attract the largest fish in the pool, we won't stop dreaming of that elusive capture.

We won't stop.:eek:mg:
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Well another Saturday with all the associated Saturday stuff you know Shopping ect .
That done and packed away left me time to use up the remnants of Wednesdays maggots , So it was off to the local Cut for me for a time .
Bit slow first off only having maggot and mangled bread but soon found some nice Roach first one out was 1 lb 2 oz and the biggest but another 6 followed similar but on a downward spiral also had a few nice Perch biggest 11oz not big but not bad .

That was 3 hours in all and with the wind picking up me feeling the nip in the air it was pack up and make the 800 yard dash home (in the car of course i aint got hope i hell of walking that far right now ) enjoyable being as i will not be out Sunday Junior Golf team Duties call ( on a buggy of course) no more till Wednesday now thats providing the Optition says i can actually see the fish :wh :eek:mg:

PG ...

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Club fixture today on a old mill pond in rural Bucks.. Gin clear and shallow accompanied by a chilly NW wind so looked bad from the start. Usually good for a bag of roach on punch but none showed. Changed to pinkie rig and caught 4 small perch before it went dead as a dodo, I tried bomb and worm across and again not a touch.

The view from the bridge......

My peg...

2 or 3 anglers got smashed up by carp and none were landed. Some small tench showed and a few skimmers. From the bridge the pond turns left and goes down a narrow (10m) channel to a dead end. Some of the better weights came from there. Far end peg on the main pond won it with 4lb+.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2014
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I had a great day on Friday. Just decided to go at the last minute. What a fabulous day, fishing alone in an idyllic part of the fishery I have not tried before. caught some nice fish (for me) and tried out some new kit and bait. The full story is HERE.

I had the bank to myself all day. Great day!

Ralph :)


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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Deep in the Black Country
Fished a "friendly" match Saturday with some old mates at Woodlands, finished 11th of 14 with fifty plus fish for 9.04, all silvers and never even connected with a Carp, the dislike must be mutual :D

Got a pass for a "Jerry session" this morning so fished a local council pool, about 15 Perch between 3-8oz and 7 Rudd, best about 4oz. It's fair to say the company on Saturday was a little more pleasant, why do parents take their kids fishing if they can't be ars*d to even show them how to set up a basic waggler rig and provide them with appropriate tackle? The one kid must have been using a 3lb test curve rod :rolleyes:

To give an idea of the location, when clearing the peg I found a barbed hook to nylon which must have been a minimum size 4, FFS the Carp only go mid doubles at best :confused::mad:


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Dear Reader, I trust and hope that reports of my demise have been exaggerated, I base this hope on the feeling that, today, I found myself in a Piscatorial hell.

Please don't think me ungrateful. Compared with Mr Crabtree's four fish finger perch, my day was spectacularly productive but predictable to a unsufferable degree.

In short, good Sirs, 'twas carp, one after another, after another.

Armed with my Preston M70, a ready tied Middy rig, a 1g dibber float, an 8lb main line to a size 12 to 7lb.

Bait was the usual 8mm (this time, bacon grill), medium sized prawns and a bottle of Predator Plus (after telling myself dozens of times NOT to ask for Predictor Plus), banana flavoured corn and remnants of hemp.

Up against the island and, after ten minutes, a carp. The first of many, too many.

I scrounged some maggots off a bloke three pegs down in the vain hope of catching something else, anything else!! I put two on and, you know it, the carp kept coming.

All told, I had 19 ranging from about 12oz up to nudging double figures before my malaise lifted, however briefly, due to fish number 20 being a roach of maybe half a pound, on a smallish prawn.

The carp came back and I finished with 24 for somewhere in the region of 120lbs.

A tourist with a delightful South Yorkshire accent (sounding and looking like Denis White but not fishing like him evidently). His opening gambit of Thaa's ad a good day, youngun was met with a sad shake of the head and outright denial.

He ambled away again, probably confused how a day like that could be unappreciated.

Can't wait for the rivers again where the bite can bring just about anything.

It's going to have to be the original lake next week, less carp with more chance of big bream and some tench. If I sound ungrateful, feel free to criticise. Even I feel I might just be guilty......:)

Till the next time :)


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Very true Graham, but honestly I do get a bit bored with an overdose of carp. Anyway, everyone should try and be SKippy for the day, it's therapeutic......:)


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Open match at TBF today was on High Pool,i drew peg 2 first in the line on road bank,started over,and had a few f1,s and then a few down the edge,then went on my shallow caster line,fishing a banded maggot on the hook,to finish with 165 F1,s and a few silvers for a total weight of 162-10-0,and the win:D
2nd was John Johnson on peg 5 ,with 100-8-0,and 3rd was Dave Callaghan with 94-0-0 from peg 15...Jennies and Club pools for the open tomorrow,i,m hoping for a repeat!!!!,Tight lines,Gazza


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
dorsetandchub.....120lbs ? Seems to me a weight of that magnitude would've won most matches ' Chefster ' goes in for, and you wasn't really trying !!

Ever thought of doing a bit of match fishing ??

120lbs ? I should think many on here would take that all day long - carp or no !!

ps I've just noticed Chefster won it today with 162lbs - a great win for him .....
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