I had some time on my hands yesterday so decided to have a pre season walk on two rivers, one local, one not so.
The local one turned up a surprise in the shape of a few roach that I might give some attention to in the future, other than that nothing of note but plenty of silverfish nontheless.
I met up with an old friend later in the afternoon for a couple of hours barbel watching in some steady shallow glides. We didnt see many, maybe eight or ten fish but they were all in pairs so its likely that spawning is likely to happen soon if the weather holds, just in time really as the scheduled weedcutting is to commence in four weeks time that will help float away any of the fertilised eggs that will be well on their way to hatching. Little wonder this once wonderful little waterway has such low fish densities.
I needed some maggots for my planned canal trip today and by pure chance found myself passing a tackle shop on a little side street, one that I knew existed but was never sure quite where .
I was stood chatting to the owner before asking for my bait when a young lad walked in, maybe ten or eleven years old and still 7n his school uniform, maybe not even called home in his eagerness to get there. .
He asked for a half pint of mixed maggots in a bag but the shop owner simply asked him to pass him a small bait box, filled it , gave it to the lad, threw in a discorger and let him go with no charge, something I dont see everyday and absolutely top marks to the shop owner for such a generous act.
my day ,? Dont ask -- but I'll just say that whatever I tried only turned up a dozen fish, all perch except another ruffe (thats three now) and a very likely not seen one for years silver bream, maybe the sudden change in the weather . Enjoyable tho .