After a barrelful of carp last week, I was actually hoping for some roach today, I don't know why, just woke up and had roach on my mind.
I opted for a swim, on my usual commercial, from which I've had a few decent samples mixed in with the usual carp and skimmers.
I had my experimental head on and, courtesy of Mike, I took a can of garden peas for the first time, along with corn, cubed Spam (smaller this time, 4mm for feed, 6mm for hook), hemp and caster.
The usual pole approach with a slightly lighter rig, 5lb main down to a 16 to 3.8 trace. The float was a pencil thin Colmic pattern, very little resistance at all.
After potting in a mix of the above, I pushed out a single pea towards the sunken tree stump in front of me and a carp gave its presence away, moving away at the top.
Action was.....well, er, non existent, to be fair. I thought about changing baits but, no, I stuck with it. After half an hour or so, the float slid away and a kicking specimen of some 5oz of skimmer was brought back, my first ever pea catch. Cheers to Mike.
I couldn't mind a slow session today, the bird life was absolutely spectacular and other flying "things" provided something of a distraction, an RAF Hercules, two helicopters I think may have been Merlins and a microlight that, even from a couple of thousand feet, looked dicey.
Birds wise, warblers, whitethroats, the works.
I opted for a change though eventually as I knew, in my heart, I had to to up the run rate. Changing to a single of grain of corn had exactly that effect, a succession of skimmers from 3oz to around a pound and a quarter interspersed with the odd small carp to around 4lbs.
I did get smashed up by a couple of bigger samples and swapped over to a heavier rig with a 14 on to which two 6mm spam cubes.
The carp moved in, from a pound up to around five and the skimmers too, a couple maybe pushing a pound and a half. I found myself willing the roach, out loud - to little effect.
The species count was eventually raised by a perch of around 4oz on spam but sadly, for me at least, the roach were absent.
Another hour or so and my patience was rewarded, sort of, with a rudd around 4oz.
More skimmers and the odd carp continued and, right at the end, I did pick up a roach - all 6oz or so of it.
I'd enjoyed today, from a swim that Tim and I fished regularly but which, for reasons I can't quite pin down, never seems to contain the tench and barbel the lake holds. I mean it looks like it should, I guess the noisy neighbours of carp and the hordes of juvenile bream have the separation effect.
Next week and it's June and the glorious 16th on the horizon. That said, I think maybe a session on the old lake will be pencilled in - a chance of decent tench, bigger bream and, if the local advice was right, prawns and perch might be a real possibility.
Till then, cheers and tight lines.