Well, all my plans of sitting behind two rods today by way of a change from float fishing came to nothing.
I,ve aquired a pole and wanted to try it out before the season started as after that it could be months before another oppotunity presented itself, where too, well the crucian lake seemed as good as any so off I went.
Fishing down the margin with feeder pellets took about a half hour before my first bite--- one that I missed but the next one some minutes later came to the net In similar crucian fashion, twisting, turning, boring, the whole unique cru style of fight that never ends until its in the net.
A nice fish too, a pound and a half at least, maybe an ounce or two more but I didnt use the scales as by this time after using them last week a "guestimate" was sufficiant.
A quite ten minutes followed then off I went on a mini run of some five or six more similar fish, great fun too on the pole.
Then the problem started, the surface nearby was white over with the white cotton wool stuff that blows fron vegetation and gathers on the surface. The wind shifted just a little but enough for it to drift into my swim making it almost impossibe to get the bait (and shot ) thro it without it getting covered in the stuff.
Bites just stopped, and for the next three hours all I had was two short dips on the float that produced nothing.
Around four o clock the water cleared a little and bites started to materialise again and tho not as many or as strong as earlier I managed a total of eleven, all peas in a pod to look at but with the floating fluff returning again I was off earlier than planned to beat the rush of traffik nearer home.
A nice day all round, great fun.