How did you get on?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Personally wouldn't have credited the DOT with the organisational capabilities required to mount a conspiracy on that scale....:)

Or any other governmental department, come to that.

Jim Hacker for PM.....:)


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
As the world's news is all so good at the minute, I undertook my own stress relief course and......went fishing, but this time, with a difference.

A quick chat with Sam Vimes last season saw me pop into Ringwood and grab an 11ft Drennan Matchpro which, to be fair, I had used earlier this season but I did say to Sam that I had a particular favourite small river in mind and today, getting up extra early, I went for it, namely the River Blackwater on the Berks / Surrey / Hants border.

For those familiar with this most delightful little river, I originally thought about the length at Shepherd's Meadow but, on the journey, I couldn't deny myself my favourite stretch, Camberley to the Yorktown trading estate - which had given me some clonking chub and some mungster gudgeon.

The kit for today was the aforementioned rod, an Abu 1044 closed face with 3lb main, 1980s 2 x no. 4 Drennan mini stick to a 20 on 1 1/2lb trace

Travelling light with a ruckbag, landing net and a flask of coffee, I walked the length finding only one young lad fishing and stopping to chat for a minute I found he was catching but not hammering it.

Walking on, I found my favourite swim, which had previously thrown up chub to 4lb 2oz, empty and settled in on it. To describe the river here, it flows in maybe 18 feet wide, narrows to maybe 14ft or so and stays that way for six or seven yards before widening out again. The water pushes through with that fraction more power and, to be honest, it just screams fish. The topping on the cake is that there is an overhanging bush which, again, just must contain fish.

Whilst setting up with a off duty trading estate in front of me and only the odd learner driver for company, I noted my most favourite dance - the electric blue wiggle of the Kingfisher at surface height. It's beautiful, isn't it?

I soon found out I was surrounded by wrens, robins and a myriad of other birds, including a big, old grey heron, which I'm beginning to think follows me wherever I go.

Set up and two reds on my 20, I popped a no. 9 backshot on about 18" above the float and tossed it underarm into the current, about two feet from the far bank. Bait apron on and catty poised, a cup of reds followed up and I was completely happy with the run through. No bite on the first run but more loose in and on trot 4 - wallop.

A small roach, 4oz or so, the first of quite a few mingled with tiny chub, the odd dace and ta da!! Two gudgeon. It was after around two hours that the world went crazy. The float buried and something angry bored away and tried to drill for oil in the far bank. It had to be a Chunky Chevin, did it not?

And it was. Around two and a half pounds of it. The small fish reappeared along with a perch pushing circa 14oz or so.

Another chub around a pound and a half also followed and after a few more bits, something big, angry and mungsterishly unstoppable swam towards Camberley, taking my hook with it. This enigmatic little jewel of a river can throw up anything so could have been a carp, a barbel, anything.

Back set up, the bits continued and although nothing more worthy of note appeared, I had a thoroughly enjoyable day and an end result of probably around 12lbs.

A two hour drive home that just flew by and a session that I thoroughly enjoyed. Great to see the little jewel that is the Blackwater again and, even better, that the rod Sam recommended to me was every bit as good, as light and as responsive as he mentioned.

I arrived home with a spring in my step and a big mug of tea only added to the smile. The news from around the world was no better but I certainly felt a bit better for a good use of a nice day.

Take care, all - I'm out again, Monday. :)

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
An evening session on a small farm pond that I've fished two brief sessions on already this year. Previously, I've fished maggot and been hammered by bits. Razor blade skimmers and teeny roach and rudd with the odd gudgeon if the bait actually got to the bottom. This time, I restricted myself to corn and worms in the hope that something bigger might turn up.

Previous sessions have seen the very occasional slightly bigger specimen put in an appearance, but nothing of note. I have occasionally seen signs of bubbling and the odd swirl that suggests something bigger might lurk. On a less positive note, it's not a million miles from three rivers that our furry friends are prevalent. It's also not far from other stillwaters that have been badly affected by said furry critters. The fact that no one seems to be fishing doesn't bode well. It always was stuffed full of stunted bits, but there were a handful of decent carp and some bigger bream and the odd tench made it interesting.

I fed corn and fished corn over the top. After about an hour and a half of nothing, I got the worms out. This resulted in a few small roach, rudd and gonks. They only came if I chopped the worm or waited long enough for them to whittle it down. After about an hour of this tiddler bashing, I changed back to corn. This resulted in a rudd of about one whole ounce. Not long after, I managed a roach that was pushing the pound mark. A sight for sore eyes. Sadly, it wasn't the start of a run of better fish. I chopped between worm and corn for a few more bits until I decided enough was enough.

A quick chat with Sam Vimes last season saw me pop into Ringwood and grab an 11ft Drennan Matchpro which, to be fair, I had used earlier this season but I did say to Sam that I had a particular favourite small river in mind and today, getting up extra early, I went for it, namely the River Blackwater on the Berks / Surrey / Hants border.

A fairly comprehensive report and no mention of whether you like the rod or not! Should I be feeling guilty or have a faint glow of satisfaction?;) One thing I'm fairly sure of, it's not really a rod for tangling with real lumps.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
He did like the ' rod ' ..................He did say " Every bit as good as........he mentioned " so ' faint glow of satisfaction ' well earned !

Top rod in my book. One of the best I've used for still water roach fishing. I have hooked near double figure carp on it, BUT the landing of them more by luck than judgement....


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
An evening on the Wey with Big Dave for me.....hoping to lance the boil of not having had a barbel off the beat yet and in defiance of the road closure orcs at the DoT. M25 of a Saturday tea don't frighten me, I have a daughter !

Strolling down the river with BD we met an old mate of his who had just put a 9-14 ( honest man) barbel back. Most encouraging, surely we'd get a fish later. Settled in a top spot I felt extremely confident but knew nothing was likely to happen until the light started to go.

Bang on cue at about 9-30 the rod hooped over and I'm again attached to a very angry Wey barbel. And,once again, the bloody hook pulled out ! Something is not right....I just don't lose barbel to hook pulls but so far it's Wey Barbel 2 Skippy 0.

Lovely evening despite the disappointment and M25 safely negotiated both ways without hold up. I suppose I can't expect a decent journey AND a fish too.

Rig tying today. I need to change something as the Wey barbel are difficult enough as it is without putting them back prematurely.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset

I absolutely loved said rod, for small rivers I'd say it's likely the best I've ever owned.

Haven't tried it for roach fishing yet but, again, can't see why not and if the esteemed correspondent says it's that good then I would be taking it seriously.

As for a gentle glow? Naaaah, you should be glowing like Rotherham on Bonfire Night....

It's a winner, a real winner.........and thanks again. :)

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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A chap who went on a BS charity day last season on the kennet with me (managed one) called and asked if I would help him out on the Wye.

I took him on our Fish In section. A hot sunny day and the fish were very spread out.
On thursday we tackled a few easy swims and sport was steadish.
Just after 9am the first barbel hooked that managed to snag up after a terrific battle. All gear recovered but shame to lose the first Wye barbel for him.

However within half an hour the tip bounced again and a nice near 9lber graced the net.
Happy smiling picture of the first.

The day was steady with a late finish at 8.30pm after 7 more barbel and a dozen chub to around 4lb.

The next day I decided he needed some more challenging swims so it was mainly long range upstreaming, looping out 8 - 10 rod lengths of line after hitting bottom.

Amazing how some anglers are amazed that using just over 2oz of lead that you not only can hold bottom at 40 yards but also see every little touch on the tip.

Earlier finish with 7 barbel and a dozen chub again.

Whilst we fished the group of ten mandarin chicks, now as big as Mum suddenly scattered and a mink, only the second one I've seen here, appeared midstream.

Kingfishers worked along the bank all day and the odd buzzard lifted above the rolling hills. It's such a pleasure to be here even on a quiet day.

nb. No hook pulls on the D7 raptor hooks.....
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Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
I bent a size 6 D7 Raptor straight, trying to hold a freshly hooked and powerful common out of bankside alder roots. Up until that point I thought they were pretty much indestructible.


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Unless the hook is faulty they only ever bend out if the fish is foul hooked, unless they're a light thin wire type. It seem more common when barbel fishing than any other.

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.

I absolutely loved said rod, for small rivers I'd say it's likely the best I've ever owned.

That's a relief, making recommendations is great when everything works out. Here's another that might just offend Ultralight lovers. Don't automatically assume that the longer versions will be as good. I find that they get sloppier as they get longer. Getting into Acolyte territory doesn't help. If Drennan ever do an 11 foot Ultra, or the 17 that's rumoured, my wallet is in for a pasting.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
That's a relief, making recommendations is great when everything works out. Here's another that might just offend Ultralight lovers. Don't automatically assume that the longer versions will be as good. I find that they get sloppier as they get longer. Getting into Acolyte territory doesn't help. If Drennan ever do an 11 foot Ultra, or the 17 that's rumoured, my wallet is in for a pasting.

I am suitably is my 13 ft Ultralight which is quite the nicest "light" float rod I've ever owned. I'm sure the shorter versions are even sweeter but I've no call for such a rod.

In my experience most things get sloppier as they get longer.......or so I've heard anyway ;)


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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Deep in the Black Country
Back on the Avon today, first car on the car park so decided to yomp down to the weir stretch in the hope of some practise with our whiskered friends before next Saturday. It looked a little pacey but as I'd already got a float rod set up, seemed a shame not to give it a go. After an hour with three small Dace and a minute Chublett, I bit the bullet and put out a leger. Two hours later, one Bream that fell off the hook and a load of "bites" that were little more than twitches on the Prodigy made me think a more sensitive rod may be required here, (anyone got a Marksman Avon they don't need at the right price:wh)
Back to the stick, (why didn't I bring the 15'0 rod) had about twenty Roach, Perch and bl**dy Minnows best fish was a Roach about half pound. Went back on the leger for the last hour, tried pellet, worm, some boilies I'd picked up somewhere, and finally maggot, all for "Jack". If I don't catch on the float Saturday, looks like blanking:eek:mg:


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
anyone got a Marksman Avon they don't need at the right price:wh)

Just so happens there's a nice looking one on ebay at the moment :D
It's the 11ft 6inch version so the beefier model ;)

Just noticed there's a 11ft version also.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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Deep in the Black Country
In my experience most things get sloppier as they get longer.......

Speak for yourself S-Kip

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:52 ----------

It's the 11ft 6inch version so the beefier model

There were two from the same seller Friday night (11'0 & 11'6), computer went down as I tried to log in to ebay, you've reminded me to try again Ian :)

The Runner

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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Isle of Skye
Club match on our lake at Wraysbury which promptly did its seemingly inevitable match day switch off. Drew 29 on the Island, decent draw but prefer 27 or 28 as a bit deeper and blanket weed not generally as bad.
Had to go in for a swim before the off, needed to trim a few Norfolks out in the water so fitted weedcutter to long net handle. Pulled too hard on a particularly recalcitrant reed, top section popped out, reed sprang back and section torpedoed out into the lake so strip off time. Luckily got to it before it sank.
Anyway, excitement over and set up the normal two rods, method and cage feeder with longer hooklength. Also set up a waggler as its one of the few areas of the lake where you can usually rely on getting some smaller fish. Started on method but stringy bits of blanket weed everywhere, no sign of any action so out with cage feeder and chopped worm a bit shorter at 35 yards . Tip went slowly round first time but only a skimmer about 12 oz. Very little happening elsewhere apart from a carp each on 41 and 42 (the latter being the one everybody wanted)
Plenty of carp moving but no sign of them getting their heads down, had been feeding a waggler line about 3 rods out , gave it a go but not a sign despite the odd carp seemingly patrolling this line. Back on feeder, 2oz perch took the worm on the retrieve but nothing else.
Half time of the 6 hours, peg 42 now had three carp, saw a couple of blows on the waggler line so back over it and had a quick run of seven or eight roach about 4 oz each.Peg 28 on my left then had a tench on feeder quite close in but I decided to stay on the waggler for a bit as the roach activity might pull some better fish in. One more roach and then two tench in successive put ins, both about 3 -8. Waited 40 minutes for the next bite which was a better tench about 4-8. Stayed on it a bit longer but had the definite feeling I'd cleaned it out and seeing Rog on 42 in the far corner land a what looked a lump meant it was feeder time again, The Island swims generally throw up some big fish at range in the last couple of hours but not today. Had another 10 minute look on the wag towards the end but no.
The three tench went 11-14 and had 15-2 in total for second. Rog walked it with 7 carp for 35-12 including one of 13 lb on a dog biscuit which is the only fish any of us can recall being caught off the top in a match here.
Two carp for 8-5 was third ,then 6-6, then a whole string of people with single fish, and four or five blanks.
Really thought given the conditions that someone might frame with eels. There's plenty in there averaging about 2 lb and at least three people on the deep bank today had a good go for them when they saw how hard it was going to be. Only two eels caught though.


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Speak for yourself S-Kip

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:52 ----------

There were two from the same seller Friday night (11'0 & 11'6), computer went down as I tried to log in to ebay, you've reminded me to try again Ian :)

To be honest it souns like you'd be better off with a quiver tip, the tips on those avons arn't that sensitive.
The barbel version Skippy got not long ago has the best of both worlds, maybe the chap Skippy got his from has one left.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Headed off down the M25 at 6:50am this morning en route to Reading. Signs were displaying the usual Queue after junction warning. Queue? Closed both flipping ways more like!

Delayed for half an hour before joining the M4 so a quick call to the club match secretary and the draw was put forward 30 mins. A new venue for most of us which was a long thin gravel pit, gin clear and weedy.

Sat it out on the tip in open water for the alleged tench and bream, not a touch!
3m whip and maggot shallow caught me plenty of blade roach and Rudd which seemed to come and go every 10 minutes. 4hours in and 2 to go I contemplated going home. One more try on the feeder and worm but still nada!
The sun was now beating down on my swim and it went totally dead.

1:14 of bits:eek:mg: Gruelling trip back on the M4 which ground to a halt at Slough. .M25 not too bad and home at 6:30 absolutely cream crackered, gear put away and a fridge full of cold lager to attend to....

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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I fish a hair that finishes just below the bend.

Reason is that if they mouth the bait they have the hook inside also.

Whats most important is to use a hook size that just extends the point beyond the bait used.

I can honestly say I probably get 1 hook pull per 80-100 barbel.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Speak for yourself S-Kip

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:52 ----------

There were two from the same seller Friday night (11'0 & 11'6), computer went down as I tried to log in to ebay, you've reminded me to try again Ian :)

Clear off....I'm having that one !