As the world's news is all so good at the minute, I undertook my own stress relief course and......went fishing, but this time, with a difference.
A quick chat with Sam Vimes last season saw me pop into Ringwood and grab an 11ft Drennan Matchpro which, to be fair, I had used earlier this season but I did say to Sam that I had a particular favourite small river in mind and today, getting up extra early, I went for it, namely the River Blackwater on the Berks / Surrey / Hants border.
For those familiar with this most delightful little river, I originally thought about the length at Shepherd's Meadow but, on the journey, I couldn't deny myself my favourite stretch, Camberley to the Yorktown trading estate - which had given me some clonking chub and some mungster gudgeon.
The kit for today was the aforementioned rod, an Abu 1044 closed face with 3lb main, 1980s 2 x no. 4 Drennan mini stick to a 20 on 1 1/2lb trace
Travelling light with a ruckbag, landing net and a flask of coffee, I walked the length finding only one young lad fishing and stopping to chat for a minute I found he was catching but not hammering it.
Walking on, I found my favourite swim, which had previously thrown up chub to 4lb 2oz, empty and settled in on it. To describe the river here, it flows in maybe 18 feet wide, narrows to maybe 14ft or so and stays that way for six or seven yards before widening out again. The water pushes through with that fraction more power and, to be honest, it just screams fish. The topping on the cake is that there is an overhanging bush which, again, just must contain fish.
Whilst setting up with a off duty trading estate in front of me and only the odd learner driver for company, I noted my most favourite dance - the electric blue wiggle of the Kingfisher at surface height. It's beautiful, isn't it?
I soon found out I was surrounded by wrens, robins and a myriad of other birds, including a big, old grey heron, which I'm beginning to think follows me wherever I go.
Set up and two reds on my 20, I popped a no. 9 backshot on about 18" above the float and tossed it underarm into the current, about two feet from the far bank. Bait apron on and catty poised, a cup of reds followed up and I was completely happy with the run through. No bite on the first run but more loose in and on trot 4 - wallop.
A small roach, 4oz or so, the first of quite a few mingled with tiny chub, the odd dace and ta da!! Two gudgeon. It was after around two hours that the world went crazy. The float buried and something angry bored away and tried to drill for oil in the far bank. It had to be a Chunky Chevin, did it not?
And it was. Around two and a half pounds of it. The small fish reappeared along with a perch pushing circa 14oz or so.
Another chub around a pound and a half also followed and after a few more bits, something big, angry and mungsterishly unstoppable swam towards Camberley, taking my hook with it. This enigmatic little jewel of a river can throw up anything so could have been a carp, a barbel, anything.
Back set up, the bits continued and although nothing more worthy of note appeared, I had a thoroughly enjoyable day and an end result of probably around 12lbs.
A two hour drive home that just flew by and a session that I thoroughly enjoyed. Great to see the little jewel that is the Blackwater again and, even better, that the rod Sam recommended to me was every bit as good, as light and as responsive as he mentioned.
I arrived home with a spring in my step and a big mug of tea only added to the smile. The news from around the world was no better but I certainly felt a bit better for a good use of a nice day.
Take care, all - I'm out again, Monday.