If you think all is plain sailing in Binka’s world of super organised, OCD tackle and meticulous planning then try this one for size…
I was in the garage at around seven o’clock this morning and, whilst getting my gear together, I decided to top up my shot dispenser with SSG’s.
All was going well until I dropped the damned dispenser on the floor which kind of had an exploding effect which sent seven different sizes of shot all over the floor, most of which ended up under my bait freezer!
Not to worry, just sweep the whole lot up and pour into a tub to sort out after the session and I was back on track… At least until I arrived at the river around an hour later.
Nice swim, chair set up, bait laid out, unzip the rod tubes and…
No bloody rods!
I’d put the tubes on the quiver and not put the rods in ‘em!
Disbelief eventually gave way to reluctant reality and I was back on the river some time later with some sixty miles covered without wetting a line.
I’m not really sure if I settled down after that, especially as I went to grab a sandwich around mid-afternoon and realised they were still in the fridge at home which meant I had technically forgotten them twice but I did manage to bag a few small chub and perch on the float-feeder which I haven’t fished in years but which seemed to offer a solution to the swim I had chosen.
This was on the back of yesterday where nothing really special was to note other than two pike of around six and seven pounds were landed, the smallest on trotted double red maggot to a size eighteen and the slightly bigger one to trotted worm on a 14 and both of which were hooked right on the end of the snout.
I did note eight species from minnow to pike which felt kind of peculiar on trotting gear but the marvel of the whole weekend was this little fella who demonstrated perfectly the contrast in colours which nature provides to blend into their own specific habitat and such a contrast from his stillwater brothers…
Here’s to the heatwave, make sure you keep well hydrated… :w :w :w