How did you get on?

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Chubby (Ian) came to stay.
The chap who made the GPE special Torrix that he badged and indv numbered and marketed.
His Company, Custom Fishing Rods, made fantastic rods but unfortunately he has been very ill and had to shut up shop for a year. A real artist.

Anyway, we perch fished on the Wye with him managing a couple of fish on bleak. Both missing quite a few of lightning fast slide aways and drops. No idea of the culprits but I suspect chub.
Maybe shad?
Next day barbel. With Chubby managing 11 hard fighting fish from a swim I suggested. The swim was a famous one recently frequented by a well known eel catcher and tackle haulage specialist. ( answers on a postcard?)

Now it rained, but this was no ordinary rain, it made one ordinary soul race for the hills, or hill in his case. Drenched to the skin.
Chubby fished on.

A hot cornish pasty with baked beans and a pint of Tanglefoot ended the day.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Next day barbel. With Chubby managing 11 hard fighting fish from a swim I suggested. The swim was a famous one recently frequented by a well known eel catcher and tackle haulage specialist. ( answers on a postcard?)


Rub it in why don't you ! I shall be coming down again to put matters right.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Chubby had another Wye day in a dfferent swim.

He managed 9 barbel and a dozen chub. The chub were of a good size with some over 4lb.

Still barbelled out, I had a day off.

Lots of relatives visiting next few weeks so fishing limited. Afterwards may have a few Severn trips as its doing well at the moment. Might even collect a few of the 3-6oz roach and rudd from the local overpopulated pond nearby and try for my first zander on the Severn whilst barbel hunting.

It's been doing fish to near 20lb lately.


I would rather have sat this report out but fair’s fair, you get the bad with the good.

I was all kitted up and ready to go along with the usual night before anticipation but upon arriving at the river early this morning it just didn’t spark, and neither did I.

I must admit to having been taken a bit by surprise as I didn’t expect so much extra water and it made the 15’ swim I was fishing for perch nigh on impossible seeing as I’d forgotten (again!) to take the slider float that I had made especially.

I caught plenty of livebaits though!

I moved around twice but my heart really wasn’t in it and by the end of the day I sat in the drizzle with my unhooking mat slumped over my head as I couldn’t even be bothered to put the brolly up.

Not like me at all.


On the positive side I still have a kilo of worms and a dry day forecast beyond tomorrow…


peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
We all have those days now and again Steve.
But, forgetting that float twice:eek:mg:
Almost a gong but I'll relent.
Don't want to add insult to injury in this case......


We all have those days now and again Steve.
But, forgetting that float twice:eek:mg:
Almost a gong but I'll relent.
Don't want to add insult to injury in this case......

Oh go on, kick a man whilst he's down... :D

I wouldn't mind if it was some sort of run of the mill float but a personal concoption which I've been looking forward to trying out, well...

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Another flog round the 25 and another failed assault on the increasingly challenging Wey barbel. Goodness knows what a truly hard river must be like !

I had a good spot with recent form, good bait and good gear. I'm used to waiting so I wasn't expecting much to happen until later.....only nothing happened later either. An hour into dark and finally the rod hammered much so that I thought it was going in but it was a supremely disappointing Chub. Not even a big one either.....would have been lucky to make 2lb. Big Dave did even worse than me with nowt but a savage liner all evening.

High point of the session was watching Mr Bean in one of the houses opposite and downstream trying to get the pump on his lawn sprinkler going. He did eventually......but he was looking straight down the business end when he did. Wet doesn't really get close.....I've fallen in and been dryer !

The Wey is starting to get really tedious. I may have to admit defeat and move on. That said the river is desperately low and looks stewed. We need some rain.
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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Club trophy match today at Lakeside fishery in S.Beds. A medium sized lake with a large central island. The draw bag was kind to me this time and I had an island chuck.

A mixed fishery with good roach, skimmers and a few large carp 5 to 20lb range.
By no means a commercial...
We fished two halves with a weigh in halfway. 9am to 1pm I had 1 carp (6lb) and 6 decent skimmers for 14lb 8.
All on the method with groundbait and yellow bandum. At this point I was winning the lake and happy with that...
2pm we fished the second half and within an hour I had 2 carp and 4 skimmers for 19lb. Again, all on the same method feeder.
Came 2nd with 33lb8oz...
Winner ( goaty ) had 8 carp from the margins on the on the short pole all in the 2nd half for 63lb...
20 fished...:)
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Well started the day reasonably early .

On the pool by 08:30 ( it is a holiday after all) enjoyed the 45 mins then the gate opens and in march the 3 stooges they head off to the far side of the pool phew close one i thought and settled back into fishing then bang on goes the bloody RADIO , Now if youy want to seriously P**S old maggot off turn a darn broadcast radio on thats it i'm on the boil hate them with a passion .

Anyhow nuff of that packed up headed home cuppa then back out round the corner on the cut , Fished light took the pin a fly rod a few floats hooks ect the essentials ( took a fly rod because i do not have a suitable 8 to 9 foot rod at the moment .

Anyhow still getting used to the pin but loving it nowt first 3 casts then the roach started to flow had 30 roach to about 8 oz each on nice Rudd about the same size and a couple of bream so all in all quite pleased will be doing the cut again tomorrow hoping for more of the same BIG bonus no dang RADIOS .

PG ...


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset

Thanks so much for all the feedback on bait aprons.

Sam, the Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce will no doubt honour you as I'll be ringing Halkon Hunt first thing Tuesday. I already have the Daiwa but it still doesn't feel, quality wise, like the examples of old.

Thanks again, much appreciated. :)


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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OK,first match in 4 weeks today ,open on Top pool at TBF,drew great peg 31,in the Bowl,,had a quiet first couple of hours with 10 f1,s,on the top kit + 1 and pellet,then went long to he island,a couple more F1,s,and loads of iffy i took the gamble and started throwing maggots at 6m,to fish up and down.
First to move in were the ide,at 12oz a piece ,they are good weight builders,so i caught as many as i could,until the F1,s moved in,in the last hour,it was a fish a chuck then,i shallowed up to 6 inches,and they were taking it just under the surface..I weighed in 93-8-0 for the win:D,quite pleased ,considering how rusty i was;)..2ND was John Johnson ,from peg 33(flyer),with 70lb odd,and Legend Pete Hancox was 3rd with 53lb.....Back there tomorrow for tues open on House and Extension pools,hopefully another good draw:D:Dtight lines ,Gazza


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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My friend and I tried a new bit of river Friday, trotting with maggots. Plenty of Dace to about 10 inches turned up, a few trout of mixed sizes and a couple of small grayling. We then hit the jackpot in what will now be known as the "chub swim".
We had about 10 in half an hour with nothing under about 1.5lb, and the best fish around 4.
Plenty in the 2 to 2.5 lb area. They all went really well, thudding about and not wanting to budge.
Best fish caught by my friend, took him about 5 minutes to get it in, he does use a pin, mind:wh


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Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Out on the River Wreake for a change from fishing the reservoir : cool but pleasant strolling across the field,rounded a hawthorn bush to be confronted with a Highland cow looking just as surprised as me - more inquisitive than threatening luckily - settled down to drift worms under a float in the back eddy of a deep pool - nothing,the level still settling after Saturdays massive thunderstorms.
Changed to legered bread & missed the first bite but eventually ended up with a chub of 3lb,four chublets and a 12oz roach. No bites either on sweetcorn & luncheon meat ,bread was the best bait this morning.
Had kingfishers darting up & down,trying to perch on the rod,two white egrets patrolling the faster shallows & my presence deterred two bloody cormorants from landing on the river.