As the weather here was grey but not wet and not outlandishly cold, I opted for a prawn based attack at the local commercial. I popped into the tackle shop for a can of corn - and came away with a Maver trolley for the seatbox, a huge self service helping of Skretting pellets and, of all things, a Korum Method Feeder reel. God knows why, I didn't need said reel but it seemed quality at a bargain price....
I opted to fish with a Grays 1lb Specimen rod, Preston PXR 4000 with 8lb Maxima to a Drennan Driftbeater carrying 2.5AAA and a 14 to 6.6lb trace.
I also had a pole but just felt like using the rod as it seems, unless I'm on a river, it's all pole nowadays.
It's definitely slowed up into Autumn as it took 45 minutes for the first knock, which may have been a liner, but brought nothing.
I finished the day with a bag of ten carp, nothing startling, from one and a half to about eight pounds, a roach around 9oz, a skimmer around 12oz and, a little surprisingly for me at least, a tench around the pound mark.
On arriving home and wiping down the rod and reel, after a discussion with er indoors, I sourced Christmas Day dinner locally at a local hostelry that has a beer guest list that resembles the acting credits on The Longest Day and booked a table. The plan is that a grief ridden shopping trip for the various dinner ingredients can be avoided and Christmas Eve can be spent rod in hand somewhere, conditions allowing.
Anyway, until the next time, adieu. As I say, I hope the conditions hold as I'm gagging to get on the river. Take care, all.

---------- Post added at 17:49 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------
Thanks Phil, both wise and kind words indeed
Rest assured I will be back and breaking things before you know it
Of that, mon ami, I have no doubt