How did you get on?


Aug 31, 2014
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A whole hour today on the GUC.
Very relaxed fishing, just sitting there casting weakly, and having chat.
"Can you get the net mate" made my friend stand up, as we both lazily watched the rod tip bouncing away under our feet. I didn't bother to stand up...nice to be relaxed for a change:roll eyes:

Is that a real perch or a porcelain piece?

Stunning and a great use of editing.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Hello there,first match for 2 weeks,due to work:(..TBF,Canal pool,peg 22,only fished this peg once,4 weeks ago,which resulted in a win,but today would be a different kettle of fish,with the lower temperatures..
I basically fished the whole match,at 2+1,just moving from side to side,a few inches at a time ,to keep in touch with the fish....ive fished a 4x14 malman F1 titan float ,with a strung bulk of no 9,s,and an 18 tubertini 808 hook....kindered 3-6 micro pellets each put in,and fished 2mm and 4mm expander pellets,sarted well,then slowed up,but ive not swapped and changed,which may have worked,it may not;)Ive ended up with 37 F1,s,and 3 mirrors,which went 82-10-0,just out of the frame,but lost probably 10--15lb of fish,through hook pulls....Peg 3 won,Tom Hardy,with 92lb,2nd was Phil Moore(Rugeley Miners),with 90lb from peg 1,and John Johnson was 3rd with 86lb,from peg 9,my mate Bad H,was a place behind me with 82-4-0,so it was a close match....Tomorrow,is the Fur and Feather match,over House,Extension,New,and Top pools,a very big turnout expected:DTight lines,Gazza:D


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
A couple of hours at the roach pool is never wasted, so with a dry evening forecast I sallied forth. Despite the sunshine it was a topcoat colder and it showed, with few signs of life apart from the odd flip from bait-sized roach.

Fished a drop-off, just dribbling the maggots in, with a big lobby as bait. Bites were few, so it peed me off a little when I bumped the first couple of perch off. It went quiet after that and a move was considered, until the float buried again. A much harder strike and a decent perch that stayed on this time and looked an easy two but was a bit hollow and only took the scales to 1.10.
Apart from another perch that could have been the offspring of the first, that was that. No pics, I'm afraid, left the phone on me desk.:eek:mg:

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Got bored at home this afternoon so I chucked a few bits in the car and 10 minutes later I was here on my local GUC .....

Chucked a nice weedless rubber shad that Neil1970 gave me a few months ago....

Lost it first chuck:eek:mg:

Re-rigged a favourite me Mepps spinner with beads and red wool round the treble and farking lost that too.

blanked within 5 minutes and it started to rain...

Went to the pub for a few.....
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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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With a couple of handfuls of flouro pinkies still in good shape from last week I finally had a couple of hours fun at the spot I have been inexpertly prebaiting. I had some roach from there a short while back, but everytime i've been back since the flow has not been there so i chose to fish elsewhere. Each visit got a few handfuls of bread and hemp so I was hopeful a few roach would be in residence. A few were. Not many it seems. A longer session after a little more rain might draw some bigger ones. Had 3 networthy roach as it got dark so here's hoping.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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Deep in the Black Country
Chucked a nice weedless rubber shad that Neil1970 gave me a few months ago....

Lost it first chuck

Re-rigged a favourite me Mepps spinner with beads and red wool round the treble and farking lost that too.

blanked within 5 minutes and it started to rain...

You must have been close to giving yourself an award Simon ;)


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Popped out Monday to the little Gade which was carrying a bit of flow and looked perfect. Seemed like the last day of summer in the sun but the leaves raining down on me from the adjacent tree hinted that Autumn was well and truly here.

Working my way downstream catching a mix of roach, perch and mainly dace it was one of those 'nice in the sun/chilly in the wind' kind of days with the breeze whipping across the moor meaning some choppy spots were best left alone. It did however offer the perfect upstreamer for trotting and it felt good to have the lighter line on again with the bigger dace putting in a good thump in the faster water. A couple of lovely roach pushing a pound really capped a wonderful couple of hours fishing, where passers by were few and far between. Just me and a herd of cows for company.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Annual "fur and feather" at TBF today ,52 on it ,so 13 anglers on each pool,House,Top,New,Extension....New peg 1,was my spot for the day,a big peg with good form,but the wind howling into it wasnt going to help.
Ive fished pellet on 2+1 over the lillies to my right 2+1,to my left,and top kit in front,caught Small mirrors,commons,f1,s and skimmers,to finish with 66-3-0,good enough for 3rd,but in truth,ive lost so many foulhookers,ive shot myself in the foot:mad:John Merchant won from peg 19,with 80-0-0,and John Johnson just pipped me to 2nd with 66-4-0,Pete Hancox was 4th with 60-0-0.....Overall Alan Lines won with 94-0-0 from top 31,Steve Johnson was 2nd with 82-0-0,from extension 9,and Wayne Sweetman was 3rd,from extension 19,with 80-0-0..........I think my weight put me about 7th overall:(Tight lines,Gazza:D:D:D


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Big tides had me up n off early today but the A1 was a little tedious.on the bank I was a little miffed to find my swim of choice was hampered by anglers opposite so looked upstream and found an aquintance packing his gear away, and I thought I was early!.
He had taken a nice barbel just after dawn but sadly had to get home so I decided to jump in his vacant swim thinking that a new tide here is always a new day.
I like to chat, especially with anglers who know their stuff and before I realised it the little finger on my watch was almost at eleven--- amazing how time flies-- so eventually being geared up I was just sttling in my chair at 11-45-- just as the river was starting to rise, and rise it did-- almost four feet in the next two hours when I had three really big raps on my hair rigged luncheon meat that came over a tennminute period without connecting.
I'm always confident of a fish an hour after the tide begins to run off so just before it was due to ebb I recast both my rods to ensure they were both positioned ok and ready for a long wait before the next.
I had a change with the luncheon meat at this point and made a cocktail of the meat by adding a couple of big garden worms on the hook -- a good ruse as almost an hour after casting the rod bent and the baitrunner was purring.
A hard struggle and some minutes later a barbel that went exactly 13lb on the scales went in the net----- result!!!.
Around four pm the pellet rod did the same and another nice barbel not quite double (9-13) went into the net.
A good day, the big tides last untill the weekend--- roll on thursday !.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
A fish like that is top of my list of wants ........ apart from Ms Portman when Peter is exhausted:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2015
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The Colonel (long retired and my fishing partner of 35 years) and I often have guests who wish to fish but require a loan of tackle. also there are some venues where you do not want to take your best rods. So, persuaded by recent "value for money" threads on this forum we opted for a bunch of Shakespeare rods, viz. an Agility barbel 12 footer, an Agility Specimen 12 footer, a Sigma 10 ft Specialist rod, and for the Colonel's first foray into feeder fishing he chose a Sigma wand of 10feet.

It is not easy to get stuff shipped from the UK to Bangladesh but rods did arrive in unbroken state at the beginning of the weekend so we whistled off to the lake to test them out.

The Sigma Specialist has a screw in tip ring so, again inspired by a recent thread, I had dug out a couple of swing tips bought thirty years ago. I set up a swing tip on the Specialist with a 45 gram free running flatbed feeder. The Colonel went with a running lead on his Wand.

When the swing tip rose and held the adrenaline rush saw me striking hard having completely forgotten that the reel was in the baitrunner mode. The result was a massive overrun at the reel. I quietly sorted this out only to find the line wrapped around the swingtip. A largish fish, which had somehow stayed hooked and quiet until then, shot off neatly snapping the line and wrenching off the swingtip leaving the screw stub still screwed into the rod tip. The Colonel nearly fell into the lake laughing. He then proceeded to do exactly the same thing when his tip went round creating a huge jam at the butt ring and snapping off from there! Blithering numpties!:eek:mg:

The running rigs will have come off but I hope the long lengths of line will not tether the fish before they shed the hooks. Mandan will keep his eye out.

I exchanged my rod for the Agility Barbel using the quivertip. The Colonel carried on as before. In no time he was attached to what was obviously a large fish which kept circling around the rod tip hugging the bottom, hooping the little Wand into a half circle in the process. It eventually revealed itself to be a grass carp of 12 Kgs (26lbs 7 ozs.)


Mandan with 12 Kg Grass Carp

I couldn't let him get away with that so whacked out a 13.5 Kg (29 lbs. 12 ozs.) specimen half an hour later on the Agility Barbel.


13.5 kg Grass Carp

Bait was a hair rigged cube of chicken luncheon meat. The Colonel had bread paste laced with ants eggs wrapped around a hair rigged bead.

There are only about six grassies in the lake and we have had three out in the last couple of outings!

All the best


peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Glad to see it all ended well with those lumpy grassies but,

I feel compelled to award you and the colonel a Crabtree bad angling award each for your earlier balls ups..


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2015
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Received with bowed head and bended knee. I will tell the Colonel to report to the quarterguard!

All the best



Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Glad to see it all ended well with those lumpy grassies but,

I feel compelled to award you and the colonel a Crabtree bad angling award each for your earlier balls ups..

Anyone who goes fishing with someone called 'The Colonel'sure deserves a Crabtree mention of some sort - great stuff !


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
I went out for a couple of hours today, and managed to put another 2oz on my meagre Pike pb. 10lb 2oz. Really spirited but short fight!



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Great photos Neil and a beautiful fish. Another type of fishing to contemplate as winter approaches. A few of my waters have pike apparently!

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Piking on the reservoir this morning - 3 deadbait rods sorted so to spinning - not a touch,last Saturday spinning saved a blank with a perch 0f 8oz first cast on a silver Mepps followed by by 3 pike on an orange Shad Rap but today, zilch.Eventually had a run whilst trying to disentangle my spinning line from yards & yards of lost line.A pike of 8lb 4oz was the culprit and one free swimfeeder when I had pulled all the line in.Beautiful though in the sunshine,hornets still active around what seems to be a favourite ash tree.Picked another pound of sloes to go in the gin.