The warm weather and extra water kicked the planned pike trip into touch in favour of a chub/ barbel trip trentside.
Bait was steak n mince on one rod and lob on the other.
First put in with the steak produced a good wrap inside the first half hour.
Leaning into the bite I felt a fish before things went solid.
One last heave before maybe pulling for a break had the fish come free resulting in superb looking bream. Sadly one more wrapround on the lobworm produced nothing but thin air, lovely day for it with the levels falling and a nice colour, the tidal section downstream looked even better and to be honest I would rather have stik floated there than where I ended up but maybe next time.
Oh, the Bream taking steak was a first for me, must try it again.
windows 7 print screen
You can see the steak in the breams mouth.